Franz had already expected that the US government would kill the donkey, but he was somewhat powerless. Theoretically speaking, the Austrian Empire can take advantage of the opportunity to do many things, but the reality is that it is unrealistic to carry out micro-management across the Atlantic Ocean.

At the same time, due to the existence of the Nevada Desert, it is unrealistic for Franz to attract traffic on a macro scale. After all, this journey is too difficult.

But Franz still underestimated the charm of gold and the misery experienced by those American "retired" veterans.

The intelligence agents he sent simply spread some rumors about California gold, coupled with some recruitment notices from the O-M United Development Company, which had already driven many desperate American veterans into madness.

And some Austrian agents pretended to be "snakeheads", which made those Americans regard them as saviors.

A smuggler is a person who specializes in organizing illegal immigration and making money from it. Relative to the word "human snake".

"Human snake" refers specifically to people who sneak into foreign countries. They do not dare to go through normal channels, but only dare to move along rugged mountain roads, or under the cover of darkness, so they are called human snakes.

In fact, the journey to California is very dangerous, because in order to prevent American infiltration tactics, Austria once raised a large number of bounty hunters and headhunters.

As O\u0026M grew, legal California citizenship became increasingly difficult to obtain.

Therefore, in the eyes of Californians at this time, those stowaways were not human beings but moving money. However, hunting stowaways was not the only way to obtain legal citizenship.

In fact, California's system was designed by Franz himself, so it's just a matter of time that there are many roads.

However, they don't dare to kill anyone. For example, when they meet a team led by Austrian agents, they will be as friendly as possible. After all, the former rely on absolute violence to gain a foothold in this wild west.

Therefore, Americans who arrive in California have two completely opposite attitudes when writing letters to relatives and friends back home.

One is that California is simply a paradise on earth. Although the journey is difficult, the people on the road are very friendly, and there are some stations where you can get supplies at very low prices.

The other feels that this place is simply a hell on earth, with harsh and harsh deserts, poisonous insects and beasts that often appear, and even "cannibals" and bounty hunters.

Although the reputation is not very good, there are still many people who are willing to take risks, but this kind of "spontaneous" small-scale immigration cannot attract the attention of the US government.

In fact, the United States at this time has indeed been actively attracting immigrants, but what they want are high-quality craftsmen, scholars, engineers, bankers and the like, not rough guys who don't know anything.

And the people who want to go to California to fight for a future happen to be the old roughnecks who are not favored by others, so not only the US government but also the mainstream public opinion does not discuss these matters.

Although California has undergone almost earth-shaking changes in recent years, it is still a poor place in Friedrich's eyes.

In order to prevent his arrogant brother from offending the entire upper class in California, Archduke Carl Ferdinand took him directly to his estate.

But in fact, Archduke Ferdinand was overly worried, because no one dared to be dissatisfied no matter how rampant Archduke Friedrich was.

Archduke Carl Ferdinand's thunderous methods had previously shocked those people. When he saw the main force of the Austrian Imperial Navy, what he felt was not only shock, but despair born when the strength difference reached a certain level.

Because these two brothers can really kill all the factions in the California area, and those giant ships and cannons are completely beyond the latter's imagination.

This is partly due to Franz's selection and design of the colors of the military uniforms. The uniforms of the Austrian Marine Corps are different from the army's dark gray, but use an older black and white color scheme.

White military uniforms have always been an Austrian tradition, but due to the decline in national strength during the empire, white cloth could not be purchased. It was also considered a part of the Austrian Empire's military technological progress.

The military firmly claimed that dark gray military uniforms were more conducive to concealment, but in fact the mainstream tactics of both sides at that time were still lining up to shoot and adding skirmishers.

In fact, according to Austrian tradition, the trousers of the German regiment are white, and the trousers of the Hungarian regiment are blue.

However, in order to reflect the inclusiveness of the Austrian Empire at this time, the color of the pants was uniformly black.

Although Franz doesn't know much about fashion design, he knows that black and white are timeless classics.

In fact, the combination of black and white tones is very coordinated and not monotonous. It can not only show a simple yet elegant beauty, but can even give people a mysterious and unique feeling.

Although animals with black and white colors are unusual, such as pandas, penguins, huskies, and killer whales in the ocean, people with black and white colors often give people the feeling of thugs in suits.

Killer whales have a high IQ, but that doesn’t mean they are normal. They have to do a lot of things like jacking turtles, photographing seals, and catching birds. Especially for a “fish” who can catch birds, it’s simply not his job!

Back to the main story, because Franz invited many "masters" to design Austrian military uniforms, they were particularly beautiful in terms of aesthetics.

But when thousands of people move in unison, it gives people not only a sense of beauty, but also a breathtaking momentum.

Don't worry about whether you can fight or not, but you have already won in terms of momentum.

The only drawback is that the M42 helmets on the heads of the soldiers and the yellow rubber shoes on their feet look a bit ridiculous, especially the "pot helmets" that can be used as rice cookers by wearing iron wire, which makes people feel a bit funny.

The yellow rubber shoes on the feet made those North American "country bumpkins" very curious. After all, they had never seen rubber shoes before.

This is not because vulcanized rubber technology is difficult to master, but because Austria controls more than 95% of the world's rubber trade at this time.

In short, the Austrian Imperial Navy's first appearance in California was very successful.

"Friedrich, you are the Marshal of the Empire after all. Why are you still so arrogant?"

"Ferdinand, it's not like you to be so weak."

The conversation between the two brothers after they met was not harmonious, because their personalities were exactly opposite. Friedrich was very flamboyant, while Ferdinand was the calmest of the brothers.

That's why Franz chose the latter to come to California as a governor. After all, Sun Ce's young, frivolous and unprepared character is not suitable for this kind of murderous Western world.

Similarly, if the Austrian Imperial Navy wants to survive in the cracks and carve out its own world, in addition to the accumulation of technology and materials, it also needs a commander who dares to fight and fight.

Ferdinand: "With all this mobilization of troops, is there gold on that Hawaiian island?"

Friedrich: "Are you crazy about mining? Do you think gold is like an apple in the ground? Can it grow if you plant it?"

(Austrians call potatoes apples of the field.)

As an older brother, it was really unpleasant to be criticized like this by his younger brother. However, Ferdinand did not have the majesty of his elder brother Albrecht, so he could only continue to complain.

"Which genius came up with the plan? What if your fleet is overturned by a wave? Isn't the empire's investment for so many years in vain?"

Ferdinand's ignorance of navigation also annoyed Friedrich. In fact, larger ships during this period were relatively difficult to sink.

In particular, the performance of warships in all aspects far exceeds that of cargo ships. There are many battleships that have sunk in storms in history, but very few of them exceed 2,000 tons.

This time Friedrich brought all big ships with over 4,000 tons. These "iron-sheet" ships were not only sturdier than previous ships, but also more powerful. As long as they were operated properly, it was difficult to capsize.

"Our future emperor, I think he is a genius, what do you think?"

There was a strong smell of gunpowder in Friedrich's words, especially his arrogant attitude. In addition, what do you think? This sentence simply made Archduke Ferdinand very angry.

But the fact that Franz was the future emperor had already been decided within the royal family. He didn't want to bet on whether Friedrich, an unlucky boy, would make a fuss about what he said, so he had no choice but to say.

"But what does this genius want to do? I heard that Hawaii is the territory of the British. Do you want to go to war?"

"That's not true." Friedrich replied calmly. "He wants me to help people seek justice, and rent a dock or something."

"Then it's not like we have to mobilize so many troops."

"Are you prepared? What if a wave capsizes the boat like you said?"

Friedrich continued to speak in a sinister manner, which made Ferdinand even more unhappy. After all, the latter was the one who spoke the truth in California.

"Oh! You annoying dwarf! Can't you speak normally?"

"I'm getting married."

"Who are you lying to? You guys have never even touched a woman. Do you want to marry your boat?"

"Damn it! You just married a boat. I have a fiancée who is on my boat."

"Oh! No! Is there a woman in that dirty, smelly cabin? She must be a witch who likes to eat frog legs and bat wings!"

"Your wife is the witch who likes to eat frog legs and bat wings! The deck of my ship is so bright that it can be used as a mirror! And my wife is the princess of the Oman Empire!"

"Princess? Aman? Isn't that a Tianfang religious country? Will my father and family agree?"

"What's the objection? Have you forgotten that your mother is also a pagan? And how can anyone object to something that is beneficial to the family?"

"Mother is a heretic, not a heretic!" Archduke Ferdinand corrected.

In fact, marriage is not unfamiliar to members of the Habsburg family. After all, the family motto is "Let others fight. You, lucky Austria, get married! What the God of War can bestow on you, the God of Love." I can also give it to you.”

At this time, Archduke Ferdinand was conjuring up the image of the Tianfang Princess, but this image was not a positive one. After all, Austria and the Arab world had been enemies for decades, and that stereotype was lingering.

Soon the image of an Arab wrapped in white cloth and covered with black gauze, holding a scimitar in one hand and poison in the other while chanting strange scriptures appeared in his mind.

Then Archduke Ferdinand patted his brother on the shoulder, and said in a meaningful tone.

"Thank you so much for sacrificing so much for your family and empire."

"It's not hard." At this time, Friedrich smelled a special fragrance and said, "Huh? She seems to be following here, and she won't let you see her?"

"Sneka! Come in!"

Archduke Ferdinand was shocked when he heard this. He immediately reached for the pistol at his waist, ready to fight against any "monster" that might appear at any time.

But no monster appeared, only a woman in luxurious clothes slowly walked over, and the gold and silver ornaments used for makeup made a pleasant sound.

At first glance, one cannot believe that she comes from a desert country with her clean and fair skin, and her face is a combination of exquisiteness unique to Easterners.

There was no scimitar and no mask, which made Ferdinand very confused. Afterwards, Princess Sineka greeted the former in fluent French, and Ferdinand responded with an awkward smile.

"Is she Arab? Why doesn't she look like her?"

Ferdinand whispered to his brother, who was also embarrassed.

"She has Dutch, Portuguese, and Italian ancestry, and maybe some Eastern European ancestry."

"Then is she a real princess?"

Archduke Ferdinand's doubts are actually normal, because in Europe there is a problem of intermarriage between nobles and common people. If one parent is not a noble, or has a relatively low status, the children cannot obtain the corresponding status.

Especially for the royal family, the purity of bloodline is very important.

"Don't worry, Franz has investigated that this is a real princess, and according to him, even if Sneka is not a princess, as long as she marries me, the Sultan of Oman will have to recognize her as a princess."

In fact, Franz only thought that the princess was a pawn used by Said to make a marriage. Since Friedrich liked it and it was indeed beneficial to the Austrian Empire, he was naturally willing to match her.

In fact, Franz has also conducted a detailed investigation. Princess Sneka has a very upright background. Her previous behavior in Vienna was just wandering around with the Grand Duchess Carolina. She seemed to be just a golden girl raised in a boudoir. canary.

Since her bloodline is relatively far away from the European royal family, Franz is still very optimistic that this princess can add several healthy new members to the Habsburg family.

It's just that Princess Sneka is not as simple as Franz imagined. The former has never forgotten her mission.

The first time I met my "brother and sister", Ferdinand, the older brother, still had to express his feelings.

So he gave Sineka some California specialty, two hundred kilograms of gold sand, equivalent to 285,000 florins.

Even the princess of Oman was a little surprised by such an expensive gift, but what she didn't know was that the box of jewelry that Carolina and Albrecht gave her before was more valuable than the gold sand in front of her, and when she saw it in the Albena Palace The paintings used for decoration are even more expensive.

Afterwards, Ferdinand met Kagura again, and he had some impressions of this Japanese girl. After all, there were not many Asians in Austria.

Ferdinand looked at Friedrich with questioning eyes, and the latter's answer made the former even more stunned.

"Our Archduke Franz plans to colonize her hometown, so she naturally needs a leading party."

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