Because the import volume has been growing explosively in the past few years, but after opening up more markets, Austria's import volume has increased very little, which aroused John Taylor's suspicion.

Although the president was ousted, he still left a large amount of data and analysis to his successors before he stepped down.

His successor, James Knox Polk, was a hard-line xenophobe who would find any reason to prove that foreigners were a threat.

However, although both sides dislike each other, business still has to be done. After all, Austria's textile industry has just started, and the United States of America has also been severely damaged by the war.

As a result, the latter retaliated against the former in this more secretive way.

Prussia also did not want peace and stability in Austria, although at this time the former was at an absolute disadvantage in the competition with the latter.

But it is far from time for Prussia to give up. After all, they have experienced more desperate scenes than this.

In fact, what Prussia wanted to provoke most was Bohemia and Hungary, but the nationalist whirlpool in the former was too terrifying.

The latter was deliberately isolated from the world by Austria, and its energy was much lower than before. Moreover, its internal chaos was so chaotic that it was difficult to organize an effective "riot."

Sardinia has been dissatisfied with Austria for a long time. Carlo Alberto has suffered from domestic riots and naturally hopes that his powerful neighbors can "share the joys and sorrows" with him.

In fact, starting in 1841, due to the spread of revolutionary ideas, Carlo Alberto had to approve a decree to establish a representative government.

This government is very radical. Although it has not explicitly stated that it is anti-Austrian or anti-French, it has been making small moves in the Apennines.

The Russians are very contradictory. On the one hand, they hope that Austria will expand to Italy. It would be best if they can directly capture Sardinia and then fight the French to a bloody head. But on the other hand, the Russians do not want Austria to be too powerful. powerful.

Ferdinando II of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was a typical loser. He wanted to dominate the Apennine Customs Union and attack his competitors was a completely routine operation.

But this is an ambition that cannot be realized at all, because the entire Apennine Customs Union is Austria's own toy, and there is no possibility of changing the chairman.

Although there are many countries causing trouble, the only ones that can really have an impact on the situation in Italy are Britain, France, and Sardinia.

However, these foreign forces are the key targets of the Austrian Empire at this time. After all, there is no room for negotiation with these invaders, and any compromise will only lead to more excessive demands.

Next are the Italian nationalists. If you have to pick a country in Europe that is most afraid of nationalism, then it has to be the Austrian Empire.

Italians, Germans, Hungarians, West Slavs, Yugoslavs, not to mention there are countless small branches under each big race.

Although some countries have many ethnic groups, none has as few as Austria's main ethnic groups.

What's even more frightening is that the enlightened monarchy that the empire has always implemented has made the Austrian nation more civilized and easily exposed to new ideas and easy to accept them.

The entire empire is like a haystack, it only takes a few sparks to burn it to the ground.

For the 1,300 captured participants and supporters of the riot, the Habsburg family still pardoned their capital crimes as before, and the price they paid was just to confess in front of the statue of the god in the church.

But Franz did not intend to let them go back unharmed. He first took this group of people to the cemetery to confess to the sacrificed soldiers and innocent people.

These sinners must then sign a support agreement in which they must bear the consequences of their crimes. A support agreement may include the payment of restitution or the payment of alimony to ensure that the victim or family receives the compensation they deserve.

Naturally, the money must be compensated with their family property. If the family property is not enough, they must use labor to atone.

Austria's colonies are in short supply of labor, and they can feed dozens or millions of people, let alone thousands.

Of course, even those wealthy gentlemen could not escape punishment. After all, in addition to the innocent citizens and soldiers who needed compensation, the Austrian Empire also suffered great losses, including cities, reputation, etc.

In short, no one can fill this black hole with money, unless he can prove that he can create great value by staying in the country, such as inventions, or achievements in music, art, technology, science, etc.

And with this attitude of killing everyone, those young radicals who lack fighting experience will most likely choose to take desperate risks.

Compared to the Verona Fortress where tens of thousands of troops were garrisoned, it was obvious that the local tycoons who had "taken refuge" in Austria were easier to kill.

And the reason why those aristocratic families have been able to stand for a hundred years, or even a thousand years, is certainly not a waste of time.

As a result, the two sides began a bloody "mutual tearing", which caused a blood feud between the low-level radicals and the local high-level officials.

However, it is not possible for every family to have the ability to protect itself. Those weak families can only seek asylum from the imperial government.

This returns to what the Austrian Empire is best at, recruiting those weak families and letting them act as their informants and vanguard.

Monitor those powerful families and work with officials sent from Vienna to limit the continued development of their power, and then find those that are easy to control and provide support, slowly transforming them.

In fact, the internal and external environment of the Austrian Empire did not allow Franz to make big moves. After all, he was like a terminally ill patient who might die after a strong dose of medicine, so Franz adopted this alternative plan. .

At night, the streets of Milan were twinkling with lights. Only a tavern at the end of the road was still brightly lit.

A faded wooden board hangs in front of the tavern with the words "House of Sicilians" written on it.

A carriage as dark as ink stopped, and a person who was incompatible with the scene stepped out.

Three men and two women pushed open the door and entered. The tavern was filled with the choking smoke, the smell of wine, sweat, and all kinds of noisy sounds.

The leading man frowned, but the beautiful woman walking in the middle didn't care. This group of people soon became the focus of everyone's attention, and a drunkard even teased the girl who was walking at the end with small steps.

The result was that the thin figure knocked the person over with lightning speed and received a crossbar.

The strong man tried his best to break free, but just when he was about to curse, he heard a "Gaba" sound. The thin woman broke the man's arm without mercy, leaving only a heart-rending scream.

"Do you know whose territory this is?"

The strong man's partner immediately took out the knife, but just after taking a few steps forward, he was hit in the head by a wine bottle and fell to the ground.

The bartender at the bar saw the bad guy and immediately reached for the shotgun behind him, but before he even touched the gun, he heard a gunshot.

When he turned around again, ten revolvers were already pointing at him.

"We're going to meet Al Pacino."

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