Gulf of Mexico, in an estate outside Veracruz

Lieutenant General Winfield Scott, commander of the U.S. Second Expeditionary Force, was enjoying his dinner. There were the best cooks in Mexico and countless young and beautiful maids in the manor. The decoration was unparalleledly luxurious, even the stairs The armrests are all plated with gold.

This made him sigh with emotion. If the former owner of this manor could use the money for the navy, then the United States would probably be able to capture a fleet of battleships now!

To be honest, although Winfield Scott was leading troops to fight on the enemy's land in Mexico, he was neither panic nor anxious.

Because its Vice President Joaquín de Herrera had declared Tasan Anna treason and had already announced the inauguration of Mexico's new president in St. Louis City.

Joaquín de Herrera won over General José Apte Delca of the Mexican Army, and now they have nearly 80,000 troops, accounting for 80% of the army left by Tasan Anna.

But siege warfare was a chore, and Winfield Scott had no intention of doing it himself. So the two lackeys who decided to be loyal to the United States naturally took the initiative to eliminate the "rebels".

Winfield Scott's approach had three purposes. First, he was really too lazy to send troops and hoped that someone would do it for him. Second, it was for President John Tyler to test the dog's loyalty. Third, as a puppet of the United States, it should not be too strong. wonderful.

The frustration of Jose Apte's army attack was something Winfield Scott had expected, but the latter would not act immediately upon receiving the former's request. He had to ensure that the enemy was in the weakest state before allowing the enemy to attack. My own officers waiting to be gilded went to pick peaches.

This includes Grant, who will become famous in the future. This is all thanks to his father who is a mayor.

This war was like an outing for Grant. He flew in a luxurious first-class cabin, and after landing, he stayed directly in the home of a wealthy local in Veracruz.

At this time, the future famous general was not very interested in fighting. He was still in love. Even the sea could not stop this fiery love. One after another, his love letters were sent across the sea to his lover Julia.

Grant's boss, Colonel Dent, didn't like this top student from West Point Military Academy. If he knew that the former's lover was his daughter, his expression would be even more exciting.

Because of Commander Winfield's approach, the soldiers and officers of the Second Expeditionary Force became extremely lazy and began to work hard.

Soldiers at the bottom are not treated well, but this does not prevent them from being lazy. But what they didn't know was that the direction of the war was about to change dramatically.

Jose Apter's army was overwhelming at first, burning, killing, and looting everywhere, but when they arrived at Mexico City, they seemed to have hit an iron plate.

No matter what reasons his soldiers and officers used, the other party refused to let them into the city and shot at them.

Apte was so angry that he ordered a storm. However, after so many years of management by Tasan Anna, Mexico City has long been like an iron wall. More than half of the artillery in Mexico is on the city wall of the capital.

Jose Apter's army consists of nothing more than military police and security forces from various places, or strong men captured temporarily. It is the first time for them to go to the battlefield, let alone siege the city.

As soon as the cannon fired, some people turned around and ran away. Seeing someone running away, others followed suit.

As a result, three attacks were launched in a row, but none of these people rushed within 300 meters of the wall of Mexico. José Apter was so angry that his whip broke, he drew his pistol and ordered.

"Whoever dares to take a step back, I will kill him now!"

Several "New Mexico" soldiers dressed as farmers looked back at the speaking commander, and smiled reassuringly when they saw that he only had a "small gun" in his hand.

Jose Apte snorted two puffs of white air from his nose.

"Where is the supervising team?"

Immediately, a group of well-dressed "New Mexico" Army soldiers ran over. These people were his direct descendants and his trump card.

It's just that Jose Apter didn't expect that he, a "civilized man", would have to resort to such barbaric methods in the end.

Under the urging of the supervising team, the queue finally started to march. At the same time, the sound of artillery fire on the city wall gradually became smaller.

As the distance between the queue and the city wall continued to shrink, this gave José Apte great confidence and immediately shouted "Fight for freedom! Down with the tyrant Tasan Anna!".

Then coincidentally, not knowing whether the other side was responding to him, the cannons on the city wall rang out again. But this time the bullets fired were not solid bullets, but shotgun shells and high-explosive bullets.

The shell exploded in the air and splashed a cloud of blood on the ground. At the same time, the gates of Mexico City also opened. But what came out was not the local magistrate who came to surrender, but a group of howling Indian cavalry.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!!!"

The line infantrymen who were originally stunned by the shells were still in a daze looking at the scene of their comrades lying in a pool of blood, but as the familiar voice reached their ears, these farmers with guns immediately chose to turn around and run away.

Facing the tide of defeated troops, the supervising team of several hundred people really had no choice at all. Soon they were also dragged into the rout, and the more unlucky ones were knocked down and trampled to death alive.

The lucky guys will be chased around by the Indian cavalry like ducks. Of course, these riders do not dare to pursue too far, after all, the enemy is outnumbered.

This is mainly because the Indians' military discipline is also very bad. The white officer in charge of commanding them took a lot of effort to call back these hot-blooded guys.

In the first contact between the two sides, Jose Apter suffered an unprecedented rout. However, although the scene was terrible, the statistical losses afterwards were not huge.

The next day, Jose Apter chose to engage in an artillery battle with the Mexico City defenders. The result was predictably 200 versus 30, high versus low, not to mention that the defenders still had bunkers.

Jose Apter was defeated again. After that, the "New Mexico" Marshal tried various ways to attack the city every day. Anyway, the losses were not big. He felt that he was getting better and better.

But what he didn't understand was the loss of morale that was more terrible than the loss of troops. Jose Apter's salary arrears are serious in the army, and the so-called pensions are even more illusory.

Several days of strong attacks caused a large number of wounded, and the military camp was in urgent need of medicine. What was worse than this was that the military rations were also running out.

The supplies promised by Joaquín de Herrera did not arrive as expected because the new president did not take them to heart.

Instead, he focused all his attention on searching for the treasure and tried every means to transport it out of the country.

Joaquín de Herrera promised to be a pragmatist. He chose to surrender to the Americans because the latter promised to make him president of Mexico, support his dictatorship, and make him prosperous and wealthy in the future.

But now the Americans are completely acting like emperors. Joaquín de Herrera appeared to be respectful, but when he returned home, he threw the medal issued by the Americans to the ground.

"How can a man who lives between heaven and earth live in depression for a long time under human beings!?"

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