War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 481 Reincarnation of Heaven

Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

I have to say that rabbits are really incredibly fertile. The original dozen rabbits have grown into more than a hundred rabbits in just over two months.

This breed was crossbred with various versions of Angora rabbits, and then crossed with Belgian giant rabbits under Maria's random command. Not only does it grow quickly, it has a strong ability to give birth, it is also larger in size, and its personality is stable and its quality is equally stable.

But there is a fatal flaw. Compared with Angora rabbits, the quality of its fur is inferior because there are too many colors, which greatly affects the appearance.

The most valuable thing about Angora rabbits is their fur, not their meat.

However, Franz still felt that he should eat well and wear warm clothes first, and then think about other things.

He decided to send more than a hundred rabbits to a manor outside the city to establish a breeding farm, and then build up the industry first.

As for the genuine German Angora rabbits, they can be cultivated slowly. After all, luxury goods are the most profitable.

There is a more important problem, and that is that these damn rabbits are about to eat up the lawn of Schönbrunn Palace.

The gardeners in the palace have complained to Madame Sophie many times. After all, if the beauty of the lawn is lacking, they will be punished.

After Franz heard about it, he immediately sent the rabbit out of Schonbrunn Palace. After all, for high-level big shots, it is always easier to solve the problem than to solve the problem.

In the study, Archbishop Rauscher has been waiting for him for a long time.

What he brought was a personal letter from Pedro Santana, as well as some gifts from the latter. Of course, Dominica was a poor place at this time, and naturally it couldn't produce any valuable rare items. The value was about 25,000 pounds, mainly some gold products.

“Archduke Franz and General Pedro Santana seem to be more enthusiastic, and he very much hopes to get our support.

And is willing to let Austria set up a development company in Dominica to jointly develop local resources. He even stated that Dominica could become a colony of Austria, but before that he needed sufficient support. "

This is the model adopted by Austria in Mexico. This approach gave the dictator Tasan Anna a large amount of funds to effectively suppress the local rebellion.

In contrast, Juan Pablo Duarte appeared to be much more disrespectful. He hoped that Austria would not interfere with Dominica's freedom.

As for the so-called support, he hoped it would be free or repaid in the form of debt.

This naive idea puts a "political idiot" like Rauscher to shame.

Franz roughly understood the situation of the two. The so-called "support" of the former must be a lion's mouth, and it is not worthy of belief. He can offer prices to Austria, and he can also offer prices to France, Britain, and the United States.

Franz did not want to participate in the auction at all. Even if Pedro Santana was sincere, he would not accept the former because the timing was wrong. Entering too early would most likely result in being sold out by the other three influential people in America at this time. countries are targeting.

Especially for Spain's former colonies like Dominica, France and Spain had too many ways to make Austria uneasy, and there was also the UK as a troublemaker, so Franz had to guard against it.

Although the Yankees are weak at this time, they are full of bad intentions.

The first people in history to try to build the Panama Canal were actually the French, but they underestimated the Americans and were disgraced by them. In the end, they could only admit that they were unlucky, lose money and leave.

As for the latter's reaction and behavior, Franz actually expected it. This kind of person would not be able to be a dog without breaking his head and bleeding.

What Franz wants now is to wait and see what happens, and don't let this naive guy be played to death.

After all, Juan Pablo Duarte had a wide range of supporters in the Dominican Republic, especially his influence among the people that did not completely dissipate until a hundred years after his death.

The purpose of the supplies sent to the Dominican Republic was to win over people's hearts and make the local people, especially the conservative forces, remember Austria's favor and pave the way for further plans in the future.

"The Archbishop asks you to tell that careerist that we only fight for God and the people."

Franz's words were very high-sounding, but they made Archbishop Rauscher feel like a breath of fresh air, because the latter had wanted to say this for a long time.

"Okay, Archduke Franz. One more thing, there is news from the Far East. It seems that Nanming is going to take direct action against the British."


Southeast Asia, Kalimantan.

More than two thousand British troops huddled in the fortress and were bombarded with heavy artillery by the Nanming army for six hours. After finally surviving the day, Hugh Gough ordered the vanguard of the breakout troops to retreat as soon as they went out.

There were traps and animal traps everywhere in the forest. The British soldiers who had been trapped had already turned into corpses the next day. The bombardment started again. The gunners of the Nanming army were obviously very lack of training. The impact points of the bullets were very strange and there was no pattern at all. follow.

But as long as these ship-based guns can hit anything near the target, they can directly send everyone nearby to the west.

Some people couldn't stand the feeling of waiting to die and rushed out, but except for a few people in Nanming, no one could understand English.

So no matter whether the British troops who rushed out wanted to fight or surrender, the Nanming army would open fire and kill them first.

Finally, Hugh Gough put down his military dignity, raised the white flag, and ordered the soldiers to surrender.

The original team of 2,700 people now only has 800 people left, including a large number of wounded soldiers.

But Hugh Gough overlooked one thing. This is the eastern battlefield, not the western battlefield. His surrender made the soldiers of Nanming feel that the foreigners had no integrity, let alone the courage to commit suicide.

Therefore, the Nanming soldiers who captured them were not polite at all. They greeted them with fists and kicks, accompanied by constant abuse.

Even Hugh Gough, as a general, did not receive any courtesy. This was completely different from the Western tradition of treating captured officers well. After all, in the past, Western wars relied on mercenaries, and everyone was just for money.

If a noble is captured, he is the God of Wealth. He will take good care of him and entertain him with good food and drink. After all, if he dies, the money will be gone.

But wars in the East are often life-and-death battles. In addition, East Asia is deeply influenced by Confucianism, and the word "integrity" is what matters.

Being a prisoner and surrendering to the enemy was something that few people in history could clean up, except for that red-faced man.

At this time, Hugh Gough finally saw the woman who made him a prisoner. Looking at the woman wearing a costume, he couldn't help but laugh.

Hugh Gough found it very funny. Although he didn't like the East, he still recognized that it was a costume from an Oriental stage play. However, he was actually defeated by such a ridiculous woman and a group of "barbarians". He only found it funny.

The military attaches of Nanming on the side were obviously very dissatisfied with Hugh Gough's behavior. They did not feel that a defeated general had the right to laugh at their leader, the emperor of Nanming.

"Kneel down!"

Liu Dadao kicked Hugh Goff hard at the knee. This kick, which he had accumulated for more than thirty years, directly deformed the latter's leg.

Hugh Gough knelt on the ground and roared through gritted teeth.

"Kill me, please! Chow!"

Although Liu Dadao didn't understand, he understood what the other party meant. According to Liu Dadao's character, he wished he could kill the arrogant guy in front of him. But the other party was a high official, and Zhu Qiongying was still present.

While hesitating, Luo Xiangnan grabbed his sword, and Zhiyun was also explaining to Zhu Qiongying how important Hugh Gough was.

"kill him."

Everyone was stunned, including Liu Dadao, who had been wanting to kill someone.

"No, Your Majesty. Killing a prisoner is unlucky, and this person can be exchanged for a lot of ransom, and is an important bargaining chip."

"Kill him." Zhu Qiongying repeated.

This time Liu Dadao did not hesitate and separated the body of the undefeated God of War of the British Empire with one strike.

Zhiyun and Luo Xiangnan stared blankly at what was happening in front of them. Zhu Qiongying stood up and left and spoke to an old man with long braids next to him.

"This head is yours too. Your story is very good, but don't come here with your braids again, otherwise you will also get your head on the ground."

The old man with Manchu braids bowed three times and kowtowed nine times in the direction Zhu Qiongying left, and then carefully placed the head into a sandalwood box filled with lime powder.

Three months later, Jiangsu, Huai'an.

In front of a newly built earthen grave in Guan's Cemetery, two lime-covered human heads and a pig's head were neatly placed. An old man cried bitterly and could not kneel down.

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