When Franz was alone in front of the vegetable patch, Thalia came closer.

"Why are you worried?"

"Well, it's not that easy to be a tinker."

"Isn't it strange that you didn't say you wanted to break those pots and jars?" Thalia asked curiously.

Franz glanced at the former and thought to himself.

"Those were all ideas made a few years ago, but the development of the world is a bit elusive, and some of the original ideas simply couldn't be implemented."

But Franz would not admit his failure, so he came up with another excuse.

"Some things cannot be dropped directly. You must glue them together first, otherwise the fragments may hurt yourself."

Thalia also looked at Franz. The latter naturally understood what the former meant, but he did not want to continue this topic.

"How about the Royal Women's College? I've been very busy recently and haven't taken the time to go there."

"Everything is good, but as I said before, you don't have to have high expectations, because most of them are just ordinary people in the eyes of others, and they are also the kind that can't be tolerated.

There is a very powerful Perenie Shaffer. If she were not in this abnormal academy, she would definitely be sent to the lunatic asylum as a freak. "

A lunatic asylum in the 19th century was not a good place, especially one that specialized in treating women. What those doctors and nurses did was more like inhumane destruction than treatment.

Those so-called treatments include putting people in wooden barrels, then heating them until the "patient suffocates", and then putting the patient in an ice bucket in the basement until the "patient is convulsing", and confining the person in a cabin without exposure to the sun. Twenty-four hours inside, three hours hanging upside down... there are countless other treatment methods.

Of course, the scariest thing is surgical treatment. Doctors will randomly cut off some parts of the patient's body.

He said he was sent to a lunatic asylum for treatment, but in fact it was just to shirk responsibility and get rid of his family.

Because some nobles could not afford their daughters' dowries and did not want to disgrace their family status, they would send their daughters to a monastery with conscience, while some would sell their daughters to a lunatic asylum.

Those so-called lunatic asylums are actually just places for some upper-class nobles to have fun, because they can use them as "special treatment methods" to do whatever they want to the so-called patients.

Not only is this legal, it's even "reasonable."

Sometimes when Adjani needs extreme "manpower", she will go to the lunatic asylum to look for it, because the people there, whether crazy or not, are desperately trying to escape from the devil's cave, and their actions are naturally full of courage.

Franz didn't like this kind of lunatic asylum selling dog meat in sheep's clothing, so he destroyed a few of these dens, but the thoughts in people's minds cannot be killed.

Unless people's mindset changes, the issue of treating people like garbage will always exist.

"Pereny Shaffer? The daughter of the Shaffer family shouldn't be too deviant."

"No, her father sent her here in the hope that she would be bombed one day. Because Miss Perrine said that the Bible was a lie and that she would be a businessman in the future, but she was really talented. .”

Thalia seems to admire this Miss Perrine very much, and Franz really needs an atheist. After all, religion must be limited in moderation, otherwise sooner or later it will become too big.

"It's not a big deal to get A's in all subjects. I could easily do it if it were me, but as a top student, Miss Perrine hopes to learn things that can't be learned in ordinary schools.

So I called Mr. Cinna and his friends, who were also willing to discuss business with a woman.

But what is really impressive is that Miss Pelleni managed to use the one hundred florins I funded her to earn ten thousand florins from her classmates and teachers.

I won’t be able to learn this kind of skill in my next life.”

Thalia is very self-aware of her own earning power, and she has to borrow money from Franz from time to time, who has so many IOUs that he can't even count them.

If it is used as a threat, the postures currently known to humans should not be enough.

Although Thalia was generous with her praises for Miss Perrine, Franz still had doubts about her ability to discern people.

It wasn't until Thalia took out a set of photos that Franz said seriously.

"Then you can tell her that I am willing to provide one hundred thousand florins to support her. If she can make ten times the profit within six years, I am willing to hire her as my consultant."

"What if she can't do it?" Thalia said maliciously.

"Then just return the principal and interest." Franz replied seriously.

"Then should I talk to her about interest?"

Talia said with a smirk on her face. She really hoped that the two students she valued most could come together and create some sparks. Although they would definitely die in vain in the end, shooting stars are most beautiful only when they fall, right?

"It's better not to talk about failure first. I hope she can succeed. After all, it's not easy to find a few talents in such a huge Austria."

Franz sighed.

"You want to give it to not many people, right?"

Franz did not deny it, he nodded and said.

“The vast majority of people’s actions are less certain than mine.”

"But you tire yourself to death sooner or later. Have you ever seen an emperor or a big businessman who does everything?"

Why doesn’t Franz understand what Thalia said?

However, the lack of a supervision system and the overall moral decline of society have made it impossible for many people to use Franz with confidence.

There are many people who are corrupted the moment they come into contact with power, and immediately become contrary to their ideals and aspirations, and even turn swords against their companions.

And even those with a strong will will either be squeezed out or complicit in the big dye vat of Austrian officialdom at this time. Even with a backer like Franz, it is not easy to maintain one's true intentions.

Because corruption has corroded this country from top to bottom, from the inside out. When no one is greedy and everything is greedy, that normal person will appear abnormal.

Therefore, Franz admired Baron Brooke more and more. Even though he was sitting in the position of the governor of the Central Bank, he did not use his authority to benefit his own family. His car, bodyguards, and even his house were all issued by the imperial government. .

But if you want to meet such a person, where can you find it?

"Thalia, in all conscience, I think the reward and punishment mechanism I have established is very reasonable, but why do some people always like to find new ways or follow the old path?"

There was a trace of sadness and exhaustion in Franz's eyes, and Thalia sympathized with the prince. The burden on the former's shoulders seemed too heavy, but no one could share it for him.

"Reform takes time, both you and the country need time. Corruption was not formed in a day, and you cannot eliminate it in a day."

Thalia knocked off Franz's hand, lowered her head and said with a frown.

"Touch your own conscience!"

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