Vienna, Grizzly Hotel.

Soros is still struggling with when inflation will occur in the Austrian Empire, and he is frantically calculating again and again.

Soros hasn't shaved his beard for a long time, and he eats, drinks, and relieves himself in his room. If Filona hadn't been bored and reopened the hotel, this room would have been uninhabitable at this time.

Soros's eyes were bloodshot. The continuous work and the surge of blood brought his body and spirit to the edge of collapse.

However, it was not others but himself who refused to let Soros go. Ferona Mercure had also tried to persuade him several times, but to no avail.

She couldn't understand how the personable and gentle gentleman before had turned into a paranoid man just a few days after arriving in Vienna.

They are businessmen, Jews, and Americans. There is absolutely no need to interfere in the affairs of Europeans, let alone to have trouble with the Austrian emperor. They are Americans and can pursue a glorious independence like the British.

What's more, the bounden duty of a businessman is to make money. During these days, she was running the Grizzly Bear Hotel in Vienna and sensed business opportunities everywhere.

Soros' behavior at this time is completely in trouble with money, which is unforgivable.

Fiona walked into Soros' room. The waste paper and leftovers on the floor were disgusting.

The latter heard the sound of the door being opened, but did not look back and just said.

"Put the food on the floor and you can go out."

The former ignored the latter's words and walked straight to the window.

"I said you can go out." Soros emphasized his tone.

At this moment, Fiona pulled open the curtains.

"Great Sage, it's time for you to step out of the ivory tower."

The sun shone in and stung Soros's eyes so much that he had to cover his eyes.

"Filona, ​​what are you doing? Put it down quickly, I still have work to do."

Thoros stood up and pushed Fiona down. The latter fell to the ground, but she was not as angry as the former, but spoke slowly.

"Your job is to go back and get married with me, use my father's connections to climb to a higher place, and climb to a position that even my father cannot climb to."

Ferona's words made Soros sober up a lot. The former was talking about the latter's plan. When someone said it at this time, he felt somewhat guilty and embarrassed.

"Ferona, me"

"You don't have to feel guilty. No matter how good I am, I will never be able to climb to where my father is in this life. This is destined from birth, but you are different. And I also like to be looked at like this by men who are stronger than me. , your eyes are full of ambition, I knew it from the first time I saw you."

Before Philona finished speaking, she was blocked by Soros, who then picked up the former and placed her on the bed. Then we closed the door and had an in-depth exchange.

The next day, Fiona rested her chin on Soros' shoulder and watched as her husband finally shaved off that annoying beard. The confident, powerful and handsome man was back again.

Fiona smiled knowingly. Although she was Jewish, she didn't like men with beards. Soros also doesn't like growing a beard because it would reveal his identity and bring him unnecessary trouble.

In fact, at that time, most people regardless of race would grow a beard because it could make them look more mature and stable. Especially in some areas such as Northern Europe, beards were regarded as a sign of luck or ambition. But in Soros's eyes, having a beard was a sign of luck. A symbol of mediocrity and slovenliness.

"What are you going to do next?" Fiona asked softly.

Soros kissed the former's hand, then looked at each other and smiled.

"Of course I will go back and marry you, and then create my own world in the United States."

The two embraced and kissed, and then Fiona asked again.

"What about this hotel?"

"Keep it, maybe you'll come back to see it in the future."

Netherlands, Amsterdam Royal Palace.

King William II breathed a sigh of relief. One of the countries that benefited the most from the discord between Britain and France was the Netherlands. After all, the British are a group of vicious wolves who seek revenge. If Britain and France join forces, they will definitely take crazy revenge on the Netherlands.

In particular, although the Netherlands itself is not very big, it has a large number of colonies overseas, and many of them have long been targeted by the British.

However, before William II could catch his breath, an urgent message from Jakarta almost made him spit out a mouthful of blood.

The British attacked Dutch merchant ships in the Southeast Asia, which shocked and angered William II.

"Damn pirates! Bandits!"

At this time, William II's status in the Netherlands had been improved. This was naturally due to the recovery of Flemish influence. Although the businessmen were unhappy, the lower class people and the landed aristocrats were still very happy after sending the local Catholics to Austria. Satisfied, after all, they got tangible benefits.

But when they heard about the pirates, all the ministers understood what they meant. The British were not easy to mess with, so no one responded, and they all continued to be mute below.

William II became furious when he saw that every one of his ministers seemed to have nothing to do with him. He quickly ended the court meeting and went to find his lover for advice.

The Netherlands is actually not too poor, and its population is not too small, but its greatest sorrow is that it is too close to the United Kingdom.

But fortunately, it has now joined the German Customs Union and is considered half a member of the German Confederation.

Caroline was startled by William II's words, and she didn't know how to answer, but according to her logic, she was right to blame Austria on this matter.

"Your Majesty the King, the Netherlands has already joined the German Customs Union, so it might as well go one step further. This way you can seek help from Austria and Prussia."

William II was a little embarrassed.

"But the German Confederation is a land power. I haven't heard of any impressive achievements at sea. I'm afraid the navy is also very weak. They won't help us."

Caroline said coaxingly.

"Behind the German Confederation was the Holy Alliance."

"But the Holy Alliance does not have a strong navy." William II said with some confusion.

Although Carolin was from a low background, she already understood the stakes after hearing about these intrigues about national affairs all day long.

At this time, Carolin finally understood why so many people hated the monarchy. If they met such a stupid emperor, it would be better not to have one.

"But the French do. Piracy is internationally prohibited. As long as you have evidence, countries that have enmity with the Anglo-Saxons will seek justice for you."

"But why do the French want to help me? I'm afraid the first person to suffer the consequences of justice is itself."

Caroline's eyelids twitched, but she still spoke patiently.

"Because France is the one who has the biggest conflict with Britain in the world. If we can take the opportunity to suppress the British, the French will be willing to contribute.

And the British are not fools. As long as the situation is not right, they will not directly challenge Europe. The result will be the same as during the Luxembourg crisis. They will choose to make concessions. "

With the previous precedent, William II nodded with deep understanding.

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