London, England.

Robert Peel, who had just suffered an assassination, did not take it too seriously. After all, this was not the first time.

However, the domestic labor movement made him feel irritated. On the one hand, there were factory owners who would never give in. On the other hand, there was the Chartist movement that was getting more and more intense.

The situation Robert Peel faced at this time was much more difficult than in history, because the Chartist movement in history was actually relatively mild.

However, due to the support of France and Austria at this time, the strength of the radicals was greatly strengthened, and because Victoria did not fulfill her promise when she first came to the throne.

This makes many British workers think that the Queen is a liar, or that the British government is a liar. In short, there is no disappointment without expectations.

But once you have expectations that you shouldn't have, the blow you will suffer when your hopes fail will be doubled. When disappointment turns to despair, people will go to extremes.

Although there were a large number of assassinations in Britain at this time, many of which were committed by other European countries, the power of the Chartists had reached a point that could not be ignored.

However, once concessions were made, Robert Peel knew that his prime minister would be at the end of his rope.

But letting the country continue to be in such chaos is not an option. After all, as Prime Minister, he is one of the key targets for assassination.

The only recent news that can make Robert Peel frown is that French King Louis Philippe has placed a huge order with Britain in order to express his hospitality.

This order included a large amount of British cheese and bottled beer, and invited several well-known British chefs to prepare Her Majesty the Queen to enjoy authentic stargazing in France.

In fact, Louis Philippe did not know at this time that his actions shattered the thrifty, simple and people-friendly image that the July Dynasty had worked hard to create.

The huge order was accused of using French blood to please the British. Coupled with Guizot's dog-licking diplomacy towards Britain for many years, France, a proud nation, completely exploded.

People marched in the streets, chanting "Down with Guizot, get rid of the British."

Fearing a repeat of the tragedy of the French Revolution, the Royalists and Orleanists immediately began to reassure the people. They assured people that the money for British goods would not be taken from the French treasury and would be paid by the British.

When the news reached the UK, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were confused. How could this become a self-funded trip?

Robert Peel was afraid that the queen and her husband would be angry with France, so he gave up the trip to Paris and assured the queen that the British government would bear all the expenses of the trip.

Many people within the British government were dissatisfied with France's actions, but they were suppressed at the speed of light by Prime Minister Robert Peel. He felt that the Queen's visit to France was necessary because Britain's current predicament could only be resolved through the easing of relations between Britain and France.

The Holy Alliance had been severely offended by the Whig Party before, especially Russia and Austria, who had tough attitudes, which forced Britain to make concessions.

At this time, the British front line around the world has been stretched too long. The Afghans seem to be supported by the Russians. They will be one of the biggest destabilizing factors threatening the Indian region.

Because at this time there was a bigger trouble in the British Indian region, the powerful Sikh Empire. It had an army of eighty thousand men, and two hundred cannon.

If it hadn't been for Ranjit Singh's sudden death and a power vacuum, the Sikh Empire would have fallen into chaos. I am afraid that when the British defeat Afghanistan, they will be tricked.

In Southeast Asia, a new country on the island of Kalimantan actually rejected Britain's good intention to sell opium to it, and brazenly claimed that the treaty signed by Britain and the King of Brunei was an unequal treaty, and then refused to accept it.

In Oceania, the French followed the footsteps of the British Empire and occupied Tahiti. This made some British people engaged in overseas colonization feel uneasy, and uneasiness is contagious.

British fishing boats in Africa, South America, Central America, North America, and even near the Arctic Circle often have frictions with Danish and Swedish fishing boats.

Although Britain is a big country, smoke is rising everywhere.

So Robert Peel had to facilitate Queen Victoria's trip to Paris

At this time, the happiest people in France should be the Bonapartists, but the domestic workers' movement is making them miserable.

After all, the Bonapartists are waiting to see the excitement between the Royalists and the Orléansists, and why aren't they waiting to see the jokes of the former?

The most depressing person is none other than Guizot. It was obviously Louis Philippe who caused the trouble, but in the end it was himself who took the blame.

This made him indignant, but he still quietly boarded a cruise ship to Texas under the cover of night and left this place of right and wrong. After all, no one is afraid of death

From the perspective of outsiders, the situation in Europe was chaotic enough at this time, but Franz felt that the failure of the Anglo-French alliance could not be guaranteed yet.

To this end, he specially wrote a letter and had it delivered to Christiana, the Queen Regent of Spain.

The situation in Spain is very complicated. The Queen Regent was first deposed by the French, but due to another large-scale uprising in the country, Christiana was invited back.

However, the good times did not last long. One of Christiana's generals saw the opportunity to control Queen Isabella II and drove Christiana out of Spain.

Then the general who wanted to hold the emperor hostage to order the princes was quickly killed by his own men. After a period of civil war, Queen Regent Christiana returned to the Royal Palace in Madrid with the help of the French.

However, the Queen Regent's life was not good. Not only did she lose her power, but she was also financially restricted.

This made this woman who had been extravagant to the core since she was a child very uncomfortable. She wanted to do something to improve her worth.

And Franz will give her a special gift. It's not clear whether it will help her get out of trouble or make her fall into the abyss.

Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Franz played with the latest sniper rifle of the Austrian Empire in his hand. To be honest, he didn't expect it would take so long to develop.

In fact, the technological content of this thing is not high. It just installs an optical sight on the rifle.

Franz had asked Doppler to help research a sniper scope that could be used in actual combat. Although this genius had researched optics and acoustics, he obviously had the wrong person to build a sniper scope.

Finally, progress was made after finding a graduate of the University of Jena named Carl Zeiss. However, this sniper scope is still an early type. Not only is the reflection easy to be detected, but the accuracy is not that high.

But it does help sharpshooters target enemies better.

According to Archduke Albrecht's report, this sniper rifle performed very well when exterminating the Winster family.

It is very suitable for urban street fighting. After occupying the commanding heights, you can shoot at the opponent unscrupulously.

There is nothing to say in terms of accuracy. The hit rate is more than one level higher than that of ordinary sharpshooters.

Albrecht even hoped that every soldier could be equipped with one.

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