War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 423 Appreciation (Part 2)

Vienna, Old Town Opera House.

Akadov's meaning couldn't be more obvious, let these canaries do their own thing. That way if someone found Franz, it would be none of his business.

Thinking of this, Akadov couldn't help but sigh that he was so clever, and Wells on the side couldn't help but admire his master's resourcefulness.

In fact, Franz had already guessed that something similar might happen, so he specially asked Adjani to prepare a set of ordinary clothes for him.

If a poor boy suddenly appears among a group of wealthy young men, it will definitely be more eye-catching, so if you want to truly hide among this group of people, you have to become truly "ordinary".

A common set of noble uniforms, three signet rings, and in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, he also specially asked everyone to wear smiling masks before the canaries arrived.

Franz believed that no one would notice him.

The canaries quickly took action, weaving in and out of the crowd like birds looking for food.

Soon a group of people gathered around Altdorf and Richard Metternich. The reason? Of course it was because of their dress and demeanor. Although the two of them wore masks, they were regular visitors to various theaters, so they were still a little bit shy. acquainted.

There is no doubt that both of them are very good choices. Although they can only have one dance partner each, they still attract most of the birds.

These dancers also have their own considerations. These two are big shots, relatively rich and respectable, so there is nothing wrong with choosing them.

And if you choose the friends brought by these two big shots, the consequences will be disastrous. Because the more important people like this are, the more they will have some rogues and thugs around them, because decent people have to do things decently, but people also need to do unseemly things.

And once you get involved with such a scoundrel, you will suffer physical and mental damage, and you may even be ruined and have no place to live.

Of course, there are also girls who don't know the reason and want to be a master. They run around like headless chickens.

In fact, what those smart people didn't expect was that there were no real "little people" in this box.

It's just that if you don't have excellent qualities, even if you meet the right person, you won't be able to get the other person to accept your invitation.

Franz's friends are very discerning, even if they are the top canaries in Vienna, most of them cannot catch their eye.

Franz was drinking juice out of boredom, while Taffy was sitting too far away from the center of the box because she was sitting with Franz, so no girl came forward to invite him.

Seeing Tafei's eager look, Franz just felt funny. As the first heir to the largest clan in Moravia, this guy seemed to underestimate himself a little too much.

If that day comes, if he wants to, there will probably be many princesses from small countries willing to marry him.

Franz patted Taffy on the head.

"What's wrong, is this jealousy or regret for sitting with me?" Franz deliberately said in French. At this time, French was still popular among the Austrian nobles, especially the small nobles and new nobles. This language is highly respected and is the best way for them to show off.

"Franz, why am I jealous? I'm angry, yes! Angry! Those girls are blind. But what if, I mean what if no one invites us? Wouldn't that make us People look down upon it? Will it look embarrassing?"

Usually Taffy is always the best to bully, so Franz often protects him, but he didn't expect that this guy's self-esteem is actually very strong.

"This is called the fragrance of wine but also the fear of deep alleys. We are too far away and we are in a corner position. It is easy for people to think that we are marginal figures or followers.

If you want to find a dance partner, you might consider taking the initiative. Then remember to choose a good location next time.

As for the dance partner, I actually don't care. After all, I don't want to attend any dance. No one invited me, so I had a reason not to go. "

After listening to Franz's words, Taffy nodded seriously.

"If you don't have a dance partner, you won't have a dance partner, so I won't go either."

As he spoke, a girl with a round face walked up to Taffy and timidly stretched out her hand.

"Sir, can I be your dance partner?"

"Of course!" Taffy jumped up from the chair and held the other person's hand.

"Come have dinner with me later and I can buy you a new dress."

Franz covered his face, so vulgar and philistine. But it was really effective.

The girl who was timid just now suddenly said with tears in her eyes.

"Sir, you are such a good man."

In the blink of an eye, almost everyone's dance partners have been finalized. During this period, some people also tried to find Franz, but were dissuaded by his cold eyes.

Franz glanced around, and what surprised him was that the principal dancers of the four major theaters were still standing there.

"Hey, what's happening?"

Just when Franz was full of questions, he made eye contact with one of them, and the other person's apologetic smile was indeed worthy of being "beautiful."

But Franz was not here to have fun, but when he just looked away, he saw the other three principal dancers looking in his direction.

Then four people in red dresses walked through the crowd and walked in front of Franz. After that, the four chiefs simultaneously extended their hands to Franz under the surprised eyes of everyone.

Then someone whistled, and then the atmosphere in the entire box became heated. Taffy gave Franz a thumbs up and gave Franz an awesome look.

Although the other people had different expressions, they were all just envy, jealousy, and watching a good show.

Franz closed his eyes and sighed. It seemed that his disguise was not as impeccable as he thought. As long as he had enough time and experience, he could still judge it.

"Can I say no?"

"We'll be sad then," one of them said with a smile.

"But no matter which lady I accept the kindness of, someone will always be sad. So I still"

"Then you can dance with each of us. We'll be with you whenever you like."

In fact, the four principal dancers had already confirmed their guesses from the whistles and cheers just now, plus the other party's appearance at this time was commonplace.

You should know that every theater has its own principal dancer, and their role is to entertain people. And the reason why they can become principal dancers is not just because they are good-looking or can dance well.

If you want to firmly hold the position of principal dancer, you must understand people's hearts and human nature in order to truly stand out, and find someone who can be entrusted to you for life or a meal ticket before you grow old and lose your luster.

Of course, some people choose to sell themselves at a high price and then control their own destiny.

For example, the proprietress of Golden Time, the largest brothel in Vienna at this time, was once a ballet dancer. She was never married, but there were countless big shots with whom she had scandals.

"You won't let me go?" Franz asked.

The four of them looked at each other and said in unison.

"Please appreciate it."

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