War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 412 Every family has a difficult scripture to recite

Ireland, a noble manor in the south.

A female rider energetically drove a tall white horse galloping through the racecourse, but both she and the white mare felt that the world inside the fence was too small.

The female rider grabbed the reins and clamped the horse's belly hard. The horse jumped over the fence and galloped on the forest road. The June wind (1843) blew on her face, making her feel a little refreshed.

The crooked houses on both sides of the road were her "neighbors", which made her face flash with disgust.

With her thin lips, high nose, and naturally cold and arrogant temperament, the female rider truly felt that she was God's most perfect creation.

She was thinking about meeting him soon.

The capable banker should also surprise her. After all, she did not hoard food or commodities, but purchased land.

Yes, those damn Irish poor people's lands, although dirty, can definitely bring them a lot of income.

As for my lovers, I should reward them, but not too much, lest they slack off, and I should give them a good whip at night.

At this moment, a gunshot broke the silence and interrupted the female rider's imagination.

The horse was so frightened that it raised its front hooves high, but what it didn't know was that its owner had fallen down and one hand was hanging limply.

Because of the action just now, the woman's body fell from the horse to the ground and rolled into the mud.

The hostess, who was still aloof just now, was now a corpse rolling in the mud.

The head was hit, and red, yellow, and black formed a strange painting on the woman's brand new white shirt.

The killer blew on his gun, turned around and jumped into a hay wagon.

"This gun is good." The gunman only said this, and the other party did not answer.

The driver drove the carriage as if nothing had happened, leaving only two lines of unclear ruts on the path in the field.

After several hours, people found the body of the female rider in the mud. Her horse, clothes, and belongings were gone, leaving only a body covered in mud.

London, Downing Street.

Robert Peel opened a letter and glanced at it for a few times before throwing it aside, putting his hands behind his head and taking a long breath.

But in fact his scalp is about to explode. In recent times, several important supporters of the Tory Party have been assassinated.

Initially, people suspected that this was a political assassination, because the first few victims were officials, but soon the victims were not just officials, but wealthy businessmen, large landowners, widows who inherited huge inheritances, etc.

However, people soon discovered that this was a political assassination, because the deceased were all Tory supporters.

Robert Peel has ordered several investigations into the matter, but the number of victims continues to increase, and the identity of the murderer remains unknown.

Fortunately, the Queen did not ask about this matter, otherwise he really wouldn't know how to explain it.

Robert Peel felt that these should be the fault of the Chartists. After all, the British government not only failed to meet their demands, but also sent troops to suppress the Chartist demonstrations.

In fact, this is also a helpless move. At this time, the UK is in economic crisis. A large number of factories have already closed down. If wages are increased for workers, it may further affect the entire British economy.

Although the root cause of this economic crisis is that they and the Whigs misjudged the situation and hoarded money; but the butt determines the head, businessmen are with themselves, and the government must first protect their interests.

As a result, the economic crisis was passed on to urban workers and rural farmers, both of whom suffered miserably.

"Then they hired killers to attack dignitaries and wealthy people. What a despicable and crude group of people." Robert Peel lamented.

"We must leave them a bloody lesson, so that the class that has neither property nor reason understands the dangers of revolution. To be more precise, we must let them know what the price is!"

Robert Peel received a standing ovation in his impassioned speech in Parliament, and then returned home to mobilize 200 soldiers and five cannons to protect him.

Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

To be honest, Franz did not expect that the so-called Chartists could achieve this level. The Austrian side only supported a small amount of weapons and funds, and they were able to kill so many big figures in the British government without anyone noticing.

Presumably the British top brass must be in chaos at this time, and everyone is in danger.

Of course, this was not Franz's original intention. All he wanted was for Britain to be in a state of chaos.

At this time, he has more important things to do. Austria has accumulated too much gold. Once all is released, it may cause gold to depreciate and cause inflation.

If it is normal inflation, it doesn't matter. I am afraid that the inflation rate will be too high, and then people's hard-earned trust in the Austrian government will be gone.

In fact, Franz has several options at this time. Pay off the debt? It might be a good option to solve the debt problem that has plagued Austria for decades.

People like to say "debt-free", but "debt-free" is not a good thing for a company or a country.

And if the debt of the Austrian Empire of nearly two billion florins is really paid off, countless millionaires can be created in minutes.

But again, why should I pay back the money I borrowed based on my ability?

In comparison, another seemingly outrageous choice seems much more reasonable at this time.

"Raining the troops" means investing money in the military. Of course, the investment at this time was not the army, but the navy.

Yes, Austria's navy and shipping are still too weak in this maritime era. As we all know, from ancient times to the present, no matter in any era, the navy has been a gold-eating beast.

With the increase in trade with Africa, Central America, and Asia, the Austrian Empire did need more ships, and many "big events" required ships.

Franz knew that he would not lose money by investing in this. Friedrich was also an upright man, but his subordinates may not be so.

So Franz still needs to send some people to supervise him, but to be honest, there are not many people around him who can be used, especially in the political and economic aspects.

As for the friends that the old emperor arranged for Franz, they were still a group of kids at this time, and even a few of them were adults and lacked experience.

Moreover, this group of people are not talented in the world, but they have extremely special identities. If we really let them go out to take care of things, I'm afraid it will lead to another tragedy of amateurs commanding experts.

In addition, the officialdom is too deep, even if these people have the support of their ancestors, they may not be able to figure out the doorways.

So Franz could only go to Baron Brooke. Because even though Baron Brooke had become the president of the Austrian Imperial Central Bank at this time, he just bought a carriage and still lived in the attic of the clock shop.

As the saying goes, “Birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together.”

Franz felt that there must be someone around such a person who could use him.

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