Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Franz frowned as he looked at the newspaper.

Britain is making overtures to France, which is much more troublesome than the civil war in Switzerland.

If Britain and France join forces, it is possible to carve up the world outside of Europe. After all, their strength at sea is unmatched.

Even the entire Holy Alliance navy combined was unable to fight against Britain, let alone France.

Britain and France must not and cannot join forces.

But Franz still had to prepare for the worst. "Assassination" was the first word that came to his mind.

That's right, as long as Queen Victoria dies in France, it will be difficult to have trust between the two countries, let alone an alliance.

Low cost, high return, and it doesn’t even have to be successful. As long as any one of the parties can refuse to meet, it will achieve the goal.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to reveal your flaws.

Paris France.

Louis Philippe sat silent at his desk, Old Marshal Soult was also silent, and the big shots of the July Dynasty did not dare to speak.

Because the benefits of cooperation between Britain and France are so great, if the two sides form an alliance, France will have less worries and can continue to expand its territory in the world.

If it can get the support of Britain, France can even directly attack the United States and Mexico.

However, the risk is also very high. The Holy Alliance is opposed to the alliance between Britain and France. And if Queen Victoria was assassinated in France, would it be an excuse to start a war?

No one knows what the three countries of the Holy Alliance, Russia, Prussia, and Austria, think. If Britain and France go to war, will they participate in the war in exchange for the opportunity to carve up French land?

Louis Philippe was an overly cautious man who wanted to make huge profits but was hesitant to do so. He was hoping at this point that someone would come out and come up with an idea so he could continue with the non-stick pan.

The old Marshal Soult just wanted to retire peacefully, and the pot was too big. If something happened, it would not be a matter of life and death. He might even be dragged to take the blame for his life.

Other senior leaders have similar ideas. France is now in trouble because it has taken too big steps before. What it should do is to recuperate rather than continue to take risks.

Of course, if everything goes as expected, France will not need to continue to recuperate, but can directly participate in the global hegemony.

But if the egg is involved again, I'm afraid I will really stop moving forward, and I'm afraid I will have to spit out most of the things I got before, which is really not worth the gain.

But Louis Philippe was a very greedy man, he wanted everything. If someone tells him that you can't get this, that person will definitely be jealous, and in palace politics, if he is jealous of the king, his political future may end there.

So no one wants or dares to stand out. The situation was so embarrassing that it was a bit overwhelming.

Just then Guizot rushed back. In fact, he had never left Paris. It was just his secretary who went to Texas.

When Guizot got the news that the Queen of England was going to visit Paris, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night. It was no longer a dream for Britain and France to jointly carve up the world.

"Your Majesty, your meeting with Queen Victoria will witness a historic moment. This means that hundreds of years of hatred between Britain and France will come to an end, and it means the glorious future of France."

In fact, it is difficult for others to understand Guizot's sentiments as a pro-British faction, but Louis Philippe has been waiting to get off the horse. He did not care about how Guizot returned to Paris. What was important was that he decided to meet with the Queen of England in September to discuss the future of Europe and the world.

In fact, the moment the French credentials arrived in England, Franz felt that Robert Peel had succeeded and his goal had been achieved.

It doesn't even matter whether the Queen goes to Paris or not, because from this moment on, Britain and France have the intention to cooperate. The conflict between Britain and France has been alleviated, and Britain has won a breathing space for itself, which has also made the Holy Alliance afraid.

If Britain and France really form an alliance, they will become the most terrifying political and military bloc in the world. Of course, this kind of alliance often cannot last long and each has its own agenda. It will not become a force that rules the world.

However, the Europeans at that time were still very sincere and they must complete this visit.

The Bonapartists in France were actually not interested in forming an alliance with Britain, and there were even some more extreme people who wanted to assassinate Victoria to avenge Napoleon.

Although he didn't know the structure of their brain circuits, Franz applauded this approach with both hands. Although it was a bit inhumane, the benefits were too high.

Generally speaking, the Bonapartists are still more inclined to oppose the British, because the biggest obstacle for France to dominate the world is the British.

They did not take the Holy Alliance seriously, especially the performance of the German Confederation in Luxembourg, which led the Bonapartists to conclude that the German Confederation was just a large experience package.

After capturing Berlin in eighteen days and conquering Vienna twice, the glory of the Napoleonic era seemed to be back.

But Louis Napoleon in prison did not think so. He felt that the Vienna System was France's biggest enemy, and for this reason it should first use the power of the British to dismantle the Holy Alliance.

Then retake Italy from Austria to strengthen France's strength, then attack the Rhine region, and then manage North and West Africa to turn the Mediterranean into France's inland sea, and then consider the issue of world hegemony.

Louis Napoleon expressed his views on the matter, and the prisoners were actually used to it, calling him "His Majesty the President."

The clown next door with his strange face paint gave the opposite opinion.

"If Louis Philippe really does this, when will you be able to become His Majesty the Emperor? Now you have no money, no one, and even your name was stolen from you. If it weren't for the chaos in the world, how could you have a chance? ?Jie Jie”

The clown made a weird laugh, but what he said made sense, Louis Napoleon thought for a while and retorted.

"It is the people of France who suffer from the war. How can we eradicate poverty in a war-torn world?"

The clown pulled out a handkerchief from nowhere, unfolded it flatly, and then with a flick of his hand, a book emerged, which was the "Abolition of Poverty" that Louis Napoleon had been writing.

"Do you want France or do you want to eradicate poverty? Jie Jie"

Being ridiculed mercilessly, Louis Napoleon would have fought with him before he was imprisoned, but he learned many things in prison, including tolerance and humility.

"Then what should I do? I'm just a prisoner in prison now."

"Of course you should hire a professional to kill someone, Jie Jie"

The clown looked at the oriental man who was hanging his legs on the fence and doing abdominal crunches.

"He can't even get out of prison, how can he kill people?"

"What you see is not necessarily the truth, and what you think is not necessarily the truth. Maybe he is just here waiting for business, Jie Jie."

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