War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 401 International Students

Austria Vienna.

The Swiss Independence Alliance hopes that Austria can send officers to command and train their troops, because most of the experienced mercenaries and officers serve in the Free Alliance, while the most experienced generals on their side have only commanded a regiment and fought against smugglers. .

The actual commanders are the priest Belit and Ulrich Salis. The former is a guy who has only seen fighting in fairy tales, and the latter is an unqualified teacher who often relies on authority to suppress his students. .

On the contrary, Generals Henri Dufour and Fray Holosse of the Free Alliance, one had followed Napoleon in the north and south, and the other was the general who had participated in the most battles in Switzerland.

It is also impossible to directly send active-duty officers and soldiers to Switzerland. The senior officials of the Austrian Empire know what this means.

This meant that the Austrians themselves abandoned the Vienna System at a time when at least a semblance of peace in Europe was important to Austria.

It will take time for Austria's scientific and technological achievements and overseas colonies to be transformed into national strength. Likewise, the German Customs Union and the Apennine Customs Union also need a peaceful environment.

The top leaders of the Austrian Empire believe that if it continues to develop like this for decades, it will be able to fight against the British Empire and Russia.

But in Franz's eyes, the real value of peace to Austria was the suppression of domestic conflicts.

During the previous Luxembourg crisis, the Hungarian side was even organizing an army. As for whether King Qin still wanted to change things, only they themselves knew.

At the same time, northern Italy, Bohemia, and even overseas colonies and people hiding in corners are also ready to move. Franz didn't think they could succeed. At best, they would dig their own graves.

After Austria's victory, the crowd celebrating the victory did not know how many people who planned to overthrow the rule of the Habsburg family yesterday were hidden.

In fact, many people have seen this, but there is nothing they can do. In the end, they can only deal with a few unlucky people who are insignificant.

Therefore, Austria will not be involved in the European war in the short term, but it cannot send troops, which does not mean that it cannot help with training.

Of course, we can’t say that on the surface, but we should call it learning and communication.

Let the officers of the Swiss Orthodox Union go to Austria to study. Firstly, it will teach them how to fight, and secondly, it will also be used to win over them.

Franz knew very well that no matter how much money he spent to bribe more officials, it would not be more effective than directly cultivating a group of spiritual Austrians.

Franz's proposal was immediately recognized by Count Korolaf and Prince Metternich. They did not want to get involved in the Swiss Civil War, but there was no reason not to do things that could expand their influence.

But at this time, Archduke Franz Karl and Archduke Louis raised objections in accordance with the emperor's wishes. The reason was that Austria was deeply in debt and had no money to support other countries.

Of course, this reason was not said by the two Grand Dukes, but by Mr. Slote, the smart-aleck chief royal advisor.

He felt it was necessary to establish a good relationship with the two powerful figures and show off his talents.

But it further exposed the incompetence of the chief adviser. Franz even doubted whether Queen Anna made peace with him because she saw that this person was incompetent and easy to control.

Faced with this absurd reason, Franz directly proposed the even more absurd solution of letting the other party study at his own expense.

In the end, the proposal was approved, and Switzerland funded the study in Austria at its own expense.

Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Franz rarely attended such formal meetings, after all, he was only a child. In fact, this kind of meeting made him feel very embarrassed, because although there were hundreds of people participating, only dozens of people could observe, and only a few people could really speak.

This atmosphere is not conducive to solving problems. It is no wonder that the decision-making institutions of the Austrian Empire have lost their minds throughout history, making idiotic judgments and stupid decisions one after another.

One of them was to ask Marshal Radetzki to abandon the entire Italy, but the veteran general proved that he was right with practical actions.

Historically, Radetzky's victory could be described as "turning the tide from falling and supporting the building that was about to collapse" for the Austrian Empire.

Without the victory in Italy, I am afraid that Austria would have become a second-rate country long ago, and it would not even wait for the Tsar to intervene.

Because Franz helped the Italian Army resolve its knot, Marshal Radetzky's reputation was better than ever in history. The local Italians also changed the name of him from "Papa Radetzki" to the more dignified title of "Old Father".

(The so-called knot of the Italian Legion was mentioned in the previous document. It was Marshal Radetzky’s almost humble show of kindness, requiring the soldiers not to fight back or scold the locals. Even his third son was ordered to defend the locals. The national honor was also favored by the Italians.

Legend has it that the third son of Marshal Radetzky died of depression because of this. His third son was also the most capable of his many children. )

"Evil people should not be tolerated, and good people should not be unjust."

To a certain extent, this sentence turned Northern Italy into the most honest region in Austria and even Europe.

Rebel forces, gangs, unscrupulous businessmen, and even corrupt criminals sent by Austria were severely punished. Coupled with the continuous economic development of the Austrian Empire, the living standards of the local people have been greatly improved.

Especially for the military, since unscrupulous businessmen and corrupt officials have been cracked down on, their military pay is no longer deducted, and they no longer have to eat rotten and moldy food sent by suppliers.

In addition, Marshal Radetzky himself was a very kind man. He allowed the army to purchase land to grow crops and raise livestock to improve food.

However, one thing is that the food of the army must not appear in the market, because it is understandable that the soldiers want to improve their food, but the army's business is definitely a destabilizing factor for a country.

Leaving aside the fact that competing with the people for profit will affect the country's image, once the military, as a state violence institution, can become self-sufficient, it will be hard to say whether it will be the country's army or the country's army.

Fortunately, Marshal Radetzky was a very transparent person, and Franz only needed to write a few words to understand the meaning behind it.

Generally speaking, the economy of Northern Italy has developed rapidly over the years, especially the development of foreign trade and railway transportation, which has made it very profitable.

The state uses local tax revenue to feed agriculture, and the large-scale use of chemical fertilizers and agricultural machinery has greatly improved food production and work efficiency.

The excess population has promoted the development of the service industry, and the number of people working overseas and in other areas is also increasing.

When people have money and broaden their horizons, their demand for culture and spirituality will increase.

In less than ten years after the establishment of the Apennine Customs Union, more than 500 churches and more than 1,000 schools were built in northern Italy.

But no matter what, there will always be some people who are dissatisfied with the status quo, and these people always have various reasons to come together.

Franz didn't care about those people or their reasons, he just hoped that they would be ready to die before rebelling.

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