The benefits of industrialization are obvious. It makes goods cheap and highly reliable.

At least there won’t be a situation where the first bottle of wine from the same workshop is very delicious, but the second bottle will make you vomit out all your dinner.

But it has also led to a problem, that is, traditional breweries continue to close down, and their living space is constantly being squeezed. Even if Franz has left them profit margins in terms of price and other aspects.

In addition, in order to leave a way for those taverns to survive as much as possible, Franz adopted the wholesaler model. Except for some royal properties, he needed to purchase from wholesalers.

Although this business model is relatively backward in modern times, it was definitely one of the most reasonable models in the 19th century.

Franz hopes to preserve the good ones and eliminate the not-so-good ones. The industrialization of drinks is irreversible. Because with the advent of the industrial age and the increase in population, people's demand for drinks is also increasing.

The past manual methods are obviously not enough to meet people's growing needs, which requires reform or increased investment.

It was naturally impossible for Franz to devote all his precious resources to brewing wine. With the expansion of the empire and the development of the times, there were too many places that needed money and people.

Therefore, choosing cheaper and more efficient industrial production is an inevitable choice. At the same time, the earlier industrialization occurs, the easier it is to take the initiative in the market.

February 11, 1843.

Franz's father was assassinated by a brewpub owner.

When the carriage passed the tavern, the owner suddenly rushed out from the roadside and shot the carriage compartment with a pistol, but the bullet failed to penetrate the steel plate wrapped outside.

The attacker was caught on the spot, and after a 72-hour interrogation, the prisoner died in prison. But the result was that no useful information was obtained, except that the prisoner had a grudge because the new beer sold by the royal family had affected his business.

In fact, Franz also allowed the beer hall to sell royal products, but the owner wanted to sell his own wine.

The tavern's turnover dropped, causing him to feel depressed and under the influence of alcohol, he decided to assassinate members of the royal family.

Franz looked at the photo of the prisoner's body. There was not a single piece of intact flesh on his body. It seemed that what he was telling the truth must be true.

But it's a pity that Franz can't save him, because no one can go against the tide of the times. There can't be only one such person. It seems that it is difficult to be a good person or a bad person.

However, in order to prevent similar incidents from happening, precautions should be taken early.

Franz believed that the best way was to completely ban guns, but such a law could not be completed in the social environment at the time, or the resistance was too great.

However, a registration system can be considered, that is, a gun license is required to purchase and hold firearms, and taxes need to be paid. At the same time, we will intensify the inspection of guns entering and exiting the city, and increase the number of police patrols.

However, it is not easy for the Regency Council to pass these laws. The top priority is to start with ourselves.

Franz completely modified the carriage used by his family to match his own carriage. Bulletproof glass + steel plates are a must.

This will undoubtedly increase the weight of the carriage. The Grand Duke cannot make a six-horse carriage, so he will replace it with four horses and two mules. Anyway, the Franz family's mental disorder is not a matter of one or two days.

Then there is the need to strengthen the security force. Previously, Archduke Franz Karl only had 22 guards including the two captains of the bodyguard. Franz decided to increase this number to 102 people, and Franz was responsible for the additional 80 people.

For this reason, Franz felt it was necessary to set up a security company, which relied on the relationship between Archduke Carl and his family. After all, their family had a very good relationship with the military.

Moreover, Archduke Karl himself often recruited some capable veterans and retired officers to work in his manor or in the guard.

Vienna, Abrecht Palace (today's Albertina Museum and adjacent streets).

This is the winter palace of Archduke Karl, and the whole palace has a warm and cheerful atmosphere.

Grand Duchess Carolina, wearing a white dress and riding a solid black horse, ran rampant on the lawn of the palace. The servants turned a blind eye, and a trembling old housekeeper walked up to Franz's car.

"Hello, distinguished Archduke Franz. My master has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Okay, please lead the way." Franz replied politely.

A team of nearly two hundred people entered the manor in a mighty manner. Only then did Carolina realize that the guest was Franz, and she rushed over on horseback.

This behavior naturally led to a commotion. Franz's guards raised their guns and stood in front of Franz, while the guards of Archduke Karl's family also raised their guns and aimed at the royal guards who might threaten their own young ladies.

This made the old housekeeper anxious.

"Put it down, put down your guns! Miss, get off your horse first! Archduke Franz is here, don't be too rude."

"Put down your guns!" Franz yelled.

"But" Colonel Bordeaux wanted to refute, but Franz didn't want to give him this chance.

"Shut up! Put down the guns!"

The royal guards put away their guns, and Archduke Karl's family guards naturally put away their guns without being entangled.

Carolina also realized that there seemed to be something wrong with her behavior and quickly got off the horse. Archduke Karl didn't like to interact with others, and the people who came here to visit their family were usually soldiers and didn't care about Carolina's impolite behavior.

"Cousin Franz!" She rushed over and hugged Franz. Fortunately, the latter was in good physical condition and had been exercising for a long time, otherwise he would have been knocked down by this attack.

The butler on the side reminded.

"Probably nephew, Miss Carolina."

Carolina turned back and glared at the old housekeeper.

"I know, you don't need to bother me."

The old housekeeper was speechless for a while, but he still went ahead to lead the way.

The architectural styles of the entire palace are diverse, from Gothic to Baroque to Rococo.

Karolina was also chirping beside Franz, and Adjani deliberately kept a long distance to avoid being accidentally hurt.

"Franz, have you grown taller again?"

"Why don't you smile? Are you trying to be cool?"

"By the way, I can ride a horse and swim."

Franz didn't know how to communicate with an adolescent girl. After all, he couldn't pick her up and beat her like his sister.

"That's great, aunt. I wonder what books you usually like to read?"

Karolina was speechless for a moment. She had no problem reading and writing. However, due to her excessively free upbringing and the special environment at home, she had almost no communication with her peers, and it was naturally impossible for her to study.

"On war!" Karolina recalled in desperation a book her father had mentioned.

Franz smiled.

"Well, let me test you. What should be the speed of normal march and forced march?"

"." Karolina's head was full of black lines and she thought to herself, "Why are the men around me like this? Are they all war mad?"

After some questioning from Franz, Carolina had no choice but to turn around and run away.

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