"Exchange the invaders' heads for your freedom and land!"

John von Sina's approach was equivalent to placing a bounty on the heads of the invading Americans with land and "freedom."

This trick really worked. Although the Indians were not good at fighting head-on, they were surprisingly good at being bandits and bounty hunters. Soon the English-speaking white people in California suffered. The Indians could not tell the difference between Americans and Austrians, or Spanish, but they knew the difference between English and German.

The infiltration of American civilians was severely dealt a blow, and even those culprits who had previously tried to incite the Indians to attack California were retaliated by the Indians.

When the Indians found John von Sina with the bodies and weapons of the invaders, he happily fulfilled his promise and not only gave them land, but also rewarded them with some grain and the so-called "proof of friendly people" ".

The so-called "Certificate of Friendly Persons" is a black gold card with the Austrian flag printed on it, which contains the identity information of some people. This information can be checked in the city's archives.

In fact, this move was not only to fight fire with fire, but also to kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, it eliminated the American invaders, and on the other hand, it also increased the population of California.

After all, this area is too large, and the labor force is too small. Austrian law prohibits the sale of slaves. It is still somewhat reluctant to rely solely on the labor contributed by Mexico and the former Central American federal regions.

It seems like a good idea to absorb these homeless Indians. After all, there are always people to do gold mining, construction workers, city cleaning, and farm work.

Later, the Indians were not killed by the Americans, but they also wanted to become Californians. John von Sina made new conditions, that is, if you bring one laborer, you will be given twenty pesos, and if you bring five laborers, you will be a Californian. Legal residents.

Although this was very unkind, it did quickly increase the population of California.

John von Sina was the illegitimate son of Mr. Sina, chairman of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In fact, Franz hoped that the old Sina could take over Baron Brooke's job.

After all, he is more experienced, more capable, and more loyal and reliable. At this time, the income from the gold mines in California was extremely exaggerated. Although Archduke Carl Ferdinand was in charge, he was a soldier after all, and it was impossible for him to know everything about business and urban planning.

As a Jewish illegitimate son, John von Sina was very eager to express himself, at least to remove one of the labels on himself, so he had to work harder than anyone else, but his approach was also more extreme.

John von Sina was not as rigid as Baron Brooke. He understood human nature well. After some investigation, he set a goal of five times the previous amount.

This made the gold mining companies and teams attracted by the gold mine indignant, saying that such a goal was simply impossible to achieve, and they expressed that they would go on strike collectively.

John von Sina immediately signed and approved it, and then promised the remaining people that as long as the predetermined goals are completed, the remaining gold will be yours.

As a result, the mining efficiency in California has really increased by 500%, and the urban development speed has become faster, because money always has to be consumed. The number of people in the related service industry is also increasing, because the high wages in this area naturally attract Strength is also strong.

But the negative consequence of this destructive mining is to accelerate the depletion of gold mines. Of course, since this place is not the territory of the Austrian Empire, John von Sina does not care about this kind of thing at all. What he wants is more, faster, better, Province, and use the most perfect gesture to complete the task assigned to him by Archduke Franz.

In 1842, John Tyler, who was in power, was struggling to cope with this rapidly developing world. Although every American believed that the United States was destiny, the facts before them forced them to admit that things seemed not that simple.

With Britain to the north, Mexico to the south, and California occupied by the Austrians to the west, with the French sandwiched in between, the Americans' westward march seemed extremely difficult.

And Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in American history, seemed to be in trouble of his own making.

Although Lincoln is like a god in history books, in fact this "great" man was not a tolerant and aboveboard person in life.

Lincoln liked to satirize others and humiliate them by throwing satirical articles on the floor for others to pick up and read.

Of course, he was also very smart. For example, when he was opposite a politician named James Shields, he chose to write an anonymous letter. After all, the other party is a conceited, fierce and aggressive soldier.

Lincoln published an article in the "Springfield Daily News" to satirize James Shields. The humiliating words naturally attracted attention.

This aroused the latter's anger, but the former felt that he had written an anonymous letter so he should be spared.

But in fact, privacy has never existed in the United States. James Shields used his connections to easily find Lincoln, who could only confess.

James Shields wanted to protect his honor by demanding a duel with Lincoln. A soldier wanted to duel with a lawyer. Although Lincoln was tall and rugged, his brain was not stupid. He immediately objected.

Enraged, James Shields allowed Lincoln to choose his weapon first and even shoot first, and then found other Whigs to force Lincoln to accept a duel.

In the end, Lincoln could only accept the duel. James Shields was a famous sharpshooter, but Lincoln had no systematic firearms training at all.

(Lincoln served in the army and received a commendation, but the reason was that his troops were well-organized.)

So Mr. Lincoln chose to use a sword as a weapon, because he felt that his height and hands were more advantageous, but he soon sadly discovered that the opponent's swordsmanship was also very good.

There are two records about this duel in history. One is that Lincoln's aides persuaded James Shields to give up the duel, and the other is that Lincoln chopped off a birch tree before the duel to scare the opponent into giving up. The duel, in short, the result of this duel was that James Shields gave up the duel.

However, as a history buff and a fighting fan, Franz wants to see what will happen if this duel continues.

So he sent someone to protect James Shields in advance. When Lincoln's aides came to James Shields' house, they saw a large number of gangster gunmen inside and outside the house.

The clever aide immediately gave up the use of force and used settlement money instead.

"Mr. James, God is merciful. He would not want any great American to fall in a pool of blood tomorrow. Do you understand what I mean?"

"But where is my reputation?! Damn it, what about Abraham Lincoln's slanderous words about me?"

James Shields was very angry. Although he was a very impulsive person, he did not dare to say the word "duel" easily. After all, this was a matter of life and death.

"Mr. Lincoln and you both have very bright political futures. You don't want to just be a state legislator for the rest of your life, right? I have ten thousand dollars here, which I believe is enough to save you from the loss of face."

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