Faced with this man-made huge wave, Franz decided to take advantage of the situation and use the extra funds to establish a West African Development Company with dual royal and national backgrounds.

Of course, the hard work of the common people has not been forgotten, so allowing those 5 million households to become shareholders can be regarded as a disguised form of national ownership.

It is worth noting here that financiers are not completely idle in this economic storm. At least they have objectively promoted the speed of Austria's process of gathering scattered private wealth.

If the country takes the initiative to do this, it will be very troublesome and will attract a considerable degree of criticism. There happens to be a ready-made scapegoat at the moment, so why not?

Of course, this cannot be completely said. After all, the financiers among them who successfully escaped from the top still made some money.

On the other hand, this stock turmoil actually helped the empire a lot; although the speculators made profits, they actually paid real money.

According to the practice of this era, credit currency still cannot completely replace the status of precious metals; that is to say, whoever has more metal currencies in their hands during the war can last longer.

Of course, from another perspective, this also sounded the alarm for the empire; it was time for an old antique to retire, and the Austrian Imperial State Chartered Bank should also come to an end.

The time is now ripe for a central bank. After experiencing this crisis, the central government's ability to control financial affairs has been greatly strengthened, and the establishment of the Royal Overseas Development Company has cleared the final obstacle and made everything fall into place. The only thing left is a person with the right identity to formally raise this issue. .

The perfect candidate to meet this criteria is naturally Franz.

In fact, central bank is no longer a paper concept or a new thing. As early as 1668, Sweden reorganized the Kris Bank into the National Bank, which is recognized as the world's earliest central bank.

The Bank of England was also born in 1694. From its inception, it became the engine of the Anglo-Saxons, providing financial support for their foreign wars and national policies. Its role in promoting British history can be said to be indispensable.

As a classic line from "Currency Wars" states, "As long as I can control a country's currency issuance, I don't care who makes the laws!"

Although this sentence is both illogical and exaggerated, it does illustrate the indispensability of currency issuance to a country.

The central bank actively plays such a role in social life; it is the dominant financial center institution of the central government and an important tool for intervening and regulating the development of the national economy; in addition, it has the unique power to issue currency and is responsible for formulating and executing national policies. Monetary and credit policy and the implementation of financial supervision.

The specific method of operation is to increase currency liquidity through means such as reserve requirement ratio and interest rate cuts to boost the economy during economic downturns.

When the economy overheats, raising interest rates and increasing the reserve requirement ratio are used to raise funds to reduce market heat.

For example, the famous Federal Reserve can use its powerful influence to harvest the wealth of the world.

Anyone would be envious of making money by printing money; Franz would also be interested in experiencing it for himself if possible.

The governor of the central bank is actually a high-power and important position, and even a drop of oil and water flowing out is enough to shape a new family.

Ordinary people simply cannot withstand this temptation. At this time, the laws of the empire have not yet been perfected, and the supervision is even worse.

Improving legal provisions and strengthening the supervisory role cannot be accomplished overnight. Although Austria is so big, it can still be done by finding a few loyal ministers.

However, considering that central bank governors need to have both strong professional qualities and the ability to adapt to circumstances, there are very few qualified candidates.

In the hearts of most people in the empire, there is only one name that is ready to be spoken.

—Solomon Rothschild.

If there is no intervention, it is very likely that he will be the one to win the central bank in the end. Of course Franz would not watch this stupid thing happen.

He already knew the candidate for the governor, but it was just because this time all the conditions for establishing a central bank were fulfilled.

What Franz did was just go along with the flow and advance the time of its establishment. Baron Brooke has been tested by time and history with his loyalty, integrity and ability, and remains unmoved even in the face of the vast amounts of gold in California.

It's just that if a rare official like him who is dedicated to his duty and remains in the land of the sun, he can easily become a stumbling block in the way of people's wealth.

(The land of sunshine, that is, California, sunshine state. But it is actually a pun, and book lovers need to understand the details.)

Although Franz repeatedly told Archduke Carl Ferdinand through his subordinates traveling between the two places to ensure the safety of Baron Brooke.

Adjani was even asked to mobilize her strength to protect her secretly, but the speed at which such an honest and upright person offended others was still far beyond imagination.

In less than three years, he has been attacked by more than a hundred gunmen. Although it is related to the poor local security and radical policies, it is really exaggerated.

But it is still inferior to a certain Central American "Olympic champion". The bearded cigar-smoking Cuban survived 638 assassinations in his life.

In his later years, he once said, "My survival to this day is entirely due to the CIA's dereliction of duty. Of course, if there is an Olympic sport to avoid assassination, then I can definitely win the gold medal for my motherland. In this way, we don't have to work hard for the girls on the women's volleyball team." .”

In the 19th century, assassination methods were still very primitive. 99% of the chances were to directly intercept and kill someone face-to-face with a hired gunman, or to rush into a hotel with a knife. Those who knew how to kill with poison were high-end talents.

A very small number of smart and fierce killers will choose to use explosives to carry out halal attacks, but the actual success rate is pitifully low.

Due to the lack of power of black powder, a considerable increase in mass is required to ensure successful removal of targets. Currently, there is a lack of excellent detonation means, and fuses often need to be lit.

This method, which is not sufficiently concealed and flexible, is very powerless in the face of heavy security. Several killers who tried this method only ended up half-way to death.

Because she often hangs out with her "weird" boss, Adjani is almost perfect at using fishing and law enforcement methods, not to mention her subordinates who have heard and witnessed it.

The result has been a killer shortage throughout California, and prices have skyrocketed.

Although Baron Brooke has been staring at death so far, fortunately, the Austrian side can solve the problem first every time, even if there is only one accident.

This important figure in the Austrian Empire would go to see God in advance.

Therefore, bringing him back to the country is not only a matter of trust in him but also a safety consideration, and in a sense, it is also a compliment and test for him.

People can not escape from doing wrong. Even saints make mistakes, let alone a mortal.

Moreover, the prominent position of the President of the Imperial Central Bank is probably no safer than that of the General Manager of the California Omer United Development Company.

After all, this position will affect the interests of more people, and it will be more terrifying than facing assassination methods like knives, guns, and explosives.

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