After reading Adjani's letter in detail, Franz suddenly felt that everything around him was dull, and he completely lost his mood to continue enjoying himself.

It was clear that the original plan of continuing deep into the colonies in the interior of Namibia to investigate developments was no longer expedient.

Not to mention the great achievements of visiting the Pegmies of Cameroon and the great-dreaming Chief Lewis, and investigating the white chief, Colonel Morrison.

On May 28, 1842, after several months of long voyage, Franz finally returned home. First we landed in Venice, and then took the train back to Vienna the next day.

He returned in a hurry and did not even have time to attend the triumphal ceremony in Venice, because a group of conspirators had been in action since February 5, 1842.

They took advantage of the installment loophole to cash out and drive up the stock price. What's even more frightening is that the high stock price was built on the property and expected income of all the citizens of the empire.

(This is a continuation of the previous content. The general idea is that civilians got the goods with installment payments and then mortgaged the goods to financiers.

Financiers then use the price difference to sell them abroad to make profits, or mortgage them to banks to obtain loans, and finally give the money to civilians, who use it to buy stocks in the hope of obtaining future income.

Then pay in installments to buy new goods and take out a loan.

See the previous chapters for details. )

In theory, this type of economic crisis should not occur now. However, Austria's deformed economic structure and Franz's arrogant operation that he thought was "concession benefiting the people".

Coupled with the current torrent (railway boom) and the combined efforts of many parties involving traders who transcended the times, this financial crisis was finally created.

To explain it in a popular way, a "gentleman" takes a beautiful woman to buy luxury goods such as LV bags, diamond rings and gemstone necklaces on Saturday, but the final payment is made with a check.

But in the West in the 19th century, banks were closed on Saturdays. The store clerk came up with an idea in order to avoid causing losses to the store and himself, and to retain customers.

That is to first withhold the items the other party bought from the store, and then hand them over to the other party after the bank is open on Sunday and the check is cashed.

Reproduce the scene.

The smiling clerk stared at the "gentleman" and the beautiful woman, and then said kindly.

"I'm sorry, sir, the check you used cannot be cashed today. If you don't mind, you can store the leather bag you purchased in the store for a day.

When the bank opens tomorrow, we will cash the check and return it to you in person, along with a beautiful hanging chain specially made by our store. "

One day later, when the clerk rushed to the bank and found that it was a bad check, you can imagine his anger.

When the tricked clerk angrily approached the "gentleman," the other man said, "I was on base yesterday, thank you for your cooperation!"

"Sir, why are you playing tricks on me like this!" The clerk was still very angry.

But the cynical "gentleman" just smiled in response.

"Sure enough, you don't understand what art is. Since neither you nor me nor the bank have any losses, shouldn't this be a happy ending? Even that stupid woman thought yesterday was because of love."

That's right, in the end, a world where only beautiful women were injured was achieved.

The "gentlemen" here naturally represent profiteers, the clerks represent the royal family, the identity of the bank remains unchanged, and the beauties who were deceived are the civilians who were bewitched.

Everyone thinks that their logic is perfect, and even the victims will use the reason that they fell for the scam because they can get the expected income.

Not to mention the shrewd clerks and cunning "gentlemen" and the banks that always abide by the rules; this is the essence of this crisis, and what Franz has to do at this time is to "hero save the beauty."

Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

"To be honest, you are also responsible for the situation that has deteriorated to this point today." Franz's tone was still calm.

"But those economic and financial experts think..."

Perhaps due to excessive pressure, Adjani made errors in judgment and reaction; she tried to change the subject and shirk responsibility.

Franz suddenly buried his face in the other person's chest. This sudden move made her feel a little uneasy and confused. Please don't misunderstand, he just wants to test whether people's heart beats faster when they are nervous, not to take advantage of others.

"Hey, you are also an old man who has dealt with all kinds of groups. Can't you still see clearly that the so-called experts are all a bunch of liars?"

". Please let me refer to their opinions, which you have said personally." Adjani began to change her strategy and said with a slight grievance.

If you have never met or don't understand her, you will be confused by her and feel that you are exaggerating. After all, a beautiful woman who looks aggrieved and weak will always make people feel pity.

But Franz had seen it before and would not believe her.

"Miss Adjani, why are you still in your thirties?" Before Franz could finish his words, he was held in his arms by the excited person and became speechless.

"Eighteen, no! I will always be as young as seventeen!" She, who is extremely sensitive to age, emphasized repeatedly.

Obviously age is a woman's nemesis. No matter how proud or confident a woman is, her defenses will be broken.

"Okay, seventeen-year-old Miss Adjani, if you don't let go, I will suffocate to death."

Franz, who smiled wryly, now regretted letting her work out. Although it is more eye-catching, her strength seems to be running in the direction of Supergirl.

Adjani could experience some changes in Franz. He seemed more mature, more dangerous, and more fascinating than before.

Of course, only for people like her who have a particularly strong desire to conquer, others feel more of a cold and chilling feeling.

After all, Franz dug a lot of holes during this trip. Although the wars and conflicts that had been triggered had taken away countless people's statements, they were just an appetizer for the entire plan.

It is unknown how many lives will be needed to fill these holes in the days to come.

But one thing that hasn't changed is Franz's attitude, which is either casual or well-informed.

Even she, an outsider, could see that Austria's financial crisis was imminent.

Faced with this extreme anomaly, Franz, as the backbone, still had the time to teach him a lesson or tease herself, which made her feel very confused.

"Are you giving up on yourself?" Adjani asked maliciously, with a bad expression like a fox that had just deceived the crow.

"Why do you ask such a question?" The future heir of Optimus Prime, who was usually confident, had a blank expression at this moment, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with him.

"Didn't you see the letter I sent asking for help?"

"I've finished reading it."

"Then why don't you seek a solution?"

"Because there is no need."

"." After a moment of silence, Adjani asked: "Are you pretending to be calm or are you really helpless?"

"Of course not."

"I really don't know what to say. In recent years, you have been working hard for the future of this country almost all the time.

But your attitude today is very different from before. Could it be that you have changed your views on those financial speculators? "

"I am touched by your heartfelt words, but I know how to deal with this matter."

Just when the conversation fell into silence again, Franz grabbed the other person's "conscience" and spoke earnestly while looking into her eyes.

"Miss Adjani, please don't be so obvious next time you act as a double agent. Although Solomon Rothschild did a good job this time, his overly conceited nature will sooner or later make him fall into trouble. And I guess he didn't Don’t really trust anyone.”

"Isn't that the same for you?" Adjani asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm very experienced. How can I gain the other party's trust if I don't do this? What's more, according to my investigation, the mastermind this time is not Solomon, but a young man named Soros.

This man was a Jewish merchant from the Ottomans. But according to my verification, he was not born and raised there, but a refugee from Hungary. Of course, this identity is also likely to be forged.

There is information that this person is most likely related to the previous Hungarian slave trade incident, and is even more likely to be the real mastermind behind the incident. All in all, this is a very difficult opponent that needs special attention.

In addition, their target price is a 60 florin plan, and the harvest will be completed before August 18, 1842, which is considered as a birthday gift to you. At least that's what they said in internal meetings. "

It seemed that her investigation was quite detailed, but the act of betraying herself made Franzton feel a little angry.

"Miss Adjani, you have betrayed me thoroughly. I have been hiding for so many years, and I am blind in vain."

"You know what the proverb says? If you don't let go of your children, you won't catch the wolf."

Adjani tilted her head and explained.

"So I am the innocent child?" Franz half joked and half laughed at himself.

"Isn't it true for your age?" she asked.

"Okay, is that all the information you got?"

"There are also some I wrote in the report. Yes, it's in the third drawer on the right side of your study." Adjani whispered beside Franz.

"Only this?"

“Of course not only that, they also gave me 100,000 pounds and bought a mansion and 10 square kilometers of ranch in the United States, located in Boston.

If you fail and have no face to face your family and country, you can consider setting foot on the new continent with me. I will take care of you. Adjani said with a smile.

"I advise you not to go to the United States." After some careful consideration, he said confidently.

"Why?" she asked, looking at the other person's statue-like perfect face with interest.

"It won't always be peaceful there. There may be rivers of bloodshed in the future."

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