War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 311 Victory in the first battle

Since its debut in West Africa more than a year ago, the Austrian army's rocket launcher has undergone a round of updates and improvements. The Imperial War Office and the military learned the lessons of actual combat experience.

From the summary report submitted by relevant personnel and the Friedrich weapon evaluation log, it is obvious that the weapon's five-kilometer range is of little importance to the land battlefield.

The hit rate in sea battles is too poor, so instead of sacrificing power to increase the attack range, it is better to maximize the three characteristics of shortness, flatness and speed.

Thanks to the efforts of designers, the range of the new rocket in the new round of improvements has been reduced to only one kilometer, but its power has nearly doubled and its launch speed has become faster. Surprisingly, the cost of the new version has not changed much.

Just before Friedrich, as the commander-in-chief, ordered all Austrian rockets to be aimed at the troops of the Wanna Kingdom, both the local indigenous people and Lanfang thought that this meant that the Dutch army was coming to seek benefits again.

King Wannatu even judged that the Dutch army led by Captain Arjan Penhe intended to destroy Lanfang in one fell swoop. After all, the former has long had this intention. As long as all the upper-class Chinese forces are eliminated, all the millions of middle-class and lower-class Chinese will become his slaves.

After he destroyed the Chinese company, his next target would be the insidious and cunning British, and then he would drive away the Dutch and then dominate the world.

In this "careerist"'s perception, the Dutch have the strongest strength, but fortunately their homeland is thousands of miles away, and they are greedy by nature, so it is easy to be bribed.

Although the British have some industries in North Borneo, their small number makes them weak. However, due to the geographical constraints, the native king is beyond the reach of the British.

The head of Dongwanlu City.

When he saw the Western-style army appearing not far away, Gu Liubo couldn't help but feel shocked, and the big knife that was already full of gaps in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"Gu Liu, did you invite those foreigners?" Xie Guifang said slowly. At this time, he was already over seventy years old and did not want to get involved in the company's affairs anymore, but at this difficult time, he decided to bring his family members to help guard the situation. city.

Xie Guifang was born as a martial arts scholar, good at using a pair of iron guts, and could shoot three bows. He was supposed to become Lanfang's chief commander, but firstly, he had a close relationship with Liu Taier, and secondly, he had no intention of doing so.

(Xie Guifang was the great general of Lanfang after the ancient Liu Bo, but he was old and weak, and the situation was declining, so he left Hexi not long after.)

"It's not me. At that time, Liu Taier spent 200,000 taels of silver but only hired 200 Dutch soldiers to help him. Now I'm afraid there are thousands of Dutch soldiers. Not to mention Wanna bandits, even if they go to Dongwanlu, it's still unknown. .”

At that time, no Chinese company in Borneo, except the Dagang Company, had ever defeated the Dutch. But that was also a victory achieved at great cost through an ambush on the premise that the Netherlands had an intelligence advantage.

During the period of Liu Tai'er, the most cowardly leader of Lanfang Company, eleven Dutch soldiers and an interpreter dared to collect head tax at Lanfang's headquarters.

(Liu Taier was the general leader of Lanfang before Gu Liubo, and it was during his reign that Lanfang began to decline rapidly. One theory is that he was innocent and only signed the sale treaty because he was deceived. , but this man was very trustworthy, so he became a Dutch semi-colony.

Another theory is that his strength was unstable when he came to power, and he only lured the wolf into the house in order to control the situation. )

"Gu Liu, if you put it like that, we still don't know whether the person coming here is an enemy or a friend." Xie Guifang sighed. He still remembered how prosperous Lanfang Company was when he was young. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "the coming of thousands of nations."

"Yes, Uncle Xie. I'm afraid that this is Dagang, or that Sangou invited us to destroy us. It's also possible that the remnants of the Tiandihui gang from Uson Company are here."

Gu Liubo's words resonated with Xie Guifang, and the atmosphere became tense again.

On the battlefield.

When the Austrian guns turned towards the Wanna natives, Nur Aziz, the king of Wanna natives, sneered.

"Do these guys think we don't have cannons? Show them all and let them see it!"

Six earthen cannons improvised by the Dutch were pushed up, which cost Noor Aziz 1,000 kilograms of gold in exchange.

Although these six native cannons have low technological content, they look much more powerful and domineering than the Austrian rocket launchers. At least they look very stocky.

Friedrich on the other end couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene. He put down his telescope and said to Franz next to him, "It seems that this battle is not as easy to fight as we thought."

"What is the situation?" Due to the rush, only a vanguard of 1,000 Austrian Marines and 50 members of the Chenla Skitarii came with the expedition fleet this time, while the large force was still at the seaside.

"The other side is equipped with artillery. Although it is just an outdated old-fashioned artillery, it may cause some casualties to our side."

Franz breathed a sigh of relief and said, "There is no need to worry about a few cannons that cannot change the situation of the battle."

"Haha, I thought you were still as unwilling to kill too many people as you were in West Africa! In that case, let's show them our big fireworks first."

"That's a rocket!" Franz corrected.

"It's almost the same. Anyway, it's flying into the sky. Will it explode?"

Following Friedrich's order, 20 rocket launchers continued to fly towards Wanatu King's artillery position at a rate of fire of 6 rounds per minute.

These new anti-infantry rodless spinning rockets are equipped with a large number of steel balls inside to increase their power. After the explosion, hundreds of small steel balls will be scattered in all directions. Their maximum killing range is about 50 yards, but the actual effective killing range is 18 yards.

Wanna soldiers will be baptized by 120 rounds of these anti-infantry rockets every minute. The lethality of this to the dense formation of the opponent can be imagined.

The first ones to gather were the enemy's elite - that is, the foreign gun team and artillery team. And these unprepared natives wore almost no armor.

Faced with the steel balls that exploded in all directions at high speed, even the most nimble and agile indigenous soldiers could not avoid them all. Even if there really is a divine warrior, it is impossible for him to be immune to hundreds of barrage attacks.

Some indigenous soldiers tried in vain to stop the little devils flying with the blast of air with their hands, but they ended up with a painful price of all their fingers and skin being shaved off.

All that was left where they stood was a bloody hole.

There were a few people with extremely strong vitality struggling to wriggle on the ground, but as more death from the sky exploded around them, this last struggle soon stopped.

Under this saturation attack, soon there was no sign of any living person on the ground except for a pile of bright red corpses.

The scene that looked like the end of the world was as if an ancient behemoth had just feasted here.

What is sad and ridiculous is that even with such terrifying firepower, the indigenous army did not choose to escape. Instead, they stayed in place like nails and were harvested in pieces.

So much so that after five minutes, the Austrian Rocket Force had to stop the fire attack to prevent the launcher from being damaged due to long-term and high-intensity use.

As the smoke on the other side dissipated, Franz used a telescope to observe that although the other side had suffered heavy losses, there seemed to be no signs of collapse.

This made him very puzzled. According to the common sense of war, if more than 5% of this primitive army, which has not even reached feudalization, is killed in battle, its morale will be gone.

But the tragic sight of corpses on the ground didn't seem to frighten the other party. Could it be that they still have backup?

There are more than 2 million indigenous people living in the land of West Borneo, so it is not impossible to organize 100,000 to 200,000 combatable troops at once.

It seems that the weapons and troops brought by our side in this operation are a bit too thin. If we had known this, we should have sent our elite dragoon regiment to help.

However, because the complex terrain and climate of the tropics are very unsuitable for cavalry operations in temperate zones, only a group of marines and a small number of hunters can be used.

While Franz was thoughtful, Friedrich had already ordered the Austrian soldiers to line up to prepare to face the enemy.

They were all equipped with the latest breech-loading rifled guns, but it was a pity that they were too short to dig trenches, otherwise he really wanted to test the new tactics.

Just as the officers on the Austrian side were arranging their troops intensively, a heart-rending howl suddenly rang out from the calm battlefield. Coupled with the red earth, it was like a Shura field-like picture.

The few indigenous people who survived desperately fled back to the mountains and forests. Perhaps only the mountain gods could save them from this horrific killing.

Shields, weapons, and armor were scattered all over the place. Everyone had only one goal, and that was to escape. Even if the person standing in front of him is a brother or a father and son, he will kill anyone who dares to block the way.

Nur Aziz's father, Roel Aziz, was described as the dog of the Tang people, because he would only rely on the power of the Tang people to fight for some land that others did not want, or to collect some garbage that other tribes did not want. (People who are disabled or thin)

Nur Aziz took over the power of the tribe at the age of sixteen, and then began his brutal path to power. He first killed seven of his brothers and sisters, and then began a bloody conquest that lasted twenty years.

After decades of foreign wars, the population and territory of the Wanna Kingdom have more than doubled. They even received support from the Dutch before. It can be said that he is only the last step away from the success of his dream.

But this one-sided war robbed Nur Aziz of all his ambitions and his soul. He didn't rush into the jungle like other tribe members or push down and trample his companions.

But when a self-proclaimed ruler loses his ambition to conquer the world, he is no different from his subordinates who just want to escape.

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