War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 247 Trip to Austria (Part 2)

However, the family of five was soon attracted by the victims' home provided by the church, which is a public welfare institution similar to an aid station.

For poor people, it is an exciting thing anytime they can receive free food.

In fact, the so-called free food is just a piece of bread and a small glass of wine with water.

Since the victims' home is built within the station, it also eliminates the danger of being ripped off by fake poor people to a certain extent. After all, the entrance fee is not cheap.

In fact, there are many benefits to charging entry fees. This makes management easier, and at the same time, monopoly can also maximize profits.

For the truly poor, a piece of bread and a small glass of water and wine provided by the House of the Sufferers means a lot, filling their stomachs and providing them with hope of living.

Just like what the Ephra family needs most at this time is this kind of spiritual comfort to soothe their nervousness and uneasiness when they first arrive in a strange country.

The priests of the House of the Victims enjoyed doing this job very much. It was much easier than asking them to go to the rich to "beg for alms" or to spread the gospel to the savages.

They had seen many people, so they could naturally tell that Avra's family were really poor. In addition to the Holy Body and Holy Blood, they also served them three bowls of hot soup.

Of course the priests would only say that this was for children, but there were five sets of cutlery, and the steaming bowls were filled with vegetables and shredded meat. Although Ephra and her husband were very hungry, they still said.

"Father, you are mistaken. There are only three children here."

The fat old priest smiled and answered slowly.

“This is God’s dwelling place, and everyone is a child of God.”

"Thank you, Father Father." The three children said in unison, and the two adults were already choking.

Before the family left, the fat old priest gave the children some more chocolates.

The family thanked the priest again.

"It is God who is gracious that you should thank, not me."

After Avra's family left, a young priest in luxurious clothes found the fat old priest.

"Archbishop Rauscher, why are you here? I've been looking for you for a long time!"

"Why is it so urgent, my child?" the old priest said with a smile.

"The bishops from all over the country are waiting for you, and time is running out!"

Archbishop Rauscher touched his thinning hair and said with a smile.

"I forgot about it."

"Sir, we are running out of time. The carriage is still waiting for you outside. Let others distribute these Holy Communions." the young man urged.

"Time is not important, life is important." Archbishop Rauscher still insisted on handing out Holy Communion in person.

In fact, the funds provided by the church are enough to provide communion to every traveler, but Rauscher knows very well that no one is perfect.

If everyone is corrupt, it will cause a huge deficit, which will in turn prevent some people from receiving the Holy Communion. When those who really need help cannot receive help, they may be shaken in their faith, may become depraved, and may even Lives will be lost as a result.

The Austrian church is very wealthy. Not only does it receive a large number of donations every year, it also has a large amount of church property, and it even still has the right to collect tithes.

Moreover, due to Franz's influence at this time, the church operated a health care industry, and even had a religious colony abroad, with an annual income comparable to that of a German prince.

It was not difficult for Rauscher to make up for the deficit, but Franz stopped him and instead established a strict supervision and prosecution system.

Although Archbishop Rauscher felt that Archduke Franz's behavior was a bit strange, he still decided to comply. After all, he knew very well that he had no management skills, let alone leading the entire church.

At the Immigration Bureau, Ephra and her husband underwent detailed physical examinations.

The administration official asked with a frown.

"Sir, what can you do?"

(A considerable number of officials are from noble backgrounds. Even if they are not nobles, they will find ways to look like nobles, so they will be more polite than conductors and the like.)

"I can farm, weave, cook, and shoot a gun."

"Have you been a soldier before?"



"Prussian, 3rd Silesian Regiment."

The official in front of him frowned even deeper.

The man also knew about the relationship between Prussia and Austria, but he had just said it, and now it was too late to regret it. He could only hold his wife's hand tightly. If the other party did not agree to go to Hungary to open up wasteland, he would leave alone and let his wife take care of him. Live with your children.

The official stopped looking at the man and turned to Ephra.

"What is your relationship?"

"I am his wife." Avra ​​said regardless of her husband's obstruction.

The official made a few notes in the register, then pointed to their children and said.

"All these children belong to you?"

The two nodded.

The official smiled. In fact, the Immigration Bureau has regulations that provide preferential treatment to those who bring children. They brought three children. Although the man is lame, he should have no problem doing some simple farm work.

Just as the official was about to stamp it, a staff member handed him a report.

The official took a few glances and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Ms. Avra, you are going to be a mother again."

"What do you mean?" Avra ​​asked nervously, because usually pregnant women mean people who have lost their labor force, and the work of the land reclamation team is undoubtedly heavy physical labor.

"You're pregnant."

The news of her pregnancy at this time was undoubtedly a thunderbolt from the clear sky, which meant that both of them would soon lose the ability to work and become a disabled person.

"Then can I still go to Hungary?" Avra ​​asked tremblingly.

"What else are you going to do? Let's go to the shelter outside the city to give birth to the baby first."

"What about me?" the man asked.

"You're not pregnant."


"Well, you have a rest today, and someone will make detailed arrangements for your trip to Hungary tomorrow."

"I'm sorry sir, I want to go to Hungary with my husband and my children." Avra ​​summoned the courage to say.

"Are you sure? It's very difficult in Transletania. Although it is a royal estate, the medical conditions are not as good as those in Vienna."

"Yes, I'm pretty sure."

"Well, there will be a land reclamation group going to Hungary tomorrow, so you can go with them."

After that, the Avra ​​family was arranged to take care of the forage and horses of the wasteland reclamation group. Although it was hard work, they had the opportunity to sit on the forage cart and rest.

After arriving in Hungary, they discovered that the so-called wasteland was simply more fertile than the land owned by the landlord. It was truly black soil.

Avra's belly gradually grew bigger, and the couple were assigned to serve as chefs for the land reclamation team. The children were sent to mission schools to receive an Austrian education.

Six months later, Avra ​​gave birth to her fourth child, whom she named Silesia. They all became Austrians on the royal farm, with ordinary jobs, ordinary lives, and ordinary education.

Or they will still remember that they are Prussians, but those children and the children around them who also speak German have long regarded themselves as Austrian Germans, and this feeling will become stronger and stronger because of the presence of Hungarians.

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