There are almost no guards in the trading post. They have enjoyed comfort here for too long. The most deadly thing for them in Africa is heat and disease, and the threat of indigenous tribes has long been forgotten.

Joel Martini was walking to the bathroom swaying after getting up from the night. He drank a lot today because this business was very successful. As long as they could transport the black slaves to Texas, they would have $350,000 waiting for them. Watching them.

And Captain Flor has decided with him to keep this profit for himself and leave this hellish place never to come back again.

Suddenly he felt a bite on his neck. He reached out to grab it but pulled out a poison dart. Just when he was about to shout, he suddenly found that his mouth was not obeying his command, and he fell softly.

The venom on that poison dart is a mixture of black mamba and several poisonous insects and poisonous weeds. All of them are neurotoxins. They are very powerful but cannot be stored for a long time. It is undoubtedly very dangerous to prepare this poison. thing, so Tutubayo will not use it easily.

A group of indigenous warriors, covered in black resin, quickly eliminated all the drunkards still wandering in the courtyard.

Tutubayo pointed to a few simple wooden houses and assigned soldiers to deal with the people in the houses.

There were more than thirty people crowded in the first wooden house. The air was turbid and everyone slept like a dead pig. Tutubayo and his warriors exchanged glances, no words, only gestures.

Walking to the bed, he held down the mouth of a sleeping soldier, and the blade scratched his neck. There was no resistance or struggle, only the twitching before death and the faint sound of blood spurting from the neck.

Tutubayo crossed the corpse and came to the second man. There was still no struggle or resistance, only mechanical harvesting and flowing blood.

One room, two rooms, three rooms. The bloody assassinations are being repeated one after another, covering the mouth, cutting the throat, covering the mouth, cutting the throat... in an endless cycle, and the smell of blood is floating in the entire camp.

Tutubayo killed at least twenty Frenchmen in one night. He shook his sore arms and could not hide his excitement. You must know that before, even the most powerful tribe in this land did not dare to step into this land. area.

The elders in the tribe say that devils live here, and even the wizards are scared to death every time they talk about the French on the seaside.

All the indigenous warriors had the same idea as Tutubayo. This battle was just like their usual hunting of orangutans and baboons. Some indigenous warriors relaxed their vigilance because of this.

At this time, gunshots were heard in a room. Two indigenous soldiers happened to encounter a French soldier who was getting up at night. The fight between the two sides woke up other French soldiers.

Soon gunshots rang out in the trading post one after another like popping beans. The indigenous warriors wanted to take advantage of their numerical advantage to kill all the remaining French.

However, the weapons gap between the two sides was too great. The indigenous warriors who rushed in front were shot down by the French, and those behind did not dare to step forward. Soon the second round of gunfire rang out again, and another group of indigenous warriors fell in a pool of blood. .

In this way, most of the hundred indigenous elites selected by Tutubayo were lost in a very short period of time. He could only order a retreat with red eyes.

Because these warriors are the foundation of the tribe, without these warriors he would not be able to hold on to the territory even if he gains it.

The sound of gunshots excited the other indigenous tribes who had been waiting outside for a long time. They were afraid that Tutubayo really won the battle. If so, the Austrians would allocate the entire Kru tribe's land to him.

Now when the gun fires, the credit belongs to everyone. In fact, there were nearly ten thousand indigenous warriors gathered around the French trading post. Those Frenchmen would not survive the night anyway.

Captain Flor was still frightened by the attack just now. He did not expect that the natives would actually attack the trading post. After counting, more than 150 people died in the attack, including his brother Joel Ma. Tiny.

There are only 25 French soldiers left in the trading post. Fortunately, the slaves are still there, and there is an Austrian camp nearby, and a merchant ship (slave ship) will arrive in a few days.

What he had to do at this time was to survive. The camp was obviously no longer safe. It was better to sell it to the Austrians and make another profit.

As for those slaves, let's just say they were prisoners who attacked the camp. Flor made up his mind and prepared to let his men count the supplies and slaves.

At this time he heard the roar of war and the sound of buffalo horns, overwhelming in all directions.

Krewe Tribe.

Chief Pang was playing with his new snuff bottle when suddenly the tribe's wizard ran in crawling.

"Chief! The white men are coming!"

"Invite them in quickly, you idiots! Slaves, we have more, as long as they can afford the price, haha!" Chief Pangs obviously did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

"It's Austrian!"

"Austrians?" At this moment, Chief Pons knew that the people who came were not French, but he had just signed a protection treaty with the Austrians, so what were they doing again?

"What are they doing here?"

"The people who heard back said that we violated the rules they set and now they want to punish us." The wizard said.

"What rules did we break?" Chief Pons asked subconsciously.

"They say we sold our slaves to the French!"

Chief Pons realized the seriousness of the problem and gritted his teeth and said.

"You take all our slaves and ivory, tell them we will give them whatever they want, and ask them to let us go!"

Chief Pons roared hysterically, and the wizard immediately ran out crawling.

Franz naturally would not accept the other party's surrender, but he still politely suggested it to the wizard.

"You can evacuate the children and women first to avoid accidental injuries in subsequent battles."

Chief Pang naturally would not agree. He felt that this was a conspiracy by the other party and wanted to threaten him with women and children.

As a result, Chief Pons became more confident in his fence and ordered the strong men in the tribe to raise the fence to withstand Austrian cannonballs and "burning snakes".

The indigenous Africans at that time had never seen rockets and called them "burning firebirds" and "burning snakes".

Friedrich teased.

"Franz, your good intentions have been betrayed. Why are you so gentle to those natives? Just like the incompetent guy before, he almost messed up everything. You really don't have a good way of looking at people."

"Uncle Friedrich, haven't you ever touched a woman? Aren't I trying to help you find a suitable one? After all, you are used to white skin." Franz choked back.


"Have the courage to try, Uncle Friedrich."

"Go away! Have you seen the fence array in front of you? What do you think it is for?" Friedrich said with interest.

Franz said, looking at the three-meter-high fence in front of him.

"Maybe you're afraid of a kangaroo jumping in?"

"There are no kangaroos in Africa! How can we fight this battle?"

"Such a big circle of fence, plus a bunch of thatched huts, rockets will wash the ground." Franz was not yet virgin enough to use the lives of his own country's soldiers to save the civilians of the enemy country during the battle.

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