War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 232 “Holy Justice and Redemption”

Spaniards, open the door to send "God".

The British open the door and bring "civilization".

Americans, open the door and give "freedom".

Franz’s slogan is: open the door and deliver “justice”.

Franz looked at the smoke-filled battlefield in a daze. To be honest, he didn't expect the battle to be so tragic.

After all, the battle reports I have seen before basically show that wiping out about 10% of the troops will cause the enemy to collapse and surrender, and then the other side will start to clean the battlefield and capture prisoners.

In the previous battle, the Austrians fired more than 500 new rodless spinning rockets in just ten minutes. They dealt a huge blow to the morale of the indigenous soldiers in a short period of time.

What's even more frightening is that it happened to be the dry season at this time, and the dry grass on the ground was ignited. The fire spread quickly. Many indigenous soldiers had a chance to escape.

However, the opponent's sudden cavalry charge shattered this hope. The final outcome was that almost no one of the five thousand soldiers survived. What was even more frightening was that they were all surrounded and killed in a small area.

The strong smell of burning corpses around him was nauseating, and Franz felt that the steak in his hand suddenly lost its aroma.

Archduke Friedrich on the side showed a fanatical expression.

"Franz, you are such a genius! I have never seen such a beautiful siege and annihilation battle. I want to record it. I think my father and brother will be very willing to discuss this new tactic with you."

This compliment made Franz feel deserved. In fact, this was not a brand-new tactic at all. It was just a copy of the fire superiority theory. To put it simply, it was to wash the ground with rockets that were paid for, and then take advantage of the enemy. When morale collapsed, the cavalry was sent to pursue decisively and harvest the heads.

But due to the advantages of terrain and timing (favorable factors), the results of the victory were greatly magnified.

The battle just now made Franz think about a question, can the infantry really maintain morale under such firepower? And even if the morale of the military has not collapsed, how can a flesh-and-blood body withstand a sea-of-fire bombing?

What is even more worrying is whether the secrets of the successful use of these new weapons will be used by other countries and in turn used on the Austrian army during war?

"Uncle Friedrich, this is an unequal battle, and our purpose remains unchanged."

"I know, we are talking about business. Don't worry, I am not a butcher. I don't want to kill all these natives, although I think that would be easier."

The chiefs and messengers of the surrounding tribes were so frightened that they looked at Franz and Friedrich talking and laughing beside them.

Although they didn't know what these two were talking about, they knew that the two young men in front of them could easily determine their life and death, honor and disgrace.

It was Franz's decision to invite the natives to visit, because he did not have time to convince the tribes one by one, so he hoped to show them the pros and cons in the simplest and most direct way.

At this time, Franz reminded the translator and asked him to remind the tribal leaders again to consider signing the protection agreement, and at the same time asked them to talk about their grievances with the Akan tribe.

In fact, it is funny to say that there are hundreds of languages ​​​​in the land of Ivory Coast, but the lingua franca is Portuguese and French.

Of course, from now on they will have to learn one more language, and that is German.

Seeing the chiefs signing the protection agreement one after another, Franz couldn't help but feel relieved that his goal had been achieved. As for the numerous grievances between them and the Akan tribe, it was simply too numerous to describe, even if it took seven days and seven nights, he couldn't finish it. .

They were robbing water sources, livestock, and women. They were as small as using toilet paper and trampling ants to death. They were as big as the Akan tribe launching several wars and plundering so much land and people.

People have a comparison mentality. If you say that the Akan tribe robbed you of five sheep, I will say that they robbed me of ten sheep. Later, even the formation of the Hasala Desert was the fault of the Akan tribe.

Although they were a group of indigenous people, they were able to reach the top and knew how to flatter and adapt to the situation. After seeing Franz's powerful force, these chiefs and messengers began to flatter Franz one after another.

Franz knew that they had no choice but to survive, so he did not expose them. Instead, he directly gave them a big gift, which was all the population and land of the Akan tribe.

In fact, the tribal chiefs had long wanted to take advantage of the situation, but they were frightened by the strength of the Austrian army. Now with Franz's permission, the tribal chiefs who usually stood aloof immediately prostrated themselves on the ground.

Oshioshanone may have grown up in a shrine and been trained as a shrine maiden. She always gives people a sense of superiority. Coupled with her cold eyes and cold appearance, people will mistakenly think that she is a shrine maiden. A fairy who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world.

After that, all her behaviors were up to standard and very polite, but she just gave people a feeling of being distant from others.

At this time, Franz looked at Da Shianyin again, their eyes met, and she inadvertently showed a flattering smile.

Franz nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that this scene shocked her.

In fact, it was more than just a shock. It simply refreshed her outlook. The shogunate warriors Oshio Shanyin had seen before seemed inferior to the native Africans holding flintlock guns.

At the same time, the shogunate army was still equipped with a large number of cold weapons, and there were even samurai masters showing off their force on the streets with swords.

When suppressing the Osaka rebellion, the iron artillery team only appeared once, and it was specifically used to deal with Oshio Heihachiro's main force.

At other times, the main way to deal with the rebels was to equip them with spears and ashigaru wearing haori. Only the officers leading the team had samurai swords. (During Japan's 200 years of isolation, the updating of weapons almost stagnated)

Even so, the rebels were unable to resist, and this time Franz eliminated thousands of indigenous people. Although they were barbarians, they were equipped with advanced muskets.

Oshiosugiin felt that the shogunate's officers and soldiers might not perform any better than those African tribes in front of Franz's army. She was even sure that as long as Franz's army set foot on Japanese soil, it would be a matter of time before they conquered it.

Although she is Japanese, she wants someone to conquer that land, not just for revenge, but also for redemption.

Of course, this was all instilled in her by Franz. After all, this is what later generations of Americans did, cultivating a large number of spiritual Americans under the banner of "freedom and democracy."

The earliest Spaniards, under the banner of "holy war", gave away Catholicism and robbed gold and silver. Later, the British seized colonies all over the world in the name of sending "civilization" to them.

Later, Americans used the banner of "freedom, democracy and human rights" to stir up shit and steal oil everywhere.

Religious flags are too old and outdated; sending civilization is the British and French way, which has no characteristics; American flags are inappropriate for Austria to use.

If Franz used it, he would either be imprisoned in a lunatic asylum, or Austria would be broken into a dozen pieces in minutes.

So Franz customized a new banner for the Austrian Empire at this time, "Holiness, Justice and Redemption."

He characterized Oshiosugi Yin as a "holy avenger" who upholds justice for the weak and redeems the ignorant.

This same theory can also explain current wars and any wars in the future.

At this time, Miss Shanyin was thinking about it. Franz destroyed the Akan tribe to uphold justice, signed the protection treaty to protect the weak indigenous people from the great powers, and established the colony to redeem the ignorant local people.

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