Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

The brothers Albrecht and Friedrich didn't seem to be in a very high mood, drinking sullenly without saying a word.

In fact, Franz was also unhappy. Although legislative protection could reduce the slave trade to a certain extent, the punishment was too light.

The accomplices had ten thousand florins each, the principals fifty thousand florins each, and the real mastermind was at large.

The Austrian Empire confiscated a total of 5.9 million florins from Hungarian human traffickers. This money will be handed over to the Hungarian government for use in the compensation of victims and relief for disaster victims.

Hungarian Speaker Bilal was forced to resign, along with nearly a hundred officials involved. At the same time, 17 Hungarian officials who were directly involved were dismissed.

The Austrian Empire would send officials to Hungary to oversee relief and pension efforts.

Archduke Karl did not make a big fuss in Hungary as everyone expected, but just went through the motions in Budapest.

When he came back, he gave the brothers Albrecht and Friedrich a lesson and scolded them for their nonsense.

With the resignation of a large number of Hungarian officials, the entire region fell into chaos. A large number of horse bandits appeared in the local area, and even the royal estates were attacked.

Franz was certain that these attacks were organized and purposeful, and ordinary gangsters would not dare to attack the royal estate. It was not easy to hide on the Hungarian plains, but their mischief was actually a favor to Franz.

Franz had always wanted to transport weapons into Hungary, and this time he had an honest reason.

Now all parties are dissatisfied with this result, so some people will be impatient.

"I have a newly invented dessert here - almond tofu, do you want to try it?"

Albrecht was not interested in eating, but Friedrich was open-minded. Since there was no result, he might as well do something else, so he happened to be hungry and said.

"What is tofu? You can also get almonds this season. You are really good." Friedrich said.

The preservation and storage technology at this time was very poor, and even the emperor could only taste the almonds during their ripening season.

Hence the famous saying "I want to eat dumplings!"

However, preserving almonds was too simple for Franz, but making tofu took a lot of effort from Franz.

"Thank you for the compliment, Uncle Friedrich. I have another gift for you."

After Franz finished speaking, he handed Friedrich a drawing, and the latter studied it for a long time.

"Isn't this a steam engine? But the parameters are too high, right? Didn't some scientist study it while drunk?" Friedrich has been immersed in military technology for many years. He doesn't think there is anything he doesn't know. Power machinery.

"This is called a steam turbine. It's much more efficient than the current reciprocating steam engine. It's normal that you can't understand it. The best steam engine now has a thermal efficiency of only 8%, but this guy's thermal efficiency can easily exceed 40%. "

Even if more advanced reciprocating steam is invented in the future, the maximum efficiency cannot exceed 20%, but the steam turbine is completely different. With the steam turbine, the maximum efficiency can go up to 80%. To this day, American aircraft carriers are still driven by this thing, which shows how powerful it is. the driving force.

What's even more terrible is that the steam turbine has a simple structure, small footprint, lighter, quieter, low manufacturing cost, long service life, low failure rate, easy maintenance and countless other advantages.

Historically, the emergence of steam turbines killed reciprocating steam engines almost instantly. However, there is now a problem, that is, insufficient rubber. Mr. Doppler tried to use Eucommia gum instead. As a result, there was a problem with the tightness and a violent explosion occurred. This led to the suspension of classes at the Royal Academy for Women in Vienna for a month.

The entire laboratory was blown up on the spot. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but it caused huge losses to the reputation of the college. Many aristocratic families refused to send their children back to school. They would rather hire teachers from the Holy See to teach than let their children Stay in this dangerous place even for one more minute.

At the same time, a large number of noble families who could not afford dowries sent their children over, and in the end the number of people in the college increased.

Enrollment at the Royal Academy for Women in Vienna is not going smoothly. Currently, there are no students in the high school or university departments. Most of the people who come to class are little lolita, and they are generally pampered. This place is more like a kindergarten than a college.

The junior high school is a group of young women. They often have nothing to do after getting married, or they are victims of unfortunate marriages. One word can best describe it, which is the Complaints Center. They have talked about the bad things of the parents in Vienna.

In addition to the two compulsory courses of mathematics and German, the popularity of housework and communication courses has skyrocketed. Some people have signed up for literature and theology, while history and law courses are empty. As for physics and chemistry, no one is interested at all.

That's why Doubler and a group of physicists had time to conduct experiments. Regarding this steam turbine, all participants understood that this would be an invention that transcended the times, and at the same time they also felt a very serious sense of frustration.

Archduke Franz was just 9 years old, but his vision and wisdom seemed to have surpassed all the geniuses present.

"40%?" Friedrich looked a little unbelievable.

"Yes, with this guy, your warship can easily break through thirty knots, and then the British and French warships can only follow you and eat dust."

"There is no ashes in the sea," Thalia whispered.

"Your elbows are turned outward, right? You are really a bad girl in college. What do you, the principal, mean by following me around all day?"

Franz pinched Thalia's butt, and the latter could only stand up straight and endure it. After all, there were other members of the royal family present. If Thalia knocked off Franz's hand like usual, it would probably cause unnecessary trouble.

Adjani saw something wrong with Friedrich's eyes and coughed twice to remind Franz.

Franz then turned his head and saw Friedrich staring at him angrily.

"You damn kid, you're such a waste of money!"

Franz could only smile awkwardly, not knowing whether he was referring to the steam turbine or Thalia.

"This design is still in the experimental stage. I will hand it over to you when it is stable. This will definitely become a secret weapon of the Austrian Imperial Navy."

Friedrich was angry and didn't want to speak, but Albrecht hit him on the head.

"Be polite and remember who you are."

The lineage of Archduke Karl can only be regarded as a collateral line at this time, and it is no surprise that Franz will inherit the position of patriarch in the future, so whether they are ministers of the Austrian Empire or members of the family, they should maintain respect for the future monarch.

The 185-centimeter Archduke Albrecht felt a strong sense of oppression against the 158-centimeter Archduke Friedrich, who could only bow his head and admit his mistake.

"Uncle Albrecht, don't worry. Sooner or later, those Hungarians will lose their temper. At that time, I will find a way to let you vent your anger in person."

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