Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Franz read the news in the newspaper. The Queen of England announced the implementation of a twelve-hour working day and required factory owners to improve workers' treatment.

In fact, this is a good thing for the future of Britain at any time, but in Britain, which has just experienced an economic crisis, this will undoubtedly greatly intensify domestic conflicts.

There was an uproar in the British Parliament, and a day later several MPs had to undergo bloodletting due to elevated blood pressure.

Viscount Melbourne, the leader of the Whig Party, and Robert Peel, the leader of the Tory Party, both locked themselves in small dark rooms, as if waiting for the end to come.

Queen Victoria was a little proud of the roaring cheers before. What she didn't know was that the whole of Britain was now in chaos.

If a factory owner takes the lead in openly opposing the Queen's policies, of course he will be immediately beaten up by workers coming from all directions, while the military police look on and don't know what to do.

Some people tried to launch an uprising to overthrow the monarchy. However, they underestimated the British military power at this time. These soldiers may hesitate to hit civilians, but they are unambiguous in attacking the rebels. After all, robbery is the biggest source of income for soldiers.

"Archduke Franz, Archbishop Rauscher wants to see you." Adjani reminded Franz from the side.

Archbishop Rauscher had just entered Franz's study when a cool breeze blew by, instantly making him shiver.

"Praise God, only God's power can create such a miracle."

"Yes, God has given us wisdom so that we can spend this difficult summer cool."

Franz instantly possessed the magic stick and cooperated with Archbishop Rauscher and said. When he saw the report in Rauscher's hand, he couldn't help but sigh that he still underestimated the power of the church and underestimated the armed merchant ships.

The armed merchant ship in Franz's imagination had a displacement of one to two hundred tons and was fully loaded with cargo. When several sailors saw the pirates, they panicked and couldn't fight or run away. After surrendering, they could only jump on sampans one after another and be fed to sharks by pirates.

In fact, the armed merchant ships at this time often weighed 2,000 tons and more than 60 cannons, which could almost be used as capital ships. They had hundreds of sailors, including a considerable number of retired navy, and the rest were desperadoes. Sink it and hang the pirate captain's head on the mast of the ship's bow

Large cargo ships at sea during this period could not be insured without artillery. For example, the famous Great Eastern was equipped with a standard 74 battleship.

At this time, in order to support Kampong Son, the Austrian church actually assembled ten such large armed merchant ships, 600 fighting brothers, as well as various craftsmen, doctors, and volunteers, a total of 2,000 people.

Archbishop Rauscher was originally going to send some mercenaries over, but was stopped by Franz.

Because mercenaries are like double-edged swords. They fight fiercely and it is convenient to just throw them away if they are dead or injured. However, these people are also good at destroying things and are very likely to destroy the credibility of the church in a short time. There are also counterattacks. Possibility of water.

If you want to completely naturalize a place, it is best not to use mercenaries.

It's just that everything in Chenla did not develop according to Franz's plan. First, the Chenla people's uprising spread to Ambrosius, and then Friedrich refused to provide support. The military only wanted to sell arms and refused to intervene. .

Of course, I also know that Chenla is too far away from Austria, and supplies on the road are problematic, and the direct benefits that the Austrian Empire can obtain from Chenla are too few.

At this time, Franz's political influence was almost zero. Although Archbishop Rauscher's status was not low, after the Thirty Years' War, the church withdrew from the Austrian political stage and became completely an accessory of the royal family.

However, now Franz can only use the power of the church. Of course, Archbishop Rauscher is happy that Franz can use the power of the church to do something, and he is also willing to serve Franz.

Franz's original plan was to take the upper-level route and then let the military step in. Now he can only rely on religion to win.

Chenla, Kampong Som Bay.

Kampong Som was originally a small fishing village with a few hundred people. By 1836, it had developed into a city with more than 10,000 parishioners and 800 skitarii.

Coupled with the surrounding controlled villages, the total population in the jurisdiction can reach 20,000.

In fact, there were only more than 600 white people in Kampong Som at this time, the vast majority of whom were Austrians, and some were Catholic volunteers from other countries.

The legal system continued the civil code of the Austrian Empire based on the actual local conditions, and adopted a tolerance policy for many customs, such as paganism and polygamy.

First, the armed missionaries eliminated the bandits and bandits that were harming the local area, and then stopped the exploitation by the local government. Although the Austrian church also collected taxes, compared with the exploitation of Chenla officials, the church's tithes were too light.

At this time, the Chenla people in the area had long regarded themselves as God's people, and they all chose to stay and become Austrians.

Franz used religion to artificially create a class in Kampong Son, that is, the parishioners enjoyed many privileges, but correspondingly they also had to bear more obligations, such as learning German, defending the country, paying tithes, etc.. The outstanding ones among them Can become clergy and state civil servants.

Non-believers in Kampong Som do not have to pay tithes, but they have to pay national taxes. Although there are no exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes in Chenla in the past, the national taxes are still higher than the tithes.

In addition, those who are not religious and do not know German are not allowed to serve as officials.

This system of integrating politics and religion is very suitable for backward areas. Of course, this is also to win over the Catholics and let them invest more efforts in this parish.

The first battle of the Kampong Som Skitarii was against the Zhenla and puppet troops who were chasing Guan Jinpan. When Guan Jinpan escaped from the Xiangshan Mountains with the remaining 5,000 people, the Zhenla and puppet troops who were chasing them actually only had 4,000 people. .

However, in order to survive, Guan Jinpan and others had to flee everywhere. When they encountered the Skitarii, they found that there were only 800 people there. They planned to take advantage of the battle between the Skitarii and the Chenla puppet army to flee to Kampong Som Bay and rob The ship crossed the sea and escaped from Chenla.

However, there was still a team of the Austrian Church behind the Skitarii. Originally, Guan Jinpan planned to lead his men to force a breakthrough, but the cannon fired and suppressed them.

At the same time, the Zhenla puppet army in front also launched an attack on the Skitarii. After more than a year of training, these Zhenla fishermen were no longer afraid of the Zhenla official soldiers whose weapons were not as good as those of the bandits.

Every Skitarii, if they want to be recognized, must participate in five battles to eliminate bandits. At this time, the Zhenla officers and soldiers coming like a tide are not worth fearing in their eyes.

The Zhenla and puppet troops were approaching little by little, but the soldiers of the Skitarii did not fire, but were waiting for the commander's order.

The Austrian officers were waiting for the other party to enter the range of the artillery. With the sound of several cannons, large iron balls exploded on the heads of the Zhenla and puppet soldiers. Countless small steel balls in the shotguns were shot at the surrounding crowd, instantly A position was cleared.

Before these Zhenla puppet troops could react, the Skitarii also opened fire.

Three consecutive rounds of shooting knocked the still-living Zhenla puppet troops into disarray. Just when they were looking for their commanders and waiting for orders, the Skitarii rushed out of the black smoke caused by the muskets and stabbed them with sharp bayonets. To those helpless Zhenla puppet troops.

The battle did not last long. Of the 4,000 Chenla and puppet troops, 1,500 were killed on the spot. There were more than 1,000 wounded, 1,300 were captured, and more than 100 people managed to escape.

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