War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 1018 Battle of Salburg (Part 2)

War is cruel, especially critical battles. No matter how much preparation is made, it is impossible for everyone to be safe.

In fact, the Austrian Imperial Army originally had a supervisory team, but at this time, the coalition forces were fighting collectively, which led to a series of very complicated issues of rights and responsibilities.

Most of the officers in the Austrian Empire were of noble origin, and were particularly sensitive to issues that might cause political conflicts.

Their subconscious retreat almost led to a major defeat. In fact, all countries in the German Confederation also had similar formations to supervise battle teams, and most of the lower-level commanders had the responsibility of supervising battles.

However, it was the coalition forces at this time, and it was not so easy for officers to identify soldiers from their own country among the numerous coalition soldiers.

Moreover, hereditary officers are not just a problem for Austria, but also for all German states. Their habit of looking forward and looking back, coupled with their mentality of avoiding when they can, makes the already loose coalition laws and regulations useless.

The reason why those deserters were so confident was partly because they didn't know each other. After all, how could a sword from another dynasty kill an official from this dynasty?

If Albrecht had not happened to come to the front line, then this raid that had been planned for several weeks would most likely have been lost in the hands of a few deserters.

The reason why Albrecht appeared here was not on a whim, because he knew very well that when the general attack began, all calculations would no longer matter.

Instead of sitting in the headquarters waiting for news, it is better to go to the front line to prevent accidents from happening. After all, this is not the first time he has led the coalition to fight.

Albrecht had encountered all kinds of strange things before, and he thought this time would be no exception. As for the solution, it is very simple. As long as one party behaves strongly enough, others will choose to follow.

Or just leave the other countries in the coalition and let the Austrian army act alone.

Of course, Albrecht also tried to solve the problem at the root, but was quickly vetoed by Franz.

The military is the foundation of every country, and no matter how critical the situation is, those people will not give up this right.

Although these kings have nothing to do with the nationalists in their own countries, they are good at joining forces to fight and check and balance Austria.

Acting too hastily will not only fail to solve the problem, but will also cause excessive vigilance among these allies, and will not change anything except causing more trouble for Austria.

Franz's approach was to change force into robbery. The difference of one word has a completely different impact on the psychology of each country. The morale of all parties is naturally not a problem, and even if there is a problem, they will solve it themselves.

Although Franz was under the banner of the German Allied Forces, he actually had very little interaction with the Allied Forces.

This difference may be due to Franz being less influenced by German nationalism.

However, as a witness of this era, and the fact that Albrecht caused some changes in the world line after the former came to this world, it was difficult for the latter not to have a special emotion.

Before the war began, Albrecht asked Franz some questions.

"Why don't you accept the title of Emperor of Germany? Aren't you better than those drunkards? Or do you really think we will be controlled by that bullshit parliament?"

Of course Franz knew what Albrecht meant, but he was not an impulsive person, and his answer was still the same.

"The unification of Germany is a historical trend, but the time has not yet come."

On the battlefield of Saarburg, the French frontline artillery position was completely destroyed. Several bloody corpses were hung on the broken gun mounts, overturned gunpowder barrels, spherical shells rolling around, weapons and broken limbs scattered on the ground. The arms all tell the story of the tragic battles that took place here.

In the trenches on the position and in the ruins behind the position, the corpses of the German and French troops were overlapped. The fire caused by the incendiary bombs had not yet been extinguished, and the stench of burnt corpses permeated the entire battlefield.

The gentle slope in front of the French position was stained red with blood. No one could block the direct fire from the artillery at close range, only the troops who could withstand such a tragic price.

After only capturing a small peripheral position of the French army, the German allied forces lost more than 5,000 people, not counting wounded soldiers and deserters.

The French army's losses were less than 3,000, but Lamosilier directly ordered the retreating officers to be shot.

"Why! There are too many enemy troops!"

The officer wanted to defend himself, but it was true that he violated military orders, so he wanted to play the emotional card.

Lamosilière was so angry that he didn't even want to give the guy in front of him a chance to plead guilty and meritorious service.

"My greetings to your whole family! Just because you are a loser, the German Allied Forces may break through here, then enter Lorraine and Metz, and then enslave and massacre our compatriots!"

Lamosilière pulled out his command sword and slashed hard at the criminal in front of him. He didn't know whether it was because the decorative command sword was too brittle or because the man's bones were too hard.

Lamosilière's command knife actually broke, but before the fleeing officer could be happy, Lamosilière took out his single-shot musket and shot the officer in the head.

The lead bullet shattered the skull, and red and yellow liquid splashed all over the floor.

"Tell General Gein to seal the hole no matter how much it costs! If he does, I will guarantee that he will become a marshal in the future. If he can't seal it, he won't have to come back!"

The French and German coalition forces have never stopped competing for peripheral positions. The various long-range weapons such as artillery and rockets from both sides have not stopped, but the coalition clearly has the advantage in terms of firepower.

But as the saying goes, a thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant nest. Once one position is lost, the defense of the entire line of defense begins to be greatly compromised. The coalition forces did not miss this opportunity and used this gap to crazily eat away at the French army's peripheral defenses.

On the other hand, the emergence of lever-action rifles completely overturned the skirmishing mode. The skirmishing battle between the two sides was completely a unilateral massacre by the Austrian army, and the French skirmishers had already been killed and injured.

You must know that these skirmishers are veterans drawn from various armies. Each of them has experienced hundreds of battles, but they were wiped out without putting up any decent resistance.

General Guyon knew that was absolutely impossible. He firmly believed that the French army was the strongest army in the world, and the French skirmishers were also the best light infantry in the world, so he immediately reported the news to Lamosilière.

But at this time, with the successive losses of peripheral positions and the completion of the Austrian artillery calibration, the entire Saarburg was within the range of the coalition artillery.

From time to time, coalition skirmishers used portable rocket launchers to harass the mountains on both sides. Lamosilier was really in no mood to care how strong the Austrian skirmishers were. He just wanted to take back the outer positions.

But as the explosions got closer and closer, Lamosilier knew clearly that Salburg could not be defended. If it continued without the advantage of artillery, it would only be eaten alive.

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