War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 106 The Queen of “Darkness”


After the emperor's decree was promulgated, ministers quickly added the prohibition of drugs to the Austrian Imperial Code.

Because of the Hell Drawing incident, drug prohibition has become the consensus of the entire upper class society. Prince Metternich and Count Korolaf will never provide protection to drug traffickers. They hope to use this to unite the upper class in Vienna.

With the endorsement of the emperor and the imperial code, the anti-drug campaigners were fearless. Coupled with the appeal of the Habsburg family and the church among the people, a vigorous anti-drug operation began.

The ban comes after a month of high-profile publicity by the government and churches.

But even so, there are still people who continue to sell and manufacture drugs with a sense of luck.

But this time, what they received was not the earnest persuasion, but the shackles and chains of the military police.

Opium and liquor dens were uprooted one by one, and opium and liquor dealers had to pay huge fines or be thrown into hard labor in the mines.

Austria's railway construction urgently needs a large amount of pig iron, and an important reason for Austria's low pig iron production is that no one wants to go to the mines.

Therefore, it is too wasteful to execute someone if caught. The Austrian Empire was on the rise and needed labor everywhere.

In this era, compared with going to the mines to dig coal, it seems so relaxing and comfortable to go to the river to clean up the mud, or to drive iron piles with a sledgehammer in the wind and sun.

If dozens or hundreds of people die while building a railway or clearing a river channel, it is considered a major accident. However, in a mine, supervisors are not used to it if dozens of people don't die in any given month.

In this era, no more than 10% of people will be alive after working in the mines for three consecutive years.

The proposal of sending drug dealers to the mines was widely recognized by the upper class. After all, it seemed more humane.

It's just a pain for those drug dealers. Some people just think they have found a way to make a fool of themselves, while others want to become a big drug lord like the Sassoon family.

It's just that before these people's drug lord dreams came true, they were first arrested by the gendarmerie and then sent to the mines to serve their sentences under the judgment of the temporary court.

In fact, the success of Vienna's anti-drug operations was naturally inseparable from the broad support of all classes. However, objectively speaking, at this time, Vienna's drug traffickers had not yet formed a large scale and had not yet formed a complex network of interests.

The royal family and the church had a huge influence on ordinary people. In addition, the opium wine business also affected some businesses of local merchants in Vienna, among which the wineries were the most affected.

Naturally, businessmen would not miss this good opportunity to squeeze out their opponents, so the drug dealers in Vienna died unjustly.

When Solomon Rothschild saw that the opium and wine business was in decline, he cut off from the drug dealers.

After all, the cost of selling opium is very low. During this period, he not only recovered the cost of investment, but also made a small profit.

As for those drug dealers and opium and wine lovers, what does he have to do with it?

It's just that Solomon Rothschild's operation greatly offended the gang forces in Vienna.

There was even a drug gang called the Sweet Wine Gang that offered a reward of 20,000 florins for the assassination of Solomon Rothschild. However, the leader of the Sweet Wine Gang was offered a reward by Solomon the next day, and died on the street on the third day. .

Looking at it this way, some people say that the Rothschild family is the largest gang in Europe, and this statement is not groundless.

Franz really couldn't stand the fact that Solomon was still causing so many ups and downs during the lockdown.

Franz had thought about attacking Solomon's Vienna Business Alliance before, but Thalia was not good at this kind of thing. She couldn't handle those big businessmen. Franz was not Zhuge Liang, so it was impossible to solve the problem by letters alone. everything.

But now Franz has a helper by his side, and this Adjani is a veteran in social circles.

Vienna, Franz Study.

Thalia confessed to her crime and was very proud of it.

"Did you tell them all?" Franz asked.

"Yes, she is your attendant, and I am also her subordinate." Thalia answered.

"How did she react?" Franz asked.

"She said I was so funny." Thalia rolled her eyes.


Franz let out a sigh of relief, but fortunately the other party didn't believe him.

"How could you tell me all my details?"

"What will happen if she finds out? Are you going to complain to your mother?" Thalia looked nonchalant.


"If Mrs. Sophie thinks that these things may be detrimental to you, the unlucky person must be the person who tells this secret. I really don't understand, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that your mother won't love you?

The person least likely to harm you in this palace is Mrs. Sophie. I always have a feeling that you don't think Mrs. Sophie is your mother. Is it because you didn't raise you personally? "

Thalia was lying on Franz's desk, fiddling with the globe on the desk boredly.

"." Franz had to admit that the guy in front of him was right.

Franz should pay attention to people like Queen Anna and Carl von Slut. They are the only ones who don’t want Franz to ascend the throne. Most people in this country don’t care whether Franz is a born saint or a monster. .

However, after Mrs. Sophie gave birth to three sons, Queen Anna must have been desperate. Even if Franz could not inherit the throne, it would not be her turn to interfere in Austria's political affairs.

One of the purposes of the Regency Council left by Francis II was to prevent Queen Anna from getting involved in politics.

Madam Sophie was actually with Franz, but Franz didn't know Adjani's identity yet, so he simply stopped pretending and asked Madam Sophie directly.

After all, after Adjani entered the palace, she was trained by Madam Sophie for three months before reporting to Franz. Madam Sophie should know everything.

Lady Sophie's bedroom.

Count Xussel is talking to Mrs. Sophie about the future of the Bavarian Gang. They have just taken over the territory of the Sweet Wine Gang, but these people cannot live by collecting protection fees. They must go to work, otherwise these Bavarian immigrants will have no value at all. .

The Bavarian Gang, originally a mutual aid organization for Bavarians, soon saw its potential, and as a former member of the Bavarian royal family and now the Archduchess of Austria, she quickly took control of the organization.

The Bavarians are of course willing to have a big man support them, not to mention that this big man is from Bavaria like them.

Initially, Mrs. Sophie planned to use this organization as a black glove to collect some intelligence and do things that she would not be able to do in person.

However, as Austria joined the German Customs Union and a large number of Bavarians came to work and live in Vienna, the number of people in this organization also grew exponentially.

The Bavaria Gang has become the largest gang in Vienna. As the saying goes, there are all kinds of birds in the forest. The Bavaria Gang has also changed from the original mutual aid organization to the current semi-military organization. The amount of expenses has been beyond the reach of Mrs. Sophie. .

Gangs in this era just like to grab territory and collect protection fees. Just now, the Bavaria Gang annexed the leaderless Sweet Wine Gang. Mrs. Sophie felt that if she didn't do something, she would soon become the queen of the underworld in Vienna.

Thanks to book friends Shenzhou Buwu Tianxia Fengdao and Emperor Justinian for their rewards and book friends Mu Feng Xiaosan, Shenzhou Buwu Tianxia Fengdao, Shengxu Prison Lexi, OAA who likes to read American comics, and book friend 20200809140817494 for their monthly tickets, And the support of all the readers.

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