Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Adjani is reporting to Madam Sophie what Archduke Franz did during the day.

Mrs. Sophie frowned when she heard this. This prestigious Violet seemed to be nothing special. She couldn't even handle it as a child, so she spent so much time training her in vain.

In fact, Adjani also felt that she was wronged. She thought she was very good at tracking and searching, but the little Grand Duke seemed to know that she was being followed and actually called a horse.

No matter how good she was at tracking, she only had two legs, so there was no way she could keep up with the horses, so she had to give up.

In desperation, Adjani had to try her luck in Franz's bedroom. She successfully found three secret passages and a storage room that had been sealed for at least several decades, but these were not what Mrs. Sophie wanted.

Mrs. Sophie just wanted to know what Franz had done recently. If there was anything she felt was inappropriate, she could intervene in time. Also, she wanted to know where the money Adjani mentioned was?

If such a large sum of money is not kept properly, it will be remembered sooner or later. Instead of giving it an advantage to others, it is better to leave it to her as a mother for safekeeping.

Franz was actually very interested in this beautiful female attendant, but he also knew that she was sent by Mrs. Sophie to keep an eye on him. After all, it is difficult to stop a mother's controlling desire.

Historically, Mrs. Sophie interfered in national politics several times due to her excessive desire for control.

Even after Franz ascended the throne, he still affected the political situation. Due to the limitations of political vision, the Austrian Empire made several wrong decisions.

In the end, Austria was isolated and helpless in the Austro-Prussian War. Her second son, Maximilian, died in Mexico. She also passed away in extreme pain and self-blame.

In this life, Franz told Mrs. Sophie a lot of bedtime stories. Although it broadened her horizons, nature is hard to change, and she still wanted to keep Franz in her hands.

Franz is not a real child, so how can he accept the control of others? At the same time, under strict control, Franz could do very little.

If Franz is really just content to be a bystander of history, then he will just sit back and wait for the arrival of the Spring Storm of All Nations, but that would be too disrespectful to his status as a time traveler.

And who can guarantee that the rioters will not rush into the palace and exterminate the Habsburg family in this life?

Franz often listened to Thalia read the newspapers, and the most common ones she heard about were assassinations of important people.

There are several very bad assassinations in the Austrian Empire every month. Some are because of money, some are because of hatred, some are because of lovers, separatists, anarchists, and some even just want to prove that there is no one else in the world but he himself..

Even more celebrities were assassinated in this era, including but not limited to the imaginative Lincoln, the pretentious Princess Sissi, Okubo Toshimichi whose head was mistaken for a football, and the first roller coaster passenger Tsar in human history. Alexander II.

Franz didn't want to have his name added to the list, so he chose to be the master of his fate rather than leave it to chance.

Vienna, national trading center.

Baron Brooke made a high-profile appearance at the Vienna Trading Center, which immediately attracted the attention of many bankers and speculators.

After all, this is the investment adviser of the royal family, and his choice is very likely to be the choice of the royal family, and his operations in the two transactions of American land and Austrian railways are enough to make him famous in history.

Although it was Archduke Franz Karl who was sweeping the goods that day, no smart person would believe that a fool could control the entire Austrian financial world.

As for the speculation of land in the United States, naturally it cannot be concealed. You must know that the profit in Chicago alone was fifty times. Although it was not sold at the highest point, it was a miracle in the eyes of investors in the industry. .

Along with Baron Brooke, there were also a large number of well-known Viennese wealthy and upper-class people, as well as bankers and famous speculators.

Baron Brooke invited almost all potential investors in Vienna. He publicly announced that he would hoard food, because neither the people nor the country can do without food, and the European continent cannot have a bumper harvest every year. Now is a good time to purchase food.

However, this idea is not new at all. Countless people have tried it before, and they all lost their money and left with regrets.

And due to the opening of the German Customs Union, Prussian grain actually entered Austria in the opposite direction. Now there is more grain on the Austrian market than can be purchased, and some grain-producing areas have begun to reduce production to control prices and costs.

The crowd of onlookers suddenly decreased by half. Most of the remaining people were just giving Baron Brooke face, and their thoughts had already flown elsewhere.

Baron Brooke spent a million florins on the spot to buy wheat. One million florins was a lot, but in the entire market, there was no way to make any waves. Except for a very small number of people, no one followed the investment.

Every day after that, Baron Brooke would go to the trading center and place an order for one million florins. This kind of order was usually only enough for a big businessman, so someone would be willing to provide Baron Brooke with a discount.

This situation continued until the seventh day. Baron Brooke had no money, but fortunately Mrs. Sophie entered the house in time.

In fact, Mrs. Sophie was very puzzled by this crazy behavior, but his Franz had never let her down, and she believed that Baron Brooke's professional level would never be swayed by a child.

However, Madame Sophie and Archduke Franz Karl did not actually have much liquidity, so they scraped together to come up with one million florins.

On the eighth day, the Tafi family of Moravia entered the scene. As a big tycoon in Moravia, the financial resources of the Tafi family cannot be underestimated.

Edward Taffy's father Thomas Taffe came to Vienna with three million. He received the news a month ago. At first he was a little unbelievable, but he still decided to take a gamble.

At this time, the price of grain in Austria finally began to rise, because almost all the spot goods had been purchased, and the inventory had dropped to a dangerous value.

The abnormal fluctuations in grain prices caught the attention of Solomon Rothschild. He felt that this was a good opportunity for revenge, because the grain mortgages he had received due to debt problems over the years had piled up.

As long as he takes action now, he can immediately suppress the price of food to the previous price, or even lower than before.

In this way, Solomon not only solved the backlog of inventory, but also allowed funds to flow back. This was no reason for him to refuse after suffering heavy losses in the railway transaction.

So Solomon Rothschild sold the spot goods in his hands twice, once again bringing the price of grain in the Austrian Empire back to its original position.

Just as Solomon was celebrating his successful revenge, a heavyweight player from the royal family appeared on the stage. As the richest nobleman in Austria, Archduke Karl's every move received extra attention.

In the end, Archduke Karl placed a huge order of 15 million florins, which directly ignited the grain trading market. For a time, a large number of speculators poured in and almost wiped out Austria's grain stocks.

The Austrian grain trade is booming. As a good neighbor of Austria, how can the Prussians miss this good opportunity to throw cold water on it?

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