War in Heaven

Chapter 397: Undead Florence (plus more)

After seeing the woman’s brutal live performance, Lin Chi did not feel any fear, but her face showed a smile:

There is no doubt that if you can recruit such a follower, you must be making a big profit.

Because this guy is likely to have the same ability as the girl who met in the city of chaos that year, and also has the ability to "break the rules of the game!"

For the NPC in the game, it can be defying or even ignoring the rules in the game, which is undoubtedly the strongest ability. The stray girl that Lin had encountered from the safe house at the beginning was also the legendary "Rebel Queen" by virtue of ignoring the rules of the game.

The existence of this kind of NPC, if placed in an old-fashioned game, is probably something like a BUG. As for why Lin Chi is so sure, just look at the **** picture just now and understand:

"You violated the 'rules' right?" he whispered.

——This woman’s act of cutting off her throat’s “furious vocal chord” obviously violates the “War of Heaven” in “Wars of Heaven”. No, it’s the one that “will die after being fatally wounded”. rule!

Although the NPC entourage that has been taken over by the player can be revived after the end of each game, it is undoubtedly extremely rare to directly ignore the fatal NPC in the game, especially in the city of Alvara. In the map, this happens, and there is only one explanation for "violation of the rules of the game."

"You are the rule of the world?"

As soon as I talked about this topic, Florenton, who had recovered the female voice, came to the party. She took off the **** gloves on her left hand and threw it aside. She smiled and said: "I don’t want you to say, I have always been a superpower, from the second When the chemical plant exploded ten years ago, I knew it."

"You mean that cloud..."

Realizing that the other party should not know the truth of the explosion, Lin Chi slammed the word "explosive bomb" behind him and changed his mind: "You said the big bang in Xicheng District 20 years ago?"

If this city of Alwara is the same place as the city of chaos 20 years ago. It is not surprising that the NPC here still has memories of the war of that year. After all, Grek has remained in this place and continues to act as a mercenary merchant.

However, looking at the age of Florence, 20 years ago should be a child who is still stinking.

"Yeah, it was that time, when my adoptive father and adoptive mother were working in the factory in Xicheng District, I lived in the broken house in Xicheng District, breathing the stinky air there every day."

Speaking of this, the blonde's face showed a fleeting disgusting look and smiled: "I was only seven years old at the time, but I still remember very clearly. The two shards adopted me as if to abuse me for fun, every day. Torture me in a different way."

"When I woke up that day, the place where I was pulled by the whip was still hurting. I came to the window. When the two **** were about to go to work, the light in the chemical factory lit up... ”

Lin Chi, who was also in the city at the time of the explosion, was naturally aware of the power of the bomb that the Frankenstein detonated. That stuff is the big guy named MOAB, which is the most powerful conventional bomb in the world in the background of the game in the City of Chaos.

It seems that the official of Alvara City should be based on the "chemical plant explosion" to cover up the truth of the explosion. After all, it is easier for the families of the victims to accept than the death of a group of mad madmen in the city.

However, the focus now is not here...

"And then?" Lin Chi asked questions while pulling his thoughts back to formality.

"Then the flames came over."

Florence closed his eyes, as if immersed in the original memories: "The heat is incredible, like being thrown into the sun, it is a few hundred times hoter than when the adoptive parents burned me with a soldering iron. ""

"At the time, I thought I was going to die, but the pain lasted only a few seconds. Then there was an indescribable comfort. It seemed that the whole person was floating on heaven, lying on the soft clouds, floating in the air around me. Marshmallow... Can you understand what I mean?"

"Sorry, I am not shaking M." Lin Chi shook his head.

"No, it doesn't mean that." Florence frowned, as if he was thinking of an adjective: "How do you say, 'Unbearable pain translates into comfort'? I discovered it later, only beyond the limit. The pain only has this feeling. When the two hybrids abused me, there was only pain."

"So you survived without any damage?" Lin Chi looked at the face of the blonde, and her throat was as clean as she could, without seeing any scars.

"Yeah, I am not only not dead, but like a personal change, the old wounds on my body have disappeared."

Florence smiled and patted his chest: "I found out from that day that I am a superpower. It seems that I was born to be a big man, you know."

Looking at each other's elated appearance, Lin Chi is too lazy to say the fact that this is a virtual world. It seems that this woman should not know that the world she is in is just a game. For her own special physique, it is actually not How to understand.

- Her undead body is not a so-called super power, but a role error caused by the game BUG.

According to Lin Chi’s judgment, when the woman was experiencing an explosion, some deviations may have occurred. The game system judged “no death” or “has already died”, which will lead to such a BUG.

But in this way, in the real world where you are, what are the so-called superpowers and unclear phenomena that are caused by "system bugs"?

Realizing that he was thinking about problems that might not be answered in his life, Lin Chi also decisively gave up the "real world is true" puzzle, and looked at the three characters that can be recruited after the name of Florence. I asked casually: "Do you want to join us? I am missing a private doctor."

"Get it, are you afraid that you can't afford it?" Florence stretched out his right hand and shook in front of Lin Chi: "I want a very high price."

Until then, Lin Chicai finally remembered that he was seeing a doctor. He extended his left hand to Florence and took off the black gloves to reveal the piece of minced meat tied with a bandage. He asked: "Listen to Greek. Can you treat this level of injury?"

- Your left hand is obviously not cured in public hospitals. If you have a doctor who does not die, there may be a means of treatment.

After listening to Lin Chi’s question, the blonde bowed her head and focused her attention on Lin’s unbearable left hand. After five seconds of silence, she finally slowly said:

"Not saved, cut it."

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