Afterwards, the crazy mage Anders' behavior of blowing up the church completely ignited the contradiction.

The chief mage of the Kirkwall Ring led a collective rebellion against the mages and the Templars led by Meredith. In this battle, both sides suffered heavy casualties, and the chief mage became an abomination. An energy imbalance burns itself into a sculpture.

The tyrannical defender Marianne Hawke couldn't suppress it either, and fled Kirkwall with her teammates and family.

The dwarven archer Varek, who is now helping to close the rift in the Frost Mountains, is Hawke's teammate, and was arrested by the truth seeker Cassandra to investigate the cathedral explosion and the Holy Law War.

Today's Kirkwall has no order and has fallen into complete chaos. The blood mages wantonly slaughtered civilians to obtain magic power, and the Templars who were supposed to protect the people only cared about vendetta and completely ignored the life and death of civilians.

Many wealthy and powerful businessmen and dignitaries sensed the danger long before the outbreak of the war and fled ahead of time.

Now the city is mostly ordinary people who are trapped here and have no way to go in and out.

Of course, it was even worse for the elves living at the bottom. Not only the blood mages, but even the templars didn't take them seriously.

Planted in the center of the expatriate area, the sacred tree representing the elf culture has been burned by the fire, and the surrounding area is in dilapidated condition.

Under the cover of spiritual thoughts, DU dust could see some capable elves running through the streets to rescue the trapped elves, intending to take them out of the city.

From some elves, DU dust clearly felt the brand of the millennium eldest daughter Flamas.

Teleported again, DU dust appeared in the original church square in the Upper Town of Kirkwall.

"You came quickly." The ruins of the church were still piled up next to it, and the huge square was dilapidated, only an old woman with white hair and sharp eyes stood.

"Flamas, or, I should call you Misuo the elf god." DU dust stepped forward and looked at her.

"Oh? It seems that you have figured out my details." Flemas's golden eyes showed surprise.

Her identity has been a secret for thousands of years, no one has ever seen through it, and now it has been seen through.

"You see through me, but I can't see through you." Flemas narrowed her eyes, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes deepened with her movements: "I can feel that you are not Razkale, you Who is it?"

Hehe, as expected of the existence of a god, she is the first existence in this world to see that he is not a big devil.

"You little god in the world, you can't even imagine my existence with your personality." DU Chen chuckled lightly.

"You are not an elf god, what do you want me for? We don't seem to have any enmity." Flamas asked doubtfully.

"I know you have always wanted to revive the elves, but as long as the veil exists, the elves will decline." DU Chen said, "Even if the veil is destroyed, the sealed elves will come again, and by then the world will They will be ruled by cruel gods again, and all creatures in the world will become their slaves."

Flamas's pupils shrank slightly. What this mysterious god said was exactly the current predicament. If those gods came back again, and the anger that had been imprisoned for thousands of years poured out on the earth, the horror would be far more terrifying than any Holy Law War.

"Then do you have any suggestions?" Flamus asked.

This mysterious god is definitely not here to talk nonsense when he is looking for him. He must have a plan to talk so much.

"I want you to be the only elf god to rule the elves." DU dust said lightly.

The only elf god?

For a moment, Flemas thought she had heard it wrong, but for a moment, she asked tentatively, "What do you want to do?"

"Launch the dry tide, destroy all the current order, and bring the world back to the original chaos."

"You want to destroy the world?" Flamas asked in shock.

As one of the elf gods, she certainly knows what the original chaos is like. Bringing the world back to the original will undoubtedly destroy all civilizations.

"Isn't there reconstruction only after destruction? It's too easy to destroy this world with my personality and let it return to its original state, but I hope this will be accomplished with the joint efforts of all beings." Du Chen said.

His authority is alienation and destruction, and he needs to expand in the destruction of alienation.

After the expansion of authority is completed, it doesn't matter whether it needs to be rebuilt, what kind of rebuilt, how to rebuild, or simply completely annihilated.

"..." Flames fell into deep thought.

She knew about the reappearance of the Great Demon. Although the dry tide hadn't started yet, since the dwarf king Beren entered Fereden, this matter was no longer a secret.

In the past, the great demons wanted to destroy civilization and let the whole world be enveloped by corrupt forces.

And this mysterious god occupying the body of the great demon seems to intend to destroy all the current patterns.

There is only one explanation for this. The authority of this mysterious god is destruction, and the construction of rules must be completed through destruction.

If this is done, the elves will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

After thinking for a while, Flamas asked: "Although the elf gods are sealed, they all have mastered eternal life. How did you make me the only elf god? I am now on the verge of disappearing."

DU dust smiled. Knowing that Flamus has been conceived.

The thinking pattern of the gods is much larger than that of humans, and they will not look at the casualties in front of them. What's more, she has seen with her own eyes over the years that the damage caused by the decline of the elves to the whole family is far more terrifying than war.

If paying some casualties can guarantee the revitalization of the whole clan, then the gods will not hesitate.

"Look." Du Chen released the body of the elf god that he created.

This body is extremely beautiful, pure and flawless, both inside and outside are perfect, it is the highest configuration set by DU Chen with the elves' genes.

Flamus' eyes glowed a little, the soul fragments in her longed for this body.

Although she was not killed in the battle of gods back then, she was still shattered into countless pieces after being seriously injured. Most of the soul fragments have dissipated over the years. Flamas is the body she possessed hundreds of years ago, but this is just An ordinary human being possessed by her cannot get enough energy supply, and now the last fragment is dying.

But as long as she enters the body that DU Chen took out, its abundant energy and unimpeded contact with the shadow world will continue to nourish her soul, allowing her to slowly recover her energy until she is completely reborn.

"You should be able to feel the perfection of this body. As long as you become my subordinate, from today onwards, you will be the only elf god."

"Okay, no matter what the result is, I can only give it a go." Flamas's eyes became firm, and dots of blue light poured out of her body, merging into the beautiful female elf body suspended in the air.

With the departure of Miso's soul fragments, Flamas' body gradually faded and petrified, turning into a gray sculpture.

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