Virus Evolution Starts From Pokemon

Chapter 308 Master and Enemy

Of course, DU dust knows that the court of life must also know his own thoughts.

As the master of countless worlds across the multiverse, the Life Tribunal has everything in the past and future under its control.

If it weren't for Thanos, an anomaly in the universe, nothing would be out of his control.

The universe dominated by DU dust is naturally the same.

The reason why the Life Tribunal issued the mission to destroy Thanos and prevent him from gaining access to the Reality Controller is not the Thanos of this universe, but the multi-dimensional Thanos that has swallowed up many universes.

The multi-dimensional Thanos not only devours the plane of the universe by himself, but also intends to let the parallel self go on the same path, and finally merge into a supreme existence.

This is not allowed by the OAA.

Now that DU Chen killed the Thanos of this universe, it was equivalent to hindering the multi-thanos' plan to some extent. Naturally, he was the hero here in the OAA and the Life Tribunal.

Compared with hindering the integration and growth of multiple Thanos, giving him a cosmic plane is nothing to the OAA and the Life Tribunal.

And DU Chen is not an abnormal person, and he cannot break through their control in this universe.

Because the court very generously gave him this authority.

It's as simple as a human being giving a grain of sugar sand to an ant on the ground.

But this is an important step for DU dust.

He was added to the system. Although he was greatly helped by the system when he started to grow, as he continued to develop, the current system has gradually become a shackle for his progress.

Judging from the comparison of system permissions, the system is bound from mortals to true gods, the system agent corresponds to the main god, and the system controller corresponds to the god king.

But above the god king, there is no further rank.

In other words, within the scope of the entire "system", the peak of his growth is the god king level.

Then at the peak of the god king, how to break through to the master of the starry sky?

Even if a way to become the master of the starry sky is found, will the supreme controller of the "system" Nao Dong allow it?

Judging from the previous use of the system, the system is an experimental project of the Council of Heavens, the purpose of which is to create a god experiment, put various "system binders" into various worlds, and collect their growth data.

In other words, these system binders are tool people and experimental products.

It's as if he regards the Pokémon world and the people of the Kree Empire as data and test subjects. In the eyes of beings who dominate the starry sky, he, the king of the gods, is no more than a bigger guinea pig.

This can be seen from the attitude of the life court.

The gods of the single universe are simply insignificant in the eyes of the gods of the multiverse.

But now, as a tool man, he doesn't want to be a tool man anymore.

The fish is about to jump out of the water.

This is also the reason for asking the life court about the personality of Emperor Nao Dong.

If Emperor Nao Dong's personality is not as good as the Life Tribunal, then he will ask the Life Tribunal to help him undo the system.

Anyway, with six infinite gems, he can immediately become a god-level king without a system.

But according to the Life Tribunal, Emperor Nao Dong's personality is at the OAA level, which is far beyond the level of the Life Tribunal, so there is no need for him to make this request.

After all, the masters of the starry sky are also strong and weak.

On the contrary, if you control this universe and become a part of the OAA system, you will naturally get the attention of the OAA.

If done well, the OAA can unshackle the system.

Of course, this is an ideal state. He is not yet qualified to balance OAA and Nao Dong.

Obtaining the highest authority of this universe, DU Chen has become a great god beyond eternity, infinity and other cosmic gods.

But this transcendence is not the transcendence of strength, but the transcendence of authority.

If you really want to compare, those few are all the peak god kings, and he is still some distance away from the peak god kings.

So what he has to do now is not to drink tea with these few, but to elevate himself to the peak of the god king.

Six infinity gems were swallowed by him in one gulp.

Six energy vortexes like galaxies are formed in DU Chen's starry sky, and each vortex is wrapped with an infinite rough stone.

This time, he no longer needs to use the power of gems to absorb gems, but can directly absorb them at once.

A surge of power poured into DU Chen, time and space became illusory in his eyes, and the whole universe was like graffiti on a drawing board.

As long as he wants, he can modify it at will.

In addition, with the shattering of Power Gem, Mind Gem and Soul Gem, their energy was completely absorbed by DU Chen, filling up the last trace of his distance from the peak of the God King.

When all six gemstones were turned into powder, DU Chen also entered the peak status of God King.

For a moment, it seemed as if countless stars exploded in DU Chen's body, endless galaxies were born and died, and hundreds of millions of souls reincarnated.

Outside the body, the energies of countless universes and planes are inextricably inserted into this universe, intertwined with this universe, and influence each other.

From these thread-like powers, DU Chen could see countless powerful existences in the multiverse, such as a red magic power coming from a dark plane, linking with the scarlet witch in this universe.

The red magic power comes from the god of the underworld, Xithorne.

There are also some purple-black powers from other worlds, linking some magicians in this universe. These powers come from the demon god Dormammu. Those magicians are either his followers or secretly practicing black magic.

As the master of the universe, DU dust can see the future of these magicians through the river of time, and most of them will become the magic nourishment of Dormammu.

In addition, there are countless green magic powers that have infiltrated into this universe from unknown sources, and adsorbed on different beings everywhere in the universe.

DU dust recognized that it was OBA from the terror of everything.

Those who are possessed by the power of OBA do not know that they are being influenced by other world gods. They are no different from normal people in daily life, but they will become more and more irritable and irritable, and will eventually become a hazard to society, causing a certain range of harm.

Now DU Chen is the cosmic will of this universe. As long as within the scope of this universe, except for extremely rare, abnormal people who appear once in ten thousand years, there is no other person or thing that can surpass DU Chen's control.

The fate of all life, and even all non-life, is under control.

These destinies converge into a big river, small life is a small water mark, intelligent life is a small stream, powerful life is a river, and gods like Odin and Ego are rivers, as for order, chaos is a galaxy.

These rivers, large and small, are intertwined, each exuding a stronger or weaker influence, and jointly building the destiny of this universe.

As the master of the universe, Du Chen is naturally the biggest influence on the fate of the universe.

What he mainly needs to do now is to guard against other higher existences in the multiverse.

Just as the goddess of death wants to extend her authority to other universes, the great gods of other universes are also using means to spread their authority here.

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