Although Sakagi's identity has been exposed, Ofelia is very clear that his true identity will not be announced in front of the people of the world in a short time.

One is that Hiruf’s industry is too big, involving many companies and families in the world. It will take some time for the alliance to sort out and dispose of it, including many executives in it, such as Sasaki. What is the relationship between them and the Rockets? Further investigation is required.

After all, the Sasaki family is also one of the ancient chaebols in Kanto, and they are also very influential in the alliance. If one is not handled well, it is easy to have a negative backlash.

So how to balance these situations is the next work for the league.

Of course, there is the most important thing, there must be an opportunity and a reason to announce this matter, otherwise a big news will directly break out, telling the public that the owner of the Viking Gym is the Rockets, and the alliance will immediately fall into a passive position.

The leaders of the evil forces are actually lurking at the top of the alliance. Is the alliance blind?

The owner of the stadium in charge of Tokiwa City is the Rockets. Is this place in Tokiwa City safe? Can I still go? How will the people of Tokiwa City be viewed by others, and will they accept it?

Hastily announced that it is inevitable that the alliance will be questioned, and if it is not handled properly, the reputation of the alliance in the hearts of ordinary people will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, according to her understanding of the alliance, the first choice now must be to secretly arrest and control Sakagi, and then announce it little by little, manipulate public opinion, criticize with words and pens, and finally praise the wisdom and martial arts of the alliance, and see through the disguise of this dark source. Destroy its conspiracy and so on...

Such a set of procedures can greatly reduce the public's doubts about the alliance's ability, and if it is properly operated, it can also allow the public to sing praises and achieve a wave of achievements.

Ophelia can think of these, so can DU dust.

So he anonymously sent this matter to the TV station for the first time.

By dawn, the whole world will know the true identity of the leader of the Rockets and the incompetence of the alliance.

The Rockets will naturally be weakened, but the league is also a future opponent, so it doesn't matter if you disgust them in advance.

Early the next morning, DU dust was woken up by Satsuma's phone call.

"Dianci, is what the news said true?" Mikan's voice seemed to fluctuate.

news? Du Chen rubbed his eyes, it seems that Sakagi's true identity has been announced to the world...

"It's true." DU dust said.

"You..." Mikan seemed to be in a bad mood, heavy breathing came from the receiver, as if she was suppressing something.

"What's wrong with you?" Du Chen was a little confused, the identity of the leader of Team Rocket was exposed, why is Mikan so excited...

"It's nothing, since it's true, I wish you happiness." Mikan's tone was very low, and she hung up the phone directly after speaking.

Wish me happiness, what the hell?

DU Chen scratched his head and turned on the TV, which was playing a news.

The hostess pointed to a photo with an exaggerated expression. The photo showed Dianci and Kona sitting in a high-end restaurant for dinner. When the photo was taken, the two were looking at each other and smiling.

There is a big headline below: Sinnoh's most handsome owner and Kanto beauty king have dinner, suspected to announce their love affair...


DU dust forehead left a huge cold sweat.

Who TNND's so boring?

Is there any paparazzi in this world doing this?

However, this matter is actually more important than Sakagi's identity?

Du Chen looked through the TV stations and found that there was no one talking about Sakagi. As usual, they were all trivial and eye-catching things.

It seems that the news was blocked by someone. It should be that the TV station asked the alliance for instructions, so this matter was suppressed...

The response was quick, so I have to use other means.

DU dust thought for a while, first called Mikan and explained it well.

Hearing Mikan's tone gradually change, he became happy again, and he seemed to have returned to the time when he coaxed his girlfriend every day in his previous life.

Believe it or not, a creature like a girl has to be coaxed anyway.

Not long after, DU Chen received a secret communication from the alliance and made a political announcement about Sakagi, asking those who received the notice to be ready to participate in the arrest of Sakagi at any time, and at the same time, this matter should not be announced to the public for the time being.

It seems that Sakagi was not caught last night and escaped by him...

Although DU Chen didn't know how many people the alliance had sent to arrest Sakagi, it was not beyond DU Chen's expectation that he escaped.

Sakagi has always been known as the king of heaven, but his real strength should be the leader of the champion, including the lazy cat boss beside him, all of them are extremely powerful elves.

At this time, Baxiu and Pusen sent by DU Chen yesterday completed the infection and integration of the base they went to. Although it caused a little confusion, because the Golden City branch was already a hive, it was easily prevaricated.

And Dolores also incorporated the Syndicate branch in Dead Leaf City into the hive.

The inclusion here is not just the addition of personnel, all the information, resources and even the equipment of the base they have are equivalent to being fully received by the hive.

In just a few days, the strength of the hive skyrocketed by more than N times.

But that's not enough, it's less than a quarter of the Rockets' overall strength.

However, while the Alliance focused on Sakagi, DU Chen needed to do something else.

Driving Xanaiduo, DU Chen teleported all the way to Fengyuan.

From Guandu to Fengyuan, the distance between the two continents is more than ten thousand miles. Normal trainers take planes or ships back and forth.

Using continuous teleportation to cross such a long distance, even Shanaido, a king-level elf, felt very strenuous, and DU Chen himself felt dizzy, so he had to rest several times at sea to avoid damage to his body.

However, in order to save time, he still chose to work hard.

On the south side of No. 130 waterway, there is a super large facility group, which is called the battle development area by the alliance.

This place has not been newly built. To get to this place, you must take a boat in Shuijing City or Kaina City.

Although it is very troublesome to go back and forth, the facilities here still make trainers in various regions yearn for it.

The most famous buildings here are the Battle Factory, the Battle Arena, the Battle Dome, the Battle Water Pipe, the Battle Palace, the Battle Tower, and the Battle Pyramid.

The purpose of these buildings is to allow trainers from all over the world to experience and challenge them. There are staff members with different characteristics inside. They use various attributes and match elves with various moves. Improve your abilities from all aspects.

Especially the Battle Tower and the Battle Pyramid, there are leader-level powerhouses sitting there. As long as you challenge all the way here, you can meet the two powerful trainers who stand at the top of the world, the Battle Maharaja and the Pyramid Pharaoh.

There are even rumors that even the legendary Lei Huang was subdued by the battle king Lila and joined the battle tower. That is to say, as long as he can win all the way in the tower, he will eventually have a chance to fight against Lei Huang.

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