Looking at Xu Fang singing heartily on the stage, and then looking at the recruit covering his mouth, sobbing and crying, Jiang Chong only felt a few black lines slowly falling on his forehead.

A boy who must retaliate...

The magical world is not equal to an art desert.

The incident involving the scaly she-monster broke out at a concert where the idol girl was jealous.

These recruits have left their hometowns and are undergoing harsh devil training for days. It is a time when their emotions are sensitive.

Not to mention, Xu Fang's singing had an indescribable appeal that made them cry with their heads down, covering their faces, and hugging their comrades...

In short, tonight's gala cannot be held.

After hearing the news, the instructors who came over were two heads tall and one head tall, and they could only warn: "Let's arrange for everyone to call home later... Please make more arrangements for the evening shift."

In front of the military commander and the general staff, he was embarrassed to speak too clearly.

To put it bluntly, I am afraid that people will run away.

The mood of the recruits was obviously abnormal. They were afraid that they would be deserted. No one would look good during the Chinese New Year.

Xu Fang stood obediently, like a blooming tea-flavored white lotus.

"You kid." Jiang Chong glanced at him angrily.

Xu Fang pretended to be stupid: "I'll just sing a song..."

"Use the magic power of music to sing?"

"Ah! As expected of an uncle, nothing can be hidden from your wise eyes..." Xu Fang's disgusting words came out of his mouth.

"Stop, stop, stop."

Jiang Chong felt uncomfortable being praised, especially because Fatty Feng's expression while watching the show made him blush.

Jiang Shaoxu snickered beside him. Her boyfriend and his father got along very well.

At this moment, the guard in the distance received a call and ran over quickly: "Grand Military Division, Chief Instructor Feijiao of Lintong Military Region is calling."

Jiang Chong took the phone and listened, his eyes gradually becoming serious.

"What's wrong?" Chief of Staff Feng asked.

Jiang Chong said in a deep voice: "A sinister abyss appeared in Xianchi, and a rescue team fell into it!"


Xianchi is a place name, referring to the depression at the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains bordering the ancient capital. This is a land where vegetation is rarely seen and the soil is soft.

Whenever there is a breeze blowing, fine white sand will be raised on the ground...

This white fine sand is actually the powder that the bones turned into after being exposed to the wind and sun. It looks like salt sprinkled on the ground.

Xianchi, hence its name.

But now, the salty pool has disappeared, replaced by a dark abyss.

The screams of corpses exploded in the cave like huge thunder, and the earth also hummed.

If someone stood around the pothole and looked down at this time, he would definitely see the most terrifying scene in his life - in the dark abyss, pairs of scarlet eyes crowded together, greedy, hungry and ferocious.

Vaguely, there were countless bodies and limbs squirming inside.


Thousands of them!

Completely piled up, layer after layer, corpses covering corpses, corpses crowding corpses, mountains and jails, making people sick to the point of having their scalp explode!

This is Shayuan, the real hell on earth!

"Sha Yuan? Why would such a thing appear!" In the new barracks, Chief of Staff Feng's eyes widened with disbelief.

Shayuan, that is the real hell. Not only are there extremely high density of corpses, but what is even more terrifying is the endless death energy.

This power of death is huge enough to affect time and space, achieving the terrifying effect of space travel!

If you follow the forbidden curse, you will definitely die if you fall into the evil abyss.

Even Chief of Staff Feng himself was not confident that he could leave Sha Yuan intact.

"Recently, there has been a cholera among the undead in the ancient capital, and the Qinling demon clan is also ready to take action." Jiang Chong said in a cold voice: "Report to the Forbidden Curse Society. When necessary, we have to take action in time."

The Evil Abyss is a natural disaster, and the Forbidden Curse Mage is also a natural disaster in another sense.

A forbidden spell may very well wipe out the demons, undead and the vitality of this land together.

If they want to take action across regions, they must go through the Forbidden Curse Society's consideration and approval.

Chief of Staff Feng nodded: "It's okay, the Xianchi area is already sparsely populated. If the Evil Abyss moves towards the Qinling Mountains, there will be demons from the Qinling Mountains fighting with it. If it moves towards the ancient capital, Han Ji and Lu Huan will be there, and they can still hold on." We support.”

For thousands of years, the ancient capital has been coexisting with the undead and has its own set of methods to deal with them.

For the Central Military Department, the threat of the undead is far less than that of the Qinling demons.

The Qinling Mountains start from Kunlun in the west, pass through Longnan and Shaanxi in the middle, and span China from east to west, dividing this land into northern and southern halves.

The two major forbidden spells of the Central Military Department are guarded here, and they have not dared to be touched for many years.

In the eyes of Jiang Chong and Chief of Staff Feng, although Sha Yuan is troublesome, it is not a disaster for the emperor after all.

There may be undead monarchs who use the death energy of the evil abyss to gather the undead to attack the city, but with the existing foundation of the ancient capital, it will be absolutely fine to insist on it for one night.

"As long as it gets dawn, the tide of undead will naturally recede, and a whole day will be enough for the Forbidden Curse Council to make a decision." Jiang Chong said.

"Then what if the tide of undead has not receded?"

Xu Fang suddenly spoke.

When Jiang Chong discussed with Chief of Staff Feng, he did not deliberately avoid him.

"How is it possible? For thousands of years, no undead have been able to come and go during the day." Chief of Staff Feng shook his head, thinking that Xu Fang was whimsical.

Jiang Shaoxu also secretly pulled Xu Fang's clothes to tell him not to interrupt in such a serious topic.

Jiang Chong stared at him: "Tell me what you think."

"A few months ago, I was invited by Officer Nan Jue of the Western Military Department to go to the northern corner of Zhuoyuan to search for the Fire Tribulation Fruit."

Xu Fang said: "The reason why she is looking for me is because of the inexplicable riots in the Sand River, the gateway to the northern corner of Zhuoyuan. The manic elemental creatures cannot be suppressed even with spiritual magic.

After returning home, I specifically asked her to find out what kind of evil spirit caused the riots. The answer she gave me was: Evil Abyss! "

Ordinary people, including Nan Jue at the beginning, believed that it was the Heavenly Tribulation Flame that caused the riots.

But Xu Fang understands that what makes the entire Shawang River panic is actually Shayuan, the hell furnace!

"For the first time, Sha Yuan appeared in the Gobi Plain, at the west end of the Shawang River."

"This is the second time that the evil abyss reappears in Xianchi."

Xu Fang took out his mobile phone and found the map of China, and connected the two locations into a line on it.

As he extended one section, the expressions of Jiang Chong and Chief of Staff Feng changed simultaneously - the ancient capital is on this line!

"I come from Bo City, and I like to think about any so-called natural disasters from the perspective of man-made disasters."

Xu Fang's voice was not loud, but it made people feel cold.

"If, I mean, in case of emergency, the two displacements of Sha Yuan are not accidental, and the real target is the ancient capital, everything seems to be explained."

"You mean, someone used some means to pull Sha Yuan away?" Jiang Chong asked, instinctively feeling that this statement was ridiculous, but his heart tightened inexplicably.

What if it's true?

"Back then, the Black Court used the Manic Fountain to spread rain, causing demons to riot. But this time, could this be the reason for the restlessness of the undead?"

Xu Fangping raised his cell phone, and the information on it made people shudder.

ancient capital.

February 8th.


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