Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 247 New Research Direction

Yu Shengan said that he wanted to introduce the No. 2 Oasis Laboratory.

In fact, he just briefly introduced the division of various building functions, and then stopped.

Of course, he can't introduce everything in detail, and he doesn't have that leisure time.

On the open-air terrace at the top of the main building, a glass building, Yu Shengan sat down in the rest area.


Everyone nodded quickly, and carefully chose their seats according to their status.

Irene has the highest status, sitting next to Yu Shengan.

This is the commanding height of the No. 2 Oasis Research Institute. Sitting here, one can have a panoramic view of the entire research institute.

"I established this research institute because I actually had selfish intentions." Yu Shengan said, scanning his surroundings.

Everyone looked at him cautiously, thinking, we have guessed this a long time ago, how can you, an old man, not have any foresight in doing things?

If you really want to tinker with the No. 2 Research Institute, why introduce it yourself?

"Everyone, what are the core factors currently restricting Keweier's grain production?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

His eyes fell on Eileen.

"Land and manpower." Irene thought for a while and said firmly.

"That's right, Kvir's territory is huge, but there is very little land under the protection of the magic tower. We can open up wasteland and farm, but a large number of people are pouring into factories, and there is simply not enough labor."

Yu Shengan nodded approvingly.

"I already have a solution in terms of manpower, but the land issue is difficult to solve!" Yu Sheng settled down: "Yes, we can reclaim all of Kvir's territory, but what if the gods come to attack?"

"A great man once said, look at the worst and work for the best. I deeply believe that we must consider the most extreme situations in order to remain invincible forever."

Irene was in awe when she heard this, and subconsciously straightened her back.

All the high-level officials looked at each other, wondering whether Ajeev's words were a sense of urgency, or a hint that the world structure would undergo major changes.

Yu Shengan looked at this large glass research institute and said: "This is my original intention for establishing this research institute. I hope that you can use the most barren resources to grow the most food on the limited land. And the best Still unenchanted."

"Non-magic?" Irene asked the word back.

"Minimize magic interference, and don't even interfere!" Yu Sheng'an explained.

"I have a few ideas, you should keep them in mind, and you can focus on studying them in the future." Yu Sheng'an didn't bother to guide them to think, and planned to open the exam directly.

As soon as these words came out, Irene, Dorothy, Puth and the others all looked solemn, and fanaticism burst out of their eyes.

Master Ajieff actually wanted to give them advice in person. Although what he said was a train of thought, but the words came out of Ajieff's mouth. Is this still a train of thought?

This is definitely the answer!

If they can follow Ajifu's guidance and do some research, they may be able to enter the eyes of Mr. Ajifu and go to a higher level from then on.

"One, the three-dimensional utilization of space. Since the unit area is insufficient, why not develop the space upward? Use glass as a material to build a farm building?"

As Yu Sheng'an said, with a wave of his hand, a plethora of brilliance appeared around his body,

A miniature glass building rises from the ground, and the building is gradually enlarged, and it can be seen that vegetables and fruits are planted on each floor.

"This is just a simulation picture. The specific situation needs to be studied carefully. I can tell you that glass will block part of the light. Whether this will affect the growth of plants requires a lot of experimental data to verify."

Yu Shengan reminded, and said:

"Second, accurately find the conditions required for plant growth, and then precisely control the conditions to maximize the growth potential of plants."

"Let me give you an example, such as lighting. If we implement artificial lighting at night, will it shorten the plant growth cycle? For example, water resources? What is the water demand of plants? Can we grow plants in pipes and use drip irrigation technology to maximize the conservation of soil and water resources?"

The miniature glass building simulated by light and shadow next to Yu Shengan collapsed and turned into glass pipes.

There are densely packed small holes in the pipe, and a vegetable is planted in each small hole.

On each small hole, there is a small glass tube suspended, dripping irrigation water.

Yu Sheng'an continued to talk eloquently.

What he said is just some trivial knowledge that he learned on the blue star. No, knowledge is not even mentioned, it can only be said to be knowledge.

It can be described as talking on paper.

But even so, these epoch-making ideas still shocked Irene and others.

They never thought that agricultural planting could still be like this?

These assumptions seem absurd and unbelievable at first glance, but as a person in the industry, if you think about it carefully, you will realize that they are extremely feasible.

Once successful, they will have a severe impact on the development of multiverse agriculture!

You must know that even in the Kavier Empire, it is difficult to grow off-season vegetables in winter. The solution of the Magic Forest is to cultivate cold-resistant fruits and vegetables.

Where is Mr. Ajaf?

Directly through the glass room, heat preservation and moisture retention, simulating a warm climate.

If this is promoted on a large scale, even in winter, the people of Keweier will be able to eat fresh fruits and vegetables of all seasons.

It will be a miracle!

"Okay, that's about it. You should probably follow this line of thinking and study it. Don't stick to the plan I gave, and don't stick to the boundaries of thinking. Let go of your hands and feet, and do it boldly. Don't be afraid of no results, and the research will fall into a bottleneck. It's normal, don't feel pressure, and be patient." After Yu Sheng'an finished talking about his idea, he encouraged.

"Yes!" Everyone nodded enthusiastically.

"Sir, can you say more?" Irene wished she could say more for the rest of her life.

In many cases, the direction of research is more important than blind efforts.

Many of the things that Yu Sheng'an mentioned, let alone imagined, they didn't even have similar ideas.

Now after Yu Shengan mentioned it, Irene felt as if she had opened the door to a new world.

It turns out that agricultural development is not limited to seeds!

Therefore, she naturally wished for the rest of her life to say something more, no matter how absurd and arrogant it was.

"Do you think I'm an omniscient and omnipotent god?" Yu Sheng'an said with a smile: "In the future, if you have ideas, let's exchange ideas. That's all for today. I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Yu Sheng'an was also straightforward. After speaking, a teleportation light appeared on his body, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Leaving everyone with excited faces behind!

They realized that an agricultural revolution was about to begin.

What a pleasure to have met Mr. Ajeev!


They didn't know how shocked and ecstatic it would be if the Dragon God Xu Potina heard Yu Sheng'an's vision!


After specifying a new research direction for the Forest of Magic, Yu Shengan did not stop, and immediately released an announcement destined to cause a sensation in the multiverse through the Internet!

——Auction of bicycle production lines, regardless of identity.

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