Urban Madness

Turtle Soup

?? In the conference room, people quickly gathered.

"I also understand the situation of the film and television media branch. Do you have any opinions?" Qin Shu glanced at everyone.

An employee quickly raised his hand: "Manager, I think that since first-tier stars can't do it, then look for second-tier stars. In this case, the salary can be reduced by at least half!"

Qin Shu shook his head: "It's not even possible to reduce it by half. Nowadays, the production cost of a movie has increased to hundreds of millions. Thirty million is already shabby enough. If it is all spent on film shooting and promotion, it may be a bit stretched. The protagonist's remuneration must be reduced to the minimum. Below one million is my acceptable range!”

"One million?" The employee shook his head, "Manager, you may not know the market situation. Nowadays, actors who have appeared on the big screen a few times are paid more than one million. If you want to keep it below one million, I guess we’ll just have to use new actors!”

"New actor?" Qin Shu frowned.

"Yes, this is actually a way. If you really choose the right person, not only will you make a lot of money at the box office, but you can also make a star famous. However, the risk of doing this is also very high, because the newcomer has no acting experience, and the audience will not buy it. It’s also a problem, unlike those popular A-list stars, they are all guaranteed box office numbers!”

Qin Shu squinted his eyes, picked up the script again, and murmured: "This script seems to be about young and innocent love on campus!"


After pondering for a while, Qin Shu smiled: "Since it is a campus love, then find authentic actors from the campus. In this case, you may get miraculous results and the salary expenses will be reduced!"

An employee said: "Manager, this is very risky, and it is difficult to guarantee the box office! Let's hire celebrities, at least we won't lose too much!"

Qin Shu couldn't help shouting: "We must not lose money this time, we must make a profit, and we must make a big profit at the box office, otherwise, everyone will have to pack up and leave. Of course I also want to invite celebrities to the big bowl, but don't we have no money now? You Give me 100 million, and I will not blink my eyes and select the most popular stars to play, but the reality is that we only have 30 million! These 30 million must ensure the quality of the film and it must have a good box office!"

Everyone fell silent when they saw him getting angry.

Qin Shu sighed: "Taking risks is necessary, and our vision for selecting people will be tested next! Choosing the right person will not only save the salary, but also achieve miraculous results! If it really becomes an instant hit, there will be more It will become a cash cow for our film and television media branch in the future, what do you think?"

The employees nodded, but actually did not dare to say anything else.

Qin Shu asked: "Look, where else can we reduce expenses?"

An employee said: "You can make a fuss about the camera. There are many grades of cameras, and the price gap is even bigger. We can choose a lower grade one!"

Qin Shu shook his head: "In my opinion, the most important thing is the quality of the film. This is the guarantee of the box office and the guarantee of future reputation. You can't play with the camera. Is there anything else?"

"And the director, this is also a big deal! Directors with guaranteed box office disdain for our production costs, even second-tier directors will probably spend a lot of money!"

Qin Shu pondered: "The director is very important. Actors can use new actors, but the director must be the best!"

"But our costs are here, and we can't even hire a big director!"

"This is indeed a problem. The director is the soul of a film. Only with the right director can the quality of the film be guaranteed!"

He suddenly remembered Zhuo Hongsu. Didn't Zhuo Hongsu say that there were many directors among his classmates?

He hurriedly left the conference room and called Zhuo Hongsu.

"Sister Hongsu, where are you?"

"I'm at home, making stew for you. When will you come back?"


Zhuo Hongsu smiled softly over there: "Yes, I'll give you some refills!"

"No need, I'm very strong!"

"What do you know? The more you need to supplement now, the more you need to take supplements when you are young. If you don't pay attention when you are young, and you wait until you find that you are unable to do so, it will be too late! There are so many women around you, I must take care of your body to prevent you from I'm just interested in having fun and I'm exhausted. Come back early from get off work and I've been stewing it all afternoon. It must be delicious!"

Qin Shu smiled bitterly: "Okay, I'll go back after get off work! Sister Hongsu, let me ask you something. Didn't you say there are many directors among your classmates? Are there any famous ones?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Oh, didn't I take over the film and television media division? This is really a hot potato. Now the film and television media division is about to collapse. The only life-saving straw is the last movie "Innocent Love"."

Zhuo Hongsu was surprised: "Why is the film and television media branch about to collapse?"

Qin Shu then briefly explained the situation to Zhuo Hongsu. Zhuo Hongsu said bitterly: "So that's what happened. Someone is deliberately trying to harm you!"

"Yes, this movie is very important. Whether I can stay in Haz Group and whether I can continue to develop depends entirely on this movie. Therefore, I need a good director to film it! Are there any good ones among your classmates? ?"

Zhuo Hongsu thought for a moment: "That's true, but their director fees are very expensive!"

"It can be like this, I increase their share of the film's box office, or like a credit card, they direct the film first, and then I pay them the director's fee after the film makes money!"

Zhuo Hongsu smiled: "You really think, how can this be the same as a credit card?"

Qin Shu said: "Sister Hongsu, you are my credit. Please communicate with your classmates. Anyway, the situation is like this. I can't pay a penny for the director's fee now because the production cost of the movie is too low. I want to ensure the quality of the film, so I can only reduce expenses in these areas!"

"Of course my sister has done her best for your affairs, so I will use it as a credit card for you!"

Qin Shu laughed: "Sister Hongsu, I'll leave this matter to you. You can help me handle it. Whether I can become a blockbuster or not depends entirely on you!"

Zhuo Hongsu smiled: "Don't worry, sister has a way to ask them to help. Don't be too tired and go home early!"


With Zhuo Hongsu's guarantee, Qin Shu felt confident. Now the expenses of actors and directors have been reduced to the limit. Although they only have a production cost of 30 million, it is basically equivalent to the 50 million cost of other films. This cost is almost enough.

Next, it depends on how to choose the most suitable heroine.

In this movie, the heroine is the key. As long as she shines, the entire movie will shine. Therefore, choosing the most suitable heroine at the lowest cost is the top priority.

Back in the conference room, Qin Shu ordered them to prepare a car and relevant casting materials, and go to the campus tomorrow to select the heroine.

When the meeting ended, it had been a long time since get off work. Qin Shu took the script. He wanted to study the heroine in the script, her temperament, and her character. Only if he knew what the heroine should be like could he find her. The most suitable candidate.

Return to Qingxia Apartment.

Shu Lu and Yun Ziming had come back a long time ago, and Zhuo Hongsu had already cooked some food. Sure enough, they served him a big bowl.

Qin Shu frowned. He really didn't think that he needed to take supplements now. He was still strong and felt a little surplus. He coughed and asked hurriedly: "Sister Hongsu, how is that matter? Contact your classmates. Yet?"

Zhuo Hongsu pointed to the bowl: "Drink it and I'll tell you!"

This was what Zhuo Hongsu had worked so hard for, and it took a lot of effort, and seeing her bright and gentle eyes staring at him, he really couldn't bear to refuse.

"Okay!" Qin Shu picked up the bowl and drank it. It tasted very good. It seemed that Zhuo Hongsu had really put a lot of effort into making this soup.

"Can I say it now?" Qin Shu wiped his mouth.

Zhuo Hongsu glared at him and quickly wiped his hands with a tissue. He nodded and said: "I have already contacted you. My popularity is not bad. They are very cheerful. They agreed that they would not pay for the time being and they would get the box office back." When the time comes, I’ll pay you!”

"Great!" A stone in Qin Shu's heart finally fell to the ground.

"I just don't know what style the film you want to make is. Their directorial styles are all different!"

"Oh, it's a relatively innocent and nostalgic campus film!"

Zhuo Hongsu couldn't help but smile after hearing this: "Then I know who is most suitable to direct this film!"


"Huaichi Liu!"

"Is he the new-fashion director who directed "Youth Come Dancing"?"

"What? Have you seen his movies?"

“That was the only domestic movie I watched when I was studying in the United States!”

"Study in the United States? Have you studied in the United States? Aren't you from a small mountain village?" Zhuo Hongsu was surprised, Yun Ziming was also surprised, only Shu Lu was calm, because Qin Shu had told him everything She did.

Qin Shu hurriedly covered his mouth, looked at Zhuo Hongsu, and then at Yun Ziming: "Can you just pretend that I didn't say this?"

Zhuo Hongsu smiled and looked at Qin Shu thoughtfully: "Okay, I'll give you a chance and say it again!"

"Well, I have indeed seen this movie. It was shown in the open air at the threshing floor of a small mountain village. Huaichi Liu's famous film was a box office hit at the time. It was because of this movie that he became a famous director. I didn’t expect him to be your classmate!”

All three girls laughed.

Qin Shu was a little embarrassed: "Just think what I said is true!"

Although he said this, the girls all understood that he had studied in the United States. As for the other things, it seemed that he didn't want to talk about it, so he didn't ask further and just pretended to be confused. No wonder her husband could prove it. As for Ashhill's investment value formula, it can be proven by self-study alone. That is unbelievable, so it is somewhat reasonable. Zhuo Hongsu has long suspected Qin Shu's origins, and what he just said was actually expected.

"Why are you all looking at me and saying nothing? Am I wrong? Huaichi Liu is indeed very powerful and is Sister Hongsu's classmate. Isn't it a coincidence?" Qin Shu looked a little embarrassed.

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