Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 220 The beginning of decline

A battle in the mountain city completely shattered the lie that the beast-turned-warrior was invincible.

What previously created the invincible image of the beast warriors was not only the strength of these beast warriors themselves, but also the encouragement of the Taixi Chamber of Commerce.

As the properties left by the Taixi Chamber of Commerce in the mountain city were taken over, a large number of documents that had not been destroyed in time were discovered.

Only then did people discover the various plans that Tai Xisheng would carry out secretly.

The first is to induce public opinion and create an invincible image of the beastly warrior in the hearts of all people in the Western Region.

The next step is to gradually undermine the confidence of the warriors and cultivators in the Western Region, and then use their interests to win over them, gradually dividing them, and ultimately provoking various conflicts and confrontations.

When the time comes, the Taixi people will in fact easily occupy the entire Western Territory, implement their system of divinely selected nobles, and completely take over a large area of ​​the Western Territory!

It has to be said that the Taixi people's plan has begun to bear fruit. If it were not for Ye Fei's intervention, their plan would have had a chance of success in more than ten years.

Countless people couldn't help but sigh after seeing this plan. The royal family is to blame for the decline of Daxia Kingdom!

Unlike other regions, the Western Region has never produced a huge force that dominates the entire region.

Chaos has always been synonymous with the West.

But precisely because of this, the Western Region was the only region that was continued to be ruled by the royal family.

It just so happens that the western border is mountainous and difficult. In terms of interests, the value is not great, and the input and output are not proportional.

Naturally, the royal family saw this, so they abandoned the Western Region directly.

Such short-sighted behavior naturally triggered countless criticisms.

But other regions were doing their own thing. Although the Western Region was dissatisfied before, they couldn't say anything. It wasn't until the Taixi people's plan was discovered that everyone was completely disappointed with the royal family.

The establishment of the Business Federation means that the Western Territory, like other regions, is completely separated from the control of the royal family and becomes a new world of autonomy.

In the past hundred years, the penetration of the Thai people has exceeded everyone's imagination.

Many business houses have even become deeply tied to the Taixi people without knowing it.

Once they leave the Thai-Western Chamber of Commerce, these commercial houses will lose their business and will have no conditions for survival.

Most of these trading houses are small in scale, and the largest one is only a medium-sized trading house, but there are many of them. It is obvious that the Thai people are consciously cultivating their potential power.

The first thing to do when the Trade Federation was established was to dismantle these small trading houses that were riddled with holes that had been infiltrated by the Westerners.

Which of these people know the Taixi people's plan, and which ones have not been involved before need to be selected.

However, these trading firms must either be acquired or broken up and reorganized, but they must be carried out immediately.

Of course, in this process, someone will inevitably turn from a rich man to a penniless pauper overnight, but no one will care.

In the face of major issues of right and wrong, protecting the interests of the majority of people is the right choice.

Besides, most of these people's wealth was obtained by colluding with the Thai people. To put it bluntly, they are traitors and not worthy of pity.

News came back from the animal trapping team, and it turned out that just as Lin Xianghua had guessed before, they had successfully captured three animal warriors alive.

As for the other two teams, their targets escaped.

There were not many casualties in this attempt, and it was an extremely cost-effective deal in everyone's eyes. Various businesses related to the beast warriors were secretly started in full swing.

Just when everyone was talking about the changes that the beast warrior business would bring to the Western Territory, the Taixi Chamber of Commerce actually declared war on the newly established Business Federation in the Western Territory!

It seems that the chambers of commerce of various countries in Europe and the West have united to demand an explanation for the previous war and the loss of more than a dozen beast-turned-warriors.

In fact, the previous arrangements have been completely destroyed, and the plan of slowly infiltrating is no longer possible. If Taixi plans to use tough methods, he will completely turn the Western Region into their actual territory!

Unlike the barbarians on the border of Dongmang, these Taixi people seem to be exercising the will of the country, but in fact they are the so-called divinely chosen nobles who have united together to seek new territories!

Once they succeed, the entire Western Region will fall into a true purgatory on earth.

In Thailand, ordinary people are divided into two types: subjects and slaves.

The identity of a slave is easy to understand. There is absolutely no freedom and no property rights. It belongs to his master for generations and generations, and is only the private property of the nobles.

The leaders seem to be much stronger, but in fact they are not much different in essence.

In the West, the subjects of the nobles' territories had to pay heavy taxes, and they had to ask for and receive from the nobles, and they could not leave the territory to which they belonged at will.

Once you go out at will, you will be treated as a defector and your status will be directly changed into a slave.

If Taixi's group of divinely chosen nobles were allowed to implement this system in the Western Territory, then the entire Western Territory would be completely finished.

The Taixi Chamber of Commerce has been traveling to the Western Region for nearly a hundred years. Even if they are passive, the people in the Western Region have some understanding of the current situation in Taixi.

The efforts of ordinary people received no response there, and any means of crossing classes were restricted to one method, awakening the bloodline.

Not only ordinary people, but also warriors and cultivators will not sit back and watch the Taixi invade the Western Territory.

Listening to Lin Xianghua telling himself the new news, Ye Fei smiled contemptuously: "These Taixi people really regard themselves as the so-called darlings of the gods, and they act more and more unscrupulously!"

"That's how it is over in Taixi. Those beast-turned-warriors have somewhat restrained themselves here."

Lin Xianghua said nonchalantly, "On the Taixi side, not to mention the beast warriors who have awakened the power of blood, it is just ordinary nobles who kill slaves and citizens, and they only have to pay a small amount of money."

This decadent and backward system was overthrown by the people of Daxia thousands of years ago.

But in Taixi, it still survives because of the existence of beast-turned-warriors.

"What Lao Lin and the others are doing can only mean one thing. "

Ye Fei's tone was relaxed and he didn't care about the propaganda of the Taixi people. "It shows that those so-called divinely chosen nobles and beast-turned-warriors are afraid. The reliance they have relied on for thousands of years of dominance is no longer safe!"

The reason why the chosen nobles in Taixi couldn't sit still and jumped up to make trouble was naturally Ye Fei's method of extracting the power of blood!

Once this technology is announced to the public, the beast warriors will no longer be the nobles that everyone fears!

Instead, it will become a favorite in everyone's eyes and transform into walking treasure chests!

This trend has already appeared in mountain cities.

The three beast-turned-warriors who were captured alive touched the nerves of countless people, and the research on them almost gathered the power of the highest-level cultivators in the entire Western Territory.

Ye Fei was very curious. How would the Taixi people prepare to fight in the face of various forces in the Western Region that had begun to study beast-turned-warriors? Perhaps, this will be the beginning of the decline of the decadent divinely chosen aristocracy.

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