Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 157 Combat Module

The formation module allowed Malu to get to know the three witches in the team in the shortest time, but compared to the meat pigeon mode in the previous plane, this was at best a convenience function.

Malu's attention shifted to the last available diamond module - combat.

If this plug-in has any other functions that can greatly increase combat power, it should be in the upgrade and combat systems.

Among them, upgrades are not expected for the time being, so the one that is most likely to come in handy right now is combat.

As he clicked on the combat module, the next moment a chessboard spread out on the circular screen in front of him.

——Horizontal lines and vertical lines intersect to form square grids, and above the square grids are the shadows of hills, forests, streams...

Malu even found the abandoned warehouse in front of him on the chessboard. Although it was just the intersection of wire harnesses, it was very restored.

In addition, Ma Lu discovered that he could zoom in and out of any area on the chessboard, adjust the viewing angle, and even enter the interior of the building.

Taking the warehouse in front of us as an example, although the specific details are still not visible, the internal building structure, including the layout of the rooms and the corridors outside, are clearly shown.

Malu noticed that one small blue dot and two small red dots were entangled in one of the rooms on the second floor, and there were four small red dots in the corridor that were quickly approaching the door.

Malu then clicked on the Cerberus avatar above the blue dot, and three options popped up: communication establishment, weapon unlocking and self-destruction. He chose the first one.

"Hey, hey, can you hear me?"


Cerberus's surprised voice came from the other side, but she quickly reacted, "No, the knight is dead, who are you?!"

"There is no time to explain. You are about to be surrounded. Leave that room while there is still time." Ma Lu said.

"You hide your head and show your tail, why should I trust you?!" Cerberus was very wary.

Then Malu heard the sound of fighting from the other side, and at the same time, the Cerberus's HP was reduced by 4 points to 37.

"You are injured. Once you are surrounded, you will be in trouble."

"I want you to take more care of me!" Cerberus roared, "No matter who you are, since you have put on the knight's armor, quickly unlock my weapons. I want to kill all these nasty bastards!"

"No." Malu refused without hesitation. In addition to the previous 4 small red dots, he saw 6 more small red dots also moving towards the second floor.

Moreover, their HPs were also seen by Malu, and there was also a ruthless character with over 100 HPs among them. Even if Cerberus used his skills to put himself into a lost state, he would probably not be able to clear them out.

However, he did not argue with the Cerberus. He just said calmly, "I will not give you access to weapons. The first batch of enemies will arrive outside the room where you are in about 4 seconds."

Cerberus sneered, "Four seconds more. You sound like you know when they will appear."

Although she said this, she gritted her teeth and rushed out of the door. After all, if the weapon was not activated, she would be dead if she stayed here.

As a result, as soon as he poked his head out, he came face to face with the enemy coming from the other end of the corridor.

The purple-haired girl's pupils shrank suddenly, and just when she was thinking about how to deal with the unfavorable situation in front of her, that damn voice sounded in her ears again.

"Run east and find a way to enter the fourth room on the left."

"Why should I obey your orders?!"

Cerberus cursed, but the west side was blocked, so she could only turn around and run eastward.

However, she had only taken two steps when she heard movement on the escalator on the other side of the corridor.

Cerberus stopped, she knew what this meant, the worst happened after all - she was attacked from both sides!

The purple-haired girl's first reaction was to scold the guy on the other side who was issuing random orders, but when she thought that if she stayed in that room, she would be completely blocked by now, she had no choice but to close her mouth again and count them out honestly. Room comes.

Although Cerberus didn't know why the mysterious voice led her into a dead end after taking her out of the encirclement, she was now almost in the middle of the warehouse. The rooms in this row had no windows.

In other words, her getting into the room was basically the same as throwing herself into a trap.

However, the purple-haired girl had no choice. When she found the fourth room, the pursuers behind her also arrived, and the Cerberus discovered that the door to that room was locked.

But this was not a problem for her. The Cerberus kicked open the rotten door and rushed in immediately.

After looking around and seeing the big hole in the floor, the purple-haired girl's face showed a hint of joy. This time, she knew what to do without having to give orders from Malu.

Cerberus jumped down from the hole.

After landing, the voice rang in my ears again, "Go straight!"

Surviving a desperate situation made the purple-haired girl suddenly feel enlightened, and the voice in her ears was no longer so annoying. At the same time, her brain was finally able to allocate some energy to things other than escaping the crisis, and she heard what was behind the voice. owner.

"It's you!" Cerberus was surprised. She said as she ran, "Why are you wearing the knight's armor?"

"Didn't you ask me to become your knight?" Malu asked.

"Oh, you're just lucky and got it right." Cerberus paused, then asked, "Did you enter the warehouse too?"

"No, but Skylark and I are almost there, please hold on a little longer."

Cerberus was stunned, "How did you know that I was besieged if you weren't here? You also know about the escape route. Have you been here before? No, even if you have been here, you have no reason to know where those nasty guys come from. "

"This is the art of command, you don't understand." Ma Lu said, "Do as I say, and I will help you plan a route to escape."

However, this time it was Cerberus's turn to refuse, "No, I have to get that silver box, I already know where it is!"

"Don't be brave, you are already injured."

"A small injury, nothing to worry about," Cerberus said. "If you hadn't unarmed me, I would have killed all the guys in the way!"

"No, your magic power is still useful."

Malu answered casually while continuing to study the chessboard in front of him. There was more information on it than he expected.

Not only the terrain, but also the number of enemies and enemies, HP, and even the name of the enemy and its weaknesses are all marked.

This is really a classic second game of Zhanqi.

However, when Malu's eyes fell on the names with red dots, he still couldn't help showing a strange expression.

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