Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 125 Hidden Weaknesses

In the ruins of the city, a large snake with a body length of more than 50 meters and long red scales wrapped its body around a small building, its amber pupils staring intently at the human in front of it.

Not long ago, it discovered this prey and pounced down from the roof, intending to swallow it whole. Unexpectedly, the little guy backhand punched it directly on its fangs.

As a result, one of its fangs was broken in the middle!

The big red snake could only retract its mouth in pain, but it was not willing to be defeated like this, and soon coiled up again and assumed an attack posture.

But then it was surprised to find that it had lost track of its target. When it saw the man again, the other man's fist had already hit its body.

Compared with the huge body of the red snake, that fist looked so insignificant, even a little cute.

But this punch made the big red snake roll several times on the ground, and it couldn't help shrinking in pain.

Those amber eyes were full of incredible expression.

It seems that he can't figure out why that small body can contain such terrifying power.

Without waiting for it to recover, the second punch, the third punch... had fallen one after another, and the red snake was beaten to pieces like Seiya who encountered the Golden Saint for the first time.

He ran away as quickly as possible back to the small building where he had been.

Malu was not in a hurry to chase after him. He had just deliberately tested the power of the newly obtained purple blessing [Kaiou Fist] with his fist.

The function of this blessing is very simple, that is, there is a 33% chance of triggering a heavy hit effect when punching, and the punch will be doubled in power.

Just this blessing is nothing, but after testing, Malu found that this double power was actually used in an independent riding area, instead of being mixed with other blessings that increased power before.

Taking his current situation as an example, after more than 5 hours of continuous fighting, Malu has successfully increased his strength bonus to 1223%, not counting the increase given by [Berserker] after being injured.

The double power of [Kaiou Fist] does not increase the base power by 100%, but directly multiplies it by 2 on the basis of (1+1223%). In other words, if this punch goes well, Malu can hit 2646% of the power. Strength comes.

This is a bit disrespectful of martial arts, even a 50-meter-long giant snake can be punched away by him!

The shortcoming is probably that [Kaiou Fist] limits the triggering condition to the fist, and it will not take effect when using other weapons.

But the fist is obviously not as easy to break through as the chef's knife, but he can hold the knife in one hand and make a fist in the other.

By this point in the test, Malu had basically gotten the information he wanted, so he was ready to kill the sandbags on the opposite side.

But at this moment, he saw the scales on the big red snake suddenly opened up, and then released a piece of red smoke from below.


Malu only hesitated for a moment before he was surrounded by the smoke. Then his skin began to feel a burning sensation. At the same time, the areas outside his clothes began to turn red and even blister.

What a powerful poisonous fog!

After releasing the red smoke, the big red snake looked a little sluggish, but seeing the enemy's figure engulfed in the smoke, a hint of pride appeared in its amber pupils.

He climbed down from the small building again, but his champagne was obviously opened a little early, because Malu did not escape, but plunged straight into the poisonous mist and rushed over as fast as he could.

When he arrived in front of and behind the big red snake, a lot of skin on his body was ulcerated.

However, Malu didn't feel much. His pain attenuation had reached 70%, and theoretically he could endure even childbirth.

Now it's just rotten skin, and it only feels a little itchy.

And while running, he had already tightened his grip on the chef's knife in his hand.

Although the poisonous mist released by the big red snake caused some typhoid fever to Malu, it also blocked its vision.

It wasn't until Malu inserted the chef's knife into its body that the big red snake suddenly started. By this time, Malu had already run six or seven meters away.

The chef's knife cut a long wound in the belly of the big red snake.

Malu ran another ten meters, then slightly bent his left leg and kicked the ground violently. The explosive force was transmitted to the soles of his feet in an instant!

The pair of free travel shoes provided by the insect egg were directly stepped on and exploded by him, and then Malu's body jumped up high.

He jumped onto the back of the big red snake, and at the same time, the wound also rose up.

The big red snake twisted its body crazily, even hitting the ground, trying to throw the millipede off its back.

But Malu's reaction speed was faster than it, and he could always stabilize his body one step ahead. Finally, he came to the big red snake's head and opened holes in it crazily.

There was a rain of blood in the sky, and Malu's ulcerated skin was repairing as before with a speed visible to the naked eye.

It wasn't until the red snake underneath him completely stopped moving that Ma Lu took out the chef's knife again.

He couldn't help but shook his head. It had only been so long before he had to change clothes again.

But the blessings that broke out this time were good.

According to the display on the traveler's bracelet, this big snake named [Seven-toothed Giant Horned Viper] is a 5-star ingredient and should be regarded as the boss in this area.

The four options given after the kill are all golden blessings.

Malu's eyes were quickly attracted by one of the blessings.

——[Weakness Hiding: Team members can hide their heart, head and other weak points in designated locations on their body during battle. As long as the location is not attacked, they will not die immediately when encountering fatal damage, and can gain 100 seconds of additional survival time. , the target will be judged for death again after 100 seconds. 】

Oh, this blessing seems interesting.

Malu touched his chin. This was another blessing that had unknown meaning when used alone, but when combined with the [Blood of Immortality], it could kill everyone.

If he died only 100 seconds late, he would probably be able to avenge himself. However, with the blood-sucking effect, he could use this time to raise the disappeared health bar again.

It truly achieves the effect that as long as I suck fast enough, I will never fall down.

This should also be one of the core blessings of blood-sucking flow. Malu immediately bought it without much thought.

After killing the big red snake, the other nearby beasts seemed to finally feel fear and no longer came one after another to cause trouble for him like before.

Malu could finally take a breath.

Although he had gained a lot of stamina and didn't have any major problems with his physical strength, fighting for such a long time made him a little exhausted mentally.

Malu looked around and realized that he had almost reached the door of the Little Bear Bar without knowing it.

But this small bar was not destroyed by the beast tide. Malu pushed open the door of the bar and killed a bunch of drunk and dizzy vampire long-tailed weasels in the lobby.

Then he walked behind the bar, found a bottle of Bobo wine that had not been dropped by those vampire long-tailed weasels, unscrewed the cork and poured himself a glass.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the eggs of the honey lizard, and the wine didn't taste as sweet as before.

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