Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 122 I upgrade alone

Malu didn't have time to put away his knife, so he could only stretch his leg and kick the two-headed jackal in the left rib.

This kick sent it flying away and hit a concrete slab on the side of the road.

Malu took the time to look at the character status bar and found that his strength bonus had changed from 65% to 112%.

In other words, the bite from the first two-headed jackal gave him 47% more strength.

No wonder that kick just now was so fierce.

Malu moved his ankles, held the chef's knife, and walked towards the two-headed jackal that was kicked away.

The latter was in severe pain. Although he managed to get up from the ground, his left front leg was still shaking slightly.

Malu didn't give it a chance to recover. After noticing that its movements were affected, he immediately rushed forward and slashed at the left side of its head with a knife!

This knife came fast and hard!

The two-headed jackal made a dodge move, but still failed to dodge, and was decapitated by Malu with a knife, causing blood to fly everywhere!

And this time Malu also learned to be smart. After taking action, regardless of whether he hit the target or not, he immediately retreated and pulled back to a safe distance again.

Although the two-headed jackal that lost one of its heads did not die on the spot, it was obviously aware of the danger. The positions of the hunter and the prey had been reversed.

It wanted to turn around and run away.

But how could Malu let go of the blessing that had already been brought to his lips.

As soon as the two-headed jackal raised its legs, he rushed forward with another vigorous step and swung his knife again, with the target clearly being the back of the two-headed jackal's neck.

With a pop, the chef's knife easily penetrated the double-headed jackal's neck, all the way down, and severed the double-headed jackal's cervical vertebrae.

As the prey in front of him fell to the ground, Malu also felt a sense of emptiness.

The injury on his right shoulder has fully recovered at this time, and his strength bonus has dropped back to 65%.

Then Malu walked up to the seriously injured two-headed jackal, helped it end its pain, and received two blessings, one purple and one blue.

Malu glanced at the purple blessing that had been upgraded by the Heartbeat Lotto. This time it was a familiar face.

[Backstab: When team members attack from the back of the target, there is a 33% chance of increasing the speed by 40% and causing double damage]

Although it is not a blessing of blood-sucking flow, its strength is sufficient.

But the remaining blue blessing is more ordinary. Three of the four options are related to telekinesis ability, and one was downgraded from the Heartbeat Lotto and became a white blessing.

Malu randomly chose one [too cheating].

If you can meet other members of the Shuangyang Flower Hunting Group, this blessing can be used for Seta.

After dealing with the two two-headed jackals, I spent some time thinking about where to go.

Finally, I decided to go and have a look around the Hunters Guild. Mainly, Malu didn’t know much about giant screens. He had been to only a handful of places. Apart from Pochi’s apartment, there were only the Bear Bar, the Market and the Hunters Guild. .

If there are still survivors in the city, it seems that there is a higher chance that they will gather in the Hunter Guild.

After making the decision, Malu dipped in the blood of a two-headed jackal and left a message on the ground for Poch, although Malu was not sure whether Poch could still see it.

This made him feel a little down.

Malu soon discovered that the road to the Hunter Guild was not easy.

The current giant screen has almost been occupied by various wild beasts, and you can often encounter a large group of wild beasts within a few steps.

Malu usually assesses the strength gap between the enemy and ourselves first, then goes up if he can beat him, gathers more blessings, and runs away if he can't beat him.

In order to make it easier to escape, in addition to strength, he will also give priority to blessings with speed bonus.

However, even so, there are times when you can't escape, so you have to bite the bullet.

Fortunately, Malu's strength has improved rapidly after experiencing several rounds of battles, and even if he is accidentally injured, he can find a way to suck it back through the [Blood of Immortality].

Even so, it took him a full three hours to arrive outside the hunter's guild hall.

The Bad News Hunters Guild was not spared either. It was even worse than Pochi's apartment, which had been completely turned into ruins.

The good news was that Malu didn't see any human corpses along the way. Of course, it was possible that they were eaten by wild beasts, but the fact was that he didn't even see many weapons and equipment.

It looked more like an organized retreat. Ma Lu remembered that Boqi once said that there were two levels of space under the giant screen.

He speculated that the people in this city should have strategically abandoned the above-ground part and went underground to defend, which meant that Pochi and others were probably still alive.

However, with Boqi's character and consistent behavior, he didn't find a way to respond to him, and he didn't even leave a message. This made Ma Lu a little puzzled.

But now that the two parties can't contact each other, Ma Lu can only keep his doubts in his heart for the time being.

Just then he heard a rustling sound behind him.

Malu turned around and saw a Spiny-legged Whip Spider Queen leading five Spiny-legged Whip Spiders, surrounding him.

A good man does not suffer immediate losses.

When Malu saw this, he turned around and ran away. However, after only two steps, he saw three more lava giant lizards appearing above the ruins. They opened their mouths and spat out a piece of lava, blocking his way.

Malu sighed and could only hold the chef's knife in his hand again.

The previous trips to other dimensions were basically relaxing and enjoyable.

Although he is also a hunter, Poch, Seta and Senqi do most of the work.

All he had to do was choose blessings, formulate routines, and act as a cheerleading team with Mai Mai.

But now he was the only one left in the team. If he didn't want to end the work early and go home, he would have to carve out a piece of the sky by himself.


Minus one floor. The second hospital is already overcrowded.

Not only the ward, but also the corridors were filled with wounded people.

Boqi outside the operating room had just received the news that Seta was out of danger, and his hanging heart relaxed a little.

Although the two six-armed giant apes were successfully eliminated by their team a week ago, the danger has not passed.

In the next few days, powerful beasts appeared one after another. Even the strong walls of the giant screen could not withstand the endless crazy attacks of the beasts.

Finally, two days ago, it could no longer bear the weight and a large area collapsed.

The city council realized something was wrong and immediately issued an evacuation order.

All hunting groups are forcibly recruited as escorts, and the Shuangyanghua Hunting Group is no exception. They were attacked while escorting a group of civilians to retreat underground.

Although Boqi had done his best to direct the battle and take the lead, without Ma Lu's meat pigeon ability, the combat effectiveness of the Shuangyanghua Hunting Group dropped sharply, and the magic was no longer there.

In the end, it was only by opening up the Mai Mai and releasing the electric field that he was out of danger. In addition, Seta was stabbed by the tusks of a ground-breaking porcupine in order to protect a mother and son. She had just completed the operation and stabilized herself.

Pochi looked at the radio communicator in her hand again. Before retreating, she left Malu's equipment and another communicator in the toilet of the apartment.

Judging from the time calculation, Malu should have arrived at the giant screen by now. However, for some unknown reason, there has been no sound from the communicator until now.

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