UK, Museum of London.

The so-called Clock Tower is inside the London Museum, where people from all over the world study magic.

The main reason why it is called the Clock Tower is because of the Big Ben outside.

Yagami Taiji didn't have any in-depth knowledge of this. He came here just to understand some things about magic.

Tohsaka Rin still looked unhappy. Her information had been changed to Yagami Rin by Yagami Taiji, and Tohsaka Sakura was also renamed Yagami Sakura.

According to the information, she is the younger sister of Taiji Yagami. Because the two of them have outstanding talents, they came here to practice.

And Yagami Taiji was just the one who came to study with him. A descendant of a magic family with no talent.

Not long ago, Taiji Yagami went to the Matou family's house once, but after searching the entire house, there was no trace of the Matou Zonyan, so he did not find the opportunity to give the Matou Zonyan the final touch.

It's just that going to the Matou family's house was not without any gains. Taiji Yagami got a large amount of money from the Matou family, which was enough to squander it freely in London.

Perhaps because Matou Zouken was seriously injured, Yagami Taiji did not feel any magic defense or mechanism.

As for stealing...

Can what happens to a scholar be called stealing?

Originally, Taiji Yagami thought that after arriving in the UK, he would have to test his almost zero English, but fortunately, this is a two-dimensional world, and Japanese is spoken all over the world.

Communication and communication will not cause much hindrance to Yagami Taiji.

The only thing that hinders Taiji Yagami's research is probably the thick English books.

But what can I say, interest is the best teacher.

Taiji Yagami was very interested in the system of magic. After hiring someone to be a full-time translator, magic was finally no longer a mystery to Taiji Yagami.

The magic practice system mainly consists of two things: the foundation and the circuit.

The foundation is a system left in the world in advance for the purpose of using magic. The magic that Fate mainly practices is Western Europe. The magic foundation engraved on it is also in Western Europe, so the summoned servants are all from Western Europe.

Only Sasaki Kojiro was summoned illegally.

The magic circuit is what a person is born with when he is born, and will not be increased by subsequent practice. It is used to convert life force into magic power.

The reason why magic is mysterious is because of the foundation of magic. The foundation of magic is shared. The more people who use magic, the smaller the ability of magic will be.

Taiji Yagami took a notebook and took notes on all the useful information in these books. I usually enter the classroom transparently and listen carefully.

For Taiji Yagami, this was a rare motivation to learn.

The reason why he is so interested in this magic system is because as far as Yagami Taiji is concerned, the magic system is the first method he has encountered that can enhance his strength through practice.

In the previous worlds, leaving aside Rizai on campus and Another, Academy Apocalypse mainly focused on killing zombies. There was no mysterious training system, and the ghouls followed the path of technological mutation.

The only world where the fighting power of Zhanmei has soared, the main thing is the so-called Teigu.

Therefore, on the path of cultivation, Yagami Taiji could only rely on his own exploration, and the only thing he could get his hands on was his own five naval styles.

Yagami Taiji couldn't create this Arashi Kick move. He kicked out a sharp wind blade with his feet. It can only be said that he was confident in his own strength. It's far from being subtle.

Taiji Yagami is not from this world, so there is no such thing as a magic circuit. However, Taiji Yagami is not too frustrated about this.

Yin Escape can create matter out of nothingness.

As long as Taiji Yagami understands the principles of magic circuits and the materials they are composed of, he can completely use Yin Escape to create magic circuits in his body.

And once the magic circuit is created, his huge vitality can be converted into magic power, so that Taiji Yagami can fully display his abilities.

The huge life force is like a "body", and Taiji Yagami studies magic here mainly for "use".

"Magic circuits are something we are born with, so the qualifications of a magician are determined from birth!"

The instructor on the podium once again began to tout the theory of blood supremacy in the magic world of this world.

"It is absolutely impossible for things like circuits to increase due to any external force! Only the pure bloodline of magicians can be inherited from generation to generation, in order to purify the bloodline and increase the number of circuits!"

"For example, my family has been cultivated for eight generations, so my magic circuits are nineteen!"

In the magic world, what matters most is the purity of blood and the number of circuits.

Generally speaking, the more magic families have inherited, the better the members are and the more magic circuits they have.

There are very few special cases like Emiya Shirou who had twenty-seven magic circuits from the beginning.

What follows is the study of various magic powers.

The concepts of Taiji Yagami and the magician in the Clock Tower are very inconsistent.

The magicians in the Clock Tower only want to study, explore, and reach the source.

Just like the Holy Grail War, it is also a means to reach the root.

Therefore, in the Clock Tower, those magicians who use magic in battle are mostly looked down upon with disdain.

What Taiji Yagami has always thought about is how to use magic to transform his own vitality into combat effectiveness.

Regarding this point, Yagami Taiji once revealed a little bit of his words, but he was ridiculed and stopped by others.

For Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura, it was really too early to come to the Clock Tower to practice magic. It was like two elementary school students entering a university class, unable to understand anything all day long.

There is no such thing as enlightenment education in the Clock Tower. All kinds of knowledge are instilled in the family, and those who can enter here for advanced research.

It is precisely because Taiji Yagami borrowed the talents of two magicians to study in the Clock Tower that Rin Tohsaka lives a very boring life every day, which makes him even more dissatisfied with Taiji Yagami.

After another boring day of classes, Taiji Yagami returned to the hotel where he stayed in the UK with his notebook.

Over in the UK, Taiji Yagami rented a presidential suite in a star-rated hotel. Rin Tosaka and Sakura Tohsaka shared a room, and Taiji Yagami lived alone in a room.

The entire suite is clean, bright and spacious. In short, in terms of food and clothing, Yagami Taiji did not lose out to these two rich ladies.

"Ah eh!"

When Tohsaka Rin saw the figure of Taiji Yagami, his mood suddenly became bad, and he said sarcastically: "Mr. Magician who was daydreaming is back!"

Ah, hey.

This is how Tohsaka Rin calls Yagami Taiji. To Yagami Taiji, she has never called him brother or sir.

Tohsaka Rin naturally had no good feelings towards Yagami Taiji who kidnapped the two sisters. Therefore, there are no so-called honorifics or honorifics for Yagami Taiji.

And after knowing that Taiji Yagami did not have a magic circuit, he kept using the words "magician who daydreams", hoping to dispel Taiji Yagami's unrealistic illusions.

Compared with Rin Tosaka, Sakura Tosaka is much better.

Perhaps because she experienced being abandoned by her parents twice in one day, Tohsaka Sakura changed her previous lively personality and became introverted and quiet. He also uses honorifics politely towards Taiji Yagami.

Yagami Taiji always felt that Tohsaka Sakura was afraid of being abandoned again, so she always worked hard to be herself.

"Pack your things, Miss."

Yagami Taiji stepped forward, held Tohsaka Rin's mouth with one hand, and said: "Starting from tomorrow, you no longer have to go to the Clock Tower to listen to boring lectures."


Tohsaka Sakura stood up sensitively and said quickly: "Mr. Yagami, it's okay with me! I can continue..."


Tohsaka Rin interrupted Tohsaka Sakura with dissatisfaction and said: "It is a good thing to let this guy give up his unrealistic delusions!"


But wouldn’t this make me useless?

In this case, he will be abandoned again.

Such thoughts emerged in Tohsaka Sakura's mind, but she couldn't express them out.

Because of the magic talents of Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura, after arriving at the Clock Tower, many people wanted to take advantage of them.

Some want to raise the two of them as fertility tools in preparation for the family's magic inheritance, while others want Taiji Yagami to pass on the two sisters for them to do experiments.

Some come overtly, some come covertly.

But there is no doubt that these people have been taught a lesson by Yagami Taiji.

It can only be said that the values ​​​​of magicians are different from ordinary people. Everything they do is to inherit magic, pure blood, and reach the root.

However, with the education of Taiji Yagami, the first thing that comes to the mind of a magician who wants to make an idea between two people is the mathematical problem of how much is one thousand minus seven?

Tohsaka Sakura knows these things. This is a feeling of being protected and needed. If she is not in the Clock Tower, Yagami Taiji does not need her to pretend to go to school, so will she also abandon her?

"The Clock Tower has too few helpful things for me at this time."

Yagami Taiji said to Tohsaka Sakura: "So starting from tomorrow, I will take you to travel around the world. The first stop will be Germany. If you are lucky enough to visit someone from the Einzbern family, then... Stay there for a while, if that doesn’t work, then after half a year of traveling, I will send you two back home.”

Hearing Taiji Yagami made this decision, Tohsaka Rin suddenly became cheerful, and Brick ran to his room to pack his things.

Being able to travel back and forth was something she had always looked forward to.

Tohsaka Sakura, on the other hand, has been staying by Yagami Taiji's side. She wants to comfort Yagami Taiji who has been working hard but to no avail, but she has no words and can't express it.

"Don't think so much, Sakura."

Yagami Taiji squatted down, on the same level as Tohsaka Sakura, and said: "This is the only thing that can't affect me. Have a good rest and wait for tomorrow's travel around the world." (To be continued.)

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