Two-dimensional Yellow Hair System

Chapter 32 The Invincible Giraffe [Anti-piracy version, changed in half an hour]

There is an ambush.

A series of ghouls jumped from the high buildings. Taiji Yagami looked at them with his eyes, and saw strips of ghouls spread out behind him, rushing towards him.

Obviously, this ambush was aimed at him.

Some of the ghouls' costumes were made of bronze trees, while others looked like they were wearing their own costumes, with pairs of scarlet eyes.

The ambush here was obviously prepared long ago, and even... everyone here was evacuated!

Who can have such great ability to stop CCG's spy from evacuating such a large group of people here?

Or maybe... CCG knows about it? !

Yagami Taiji's question was quickly answered.

This group of ghouls surrounded Taiji Yagami, and a leader appeared in the middle of the crowd, appearing particularly conspicuous.

Wearing a decent suit, the whole person has an elegant aristocratic style, with a neatly groomed beard and a square face.

Taiji Yagami knew this person and had seen it in the photo.

Regarding the information about gourmet Yueshan Xi, the person in front of me is called Yueshan Guanmu, and she is Yueshan Xi’s father.

Then the purpose of this group of people coming is very clear, which is to take revenge on Taiji Yagami.

Tsukiyama Kanmu led the Tsukiyama Group, which had a great influence in the business and political circles. However, after his identity as a ghoul was revealed, the entire group collapsed instantly. Then under the leadership of the CCG, a group dominated by humans The Yueshan Group was once again formed.

It can be said that the Tsukiyama family was ruined because of Yagami Taiji.

Moreover, the son whom Tsukiyama Kan’s mother valued most died in the hands of Taiji Yagami, and was made into Kuink, and is now in the hands of Taiji Yagami.

The scenes in front of me should be that Tsukiyama Kanmu relied on her own influence to hire a group of bronze tree ghouls, plus her own family's ghouls, to ambush Yagami Taiji.

But there are still two questions: how did they know that Taiji Yagami would appear here, and how did they evacuate the people here without making a sound and not being noticed by CCG.

The address in front of me is Ward 1, Chiyoda Ward.

In the past, ghouls may have roamed freely, and every night was a bloody night, with ghouls preying on them and causing chaos. However, Arima Kisho launched a strong suppression on this area not long ago, and all the ghouls in the entire area were wiped out. CCG has tightened its control over this place.

The ghouls in front of them evacuated the residents without letting the CCG notice at all?

Yagami Taiji didn’t believe this at all.

"If you want revenge, come here and take action!"

Taiji Yagami said coldly to these ghouls: "Just be prepared to die!"

Tsukiyama Kanmu looked at Kuink in Yagami Taishou with a melancholy expression, and said: "If there is still a little room for maneuver... I really don't want to attack the investigator."

Yes, there is no room for maneuver, the hatred is there.

It is a fact that Tsukiyama Xi died at the hands of Yagami Taiji.

Jiahe is formed on the hand of Yueshan Guanmu, which is similar to Yueshan Xi. Both form strong weapons on the arms.

Yagami Taiji pressed Kuink gently, and then relied on his super hearing to keenly sense that something was wrong with the sound Kuink made, and quickly threw it aside.

Upon seeing this, a male ghoul rushed over and caught the box directly. He hugged the box and kissed it wildly. While kissing, he cried loudly. The dress of this ghoul looked similar to Tsukiyama Hao who Yagami Taiji killed at the time. He should be a fanatical admirer...or a homosexual.

Of course, it is also possible for a woman to disguise herself as a man...

"Master Xi..."

Before he finished speaking, the Jiahe sticking out of the box had wrapped around his whole body. The Jiahe formed a blade shape and was inserted into it fiercely.

A pair of eyes widened, and the ghoul was directly hit. Inside the armor formed by Kuink, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not move and break free, and after the blade entered his body. With a bang, the whole thing exploded.

The ghouls next to him moved back when they saw this. Taiji Yagami stood there, looking at the body fragments left by the explosion with gloomy eyes.

"Be careful of the knife coming from behind..."

Takatsuki Izumi's reminder sounded in his mind.

Obviously, the conspiracy in front of us was done by the Yueshan family, the Bronze Tree, and some people within CCG, and the knife behind it came from CCG.


The two ghouls next to him screamed, jumped up, and attacked Taiji Yagami. As the two ghouls attacked, the ghouls next to him also swarmed up, and countless bastards attacked Taiji Yagami. Come over two times.

Some Yuhe attacked from the sky, some followed the attack gaps of many ghouls in front, and some launched attacks from underground.

Overwhelming, densely packed.

Taiji Yagami was like a caged bird with no way to escape. And next, you will definitely get tricked.

But why did Taiji Yagami run away?

"Scythe Kirin!"

Yagami Taiji said coldly. At this moment, the whole person transformed into an animal, and his neck was pointed at the ghoul next to him.

Originally, the attacks against Taiji Yagami were as weak as leaves, and Taiji Yagami was like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves. A series of attacks were swept away directly, and the ghoul who was already approaching Taiji Yagami was swept away. He was swept away directly, blood sprayed out in mid-air, and hit the ghoul behind him, causing a large piece to fall directly.

All the offensives slowed down, and the area near Yagami Taiji was immediately cleared.

They were still surrounded by ghouls, but this time, standing in front of them was a giraffe...

"What the hell is this!"

The corners of the mouths of all the ghouls twitched, and they didn't understand the current situation at all.

Kuink? Hezi?

This thing simply exceeded their knowledge!

"Whip the Bamboo Forest!"

The giraffe transformed by Yagami Taiji's neck instantly grew longer, and he suddenly hit the ghouls who fell to the ground and vomited blood one by one. The attacks on the neck were too fast and too frequent, as if a bamboo forest had formed in front of them. Perform the final touch-up on these fallen ghouls.

Ghouls are like cockroaches that cannot be killed. Their vitality is too tenacious and they cannot be killed easily. Their recovery ability is amazing. If you are not careful, you will recover quickly and can continue to participate in the battle.

Therefore, when facing ghouls, it is better to just kill one person than to injure ten people.

Broken limbs flew down and blood flew everywhere. The ghouls who had fallen to the ground were smashed into pieces one by one by Taiji Yagami. Her bag was directly smashed. This level of damage was like that of a one-eyed owl. It can no longer be restored.

"Go! Avenge my son!"

Tsukiyama Kanmu held the Kohe in her hand and attacked Yagami Taiji who had turned into a giraffe. At the same time, she shouted: "You are all my friends. At this moment, death is death. The investigator in front of me must We have to get rid of them, otherwise, we and other ghouls will have a hard time finding a place no matter where they are!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Tsukiyama Kanmu was kicked out by Yagami Taiji.

The giraffe kicked so hard that even Yueshan Guanmu was hit directly and flew straight into the air.

"You really talk a lot!"

Looking at Tsukiyama Kanmu coldly, Yagami Taiji's head was compressed, facing Tsukiyama Kanmu who was falling in mid-air, it was like a giraffe turret!

Yueshan Guanmu didn't have a genius like Fangcun Aite, so she had no way to do anything in mid-air. After the Giraffe Battery hit, her whole body flew straight to one side with a bang, and hit a building on the side fiercely. I made a pass, and then I could hear the sound of rolling down from far away.

Watching Mother on Moon Mountain! Certain death!

Even if Tsukiyama Kanmu is a Kahe ghoul and is good at defense, she will never survive such a level of damage.

"Go! Kill him!"

"Yueshan has always been kind to us!"

"If it weren't for Tsukiyama... we would have died long ago!"

"It's time to repay Tsukiyama!"

"Anyway, in this world, for us ghouls, we can only rest in peace if we die!"

The ghouls encouraged each other, and then swarmed towards Taiji Yagami again, wanting to kill Taiji Yagami to avenge Tsukiyama Kanmu.

But it is destined that the ants will regret the tree!

All attacks are in vain!

The giraffe's neck turned. Compared to Yagami Taiji's Kamaki Kirin, their harpies were relatively weak. Just such a circle directly broke this series of attacks and beat them one by one to blood.


"He is a demon, let's kill him!"

"Even if we are the last person, we will fight to the end..."

"I have lived in fear for more than twenty years. This time, I want to die with my head raised!"

The ghouls encouraged and organized each other again, and then launched another attack on Taiji Yagami.

This time, Taiji Yagami's Kamaki Kirin had just swept across, and another group of ghouls jumped up, took advantage of this attack gap, and launched an attack on Taiji Yagami.

One after another, the knots wrapped around Yagami Taiji's neck. Yagami Taiji's neck was the most threatening to them, and it was also their seemingly biggest weakness.

As long as this elongated neck is cut off, their battle will be won!

But is it really as simple as they think?

"Bamboo Forest!"

The giraffe that was already close in front of them suddenly twisted its neck, and then launched a series of random hits at them. It was faster and more frequent than the whipping bamboo forest just now. While avoiding their attacks, it , knocking this series of ghouls to the ground, some of them died on the spot.

After a series of blows, Taiji Yagami's side became quiet again.

The ghouls still formed a circle of encirclement, but within twenty steps of Yagami Taiji, there were all dead bodies.

A giraffe stood in the center, but these ghouls no longer had the courage to continue rushing up.

What kind of monster is this... in front of me!

(To be continued.)

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