Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 625: Priest

When the construction of the temple began, the golem Rhett began to feel uneasy. This kind of feeling of belonging to flesh and blood is very rare for a golem of him, and in all his memory, he only had such a feeling before the first time he performed the magic.

"What's the matter with you, why is your face starting to melt?" Erdu noticed Reid's abnormality, dropped the mop to clean the small temple and ran over. "Did you drink water indiscriminately again? You are a clay golem, and the water will become soft!"

"You're a heresy, did you read some strange stories and novels?" Rhett didn't move, letting Mozun Erdu check his body. "My structure isn't damaged, I'm just a little restless. Can you go out and see what's going on?"

"Ah, aren't you injured? Why can't you walk and watch together?"

With drag and drop, Rhett walked out of the small temple. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the flying hills, trees, flowers and plants flying around in the air. He was shocked and suddenly realized.

"Follow me, no more here." Reid immediately made up his mind: "I know where I belong."

Erdu heard this, his face collapsed, and his eyebrows made of steel sheets fell to the ground. He asked in a trembling voice, "Are you going to run away from home?"

"Didn't you hear the first thing I said was to follow me?" Rhett just wanted to give Erdu a hard slap on the head, but he was worried about making him even more stupid. "It's enough to bring what I usually use for prayers. I finally feel the call of the gods."

Siegel built his temple outside the castle, while Rhett was busy tearing down his own. In this stone house built by him, in the end, only a long strip of stone was left in his arms. This was originally installed on the lintel, and its holy emblem will be hung when the **** is found. For Rhett, this is the most significant of all building materials, so be sure to take it with you.

He held the long stone, dragged Erdu, and walked firmly towards the newly built temple. As the distance shortened, the familiar feeling became stronger and stronger, like the feeling of a wanderer returning home. He felt that his magical ability was constantly improving, and the understanding of gods and beliefs in his mind was endless. His steps were getting bigger and bigger, and he was walking more and more firmly.

Erdu was dragged away at first, but later found that the force of being dragged began to decrease, so he became holding Reid's hand tightly. He was afraid of being left behind, and had a natural hostility to anything that would attract the Golem Red. He looked at the temple that appeared out of thin air in front of him. Although he knew that such a building could not be completed without great mana, he just couldn't like it. Even though the flag of the six-clawed squid looked familiar, the building didn't give him any home.

Rhett was the only reason to let him in. He looked around curiously, and was shocked when he saw the words on the wall of the Enlightenment Room. All the text about the basics of magic conveys the meaning perfectly, which is unusual for modrons from the mechanical realm. Culture and language will always lead to differences in understanding that do not exist in the temple.

Siegel took a good time, with a shallow smile on his face, watching Rhett come in. He doesn't need to match himself with clothes that are covered with golden decorations, and he doesn't need to let divine power form holy light to cover his body. When the priest of the magic **** sees himself, he will understand.

Reid was stunned for a moment, put down the long stone in his hand, and scratched the top of his head with his free hand: "It turned out to be you, Lord Marquis Siegel. You built this temple?"

"Yes, this is the Temple of the God of Magic and Knowledge, didn't you sense it?" Siegel released a little divine power and put it away before the crystal wall barrier could react.

Rhett's body trembled and he almost knelt down.

"Hey, your reaction is very strange. Erdu has already knelt down, but you are fine. Aren't you my pastor?"

Reid glanced at his side, Erdu not only knelt down, but also lay down on the ground, with all his limbs stretched out. This posture is too ugly, the golem kicked the demon, but Erdu whispered: "Don't you realize that the opposite is very strong?"

"I understand, I know that the search for a long time can finally end, but I really didn't expect it to be Lord Lord, I mean, Your Excellency the Magic God..." Reid has not fully woken up from the trance, just muttered "I don't quite understand how to handle this relationship," he said.

"I understand your feelings. Regarding your magic, I can only tell you my guess." Siegel said: "Magic priesthood has lost its administrator for a period of time, and it only passively reflects the operation of magic, and You were the priest who inspired you at that time. You were created by magic, so it is normal to be able to communicate with the magic god. The reason why you don't know which **** is your **** is also related to the special state of that special period. It is related. Now I have obtained the magic priesthood to provide you with the source of magic, but I am still the lord of Heim Land. You can look at this matter separately, or wait until you slowly understand the relationship between them. It doesn't matter to me."

"Then... what instructions do you have? Big... lord?" Reid thought for a while, but it was more appropriate to use this title.

"Of course it's to manage the temple and work for me." Siegel said to him with a smile. "What you have to do is actually the same as in the past, help others according to your preferences, and clean the temple by the way. The only difference is that the temple has become larger than before, and the purpose is clearer. As a **** of magic and knowledge, I The only requirement is to spread magic and knowledge, and use these two tools to create a better life. But as the lord of Heim Land, since this temple is built in Myr City, it must also serve the domain. Unless it is out of the ordinary, otherwise I won't take care of the specific things. If you come first, then be my chief pastor."

Siegel stepped off the throne and put his hand on Rhett's forehead. He passed on to him his teachings, the powers of the realm of magic and knowledge, the methods of magic and cloning. so that he can become a truly qualified pastor.

After everything was completed, the light of wisdom flashed in Reid's eyes, and he seemed more attractive than before. Erdu looked at him enviously, then tilted his head to look at Siegel. He and Rhett had a close relationship, but couldn't share faith. As a modron, it has become a habit to believe that order rules everything in this world, and even the existence of gods is just a manifestation of order. It is difficult for him to become a follower of a **** unless that **** has order as the sole priority.

"Also... there is one more question." Reid said a little embarrassedly: "Do I need to pray to you every day?"

"Uh, you can just do what you did now, there's no need to change your habits." The sudden change of identity made Siegel not quite used to it, especially when facing familiar people. Janet is okay to say that whether he becomes a **** or not, he is still just his wife. Rhett went from friend to believer, and the change was too big.

Before the matter here was finished, the mages of the federation walked in, followed by some residents of Myr City. In fact, most people are attracted by the words on the walls of the Enlightenment Hall, and they are immersed in the state of learning and cannot extricate themselves. Even the mages of some federations stopped outside. Those who can come in are either wizards who have been immersed in spells for many years, or potential priests, and some are admirers of Lord Marquis Siegel-now converted into ordinary believers under the influence of divine power.

Who else but the magic **** can radiate magic fluctuations and divine power fluctuations on the body at the same time, and combine the two perfectly? Most mages in the Federation don't believe in magic gods, but that doesn't mean they don't respect power. They can face the gods from an objective point of view, but they don't think about replacing them all day long.

A mage ceremony of the highest standard is enough. In fact, the only difference between the etiquette and the archmage in the past is that Siegel only needs to simply nod his head in return.

"I...I have no eyes, is that person Siegel? When did he have the power of a priest?" Conjuration Master Weywood rubbed his eyes, "Your Excellency Archmage, what did you study again? "

"Researched how to become a magic god." Siegel ended his blessing to Rhett, put away his divine power, and walked among the people of the union, "For this reason, I have to quit the mages union. My main focus now is on Heimland and the Temple of Magic. You have also seen the Enlightenment Hall outside, and I will expand the Magic Academy next, and these things really need the help of the Federation."

"It is incumbent, incumbent," Verwood said hurriedly. He seemed a little helpless, and it was obvious that this incident had shaken him too much.

Wendy was also in the crowd hiding behind the burly Evocator Simonton. She glanced at Siegel secretly, but carefully avoided his gaze. Wendy had not seen each other for a long time. Wendy thought she could let go of this experience, but found that the more she suppressed it, the greater the impact on her. She had not turned into a lich and already had the character drawbacks of undead creatures.

"If I pray to the magic god, you can hear it, right?" She said suddenly, which startled everyone: "It's another matter if you ignore it, but the gods can hear the believers. Pray, right?"

"Yes," Siegel answered briefly. He didn't want to continue to provoke Wendy, trying to give her enough personal space so that she could find a new life, but he also wouldn't lie to Wendy, it would hurt too much.

"You are empty here. I am willing to be the priest of the temple." Wendy reached out and stroked the mage's robe, changing its color and style with magic, making it the simplest sacrificial robe. The six-claw squid seen outside the hall turned into a tiny logo embroidered on Wendy's chest.

"It doesn't matter if I don't have magic, I'm determined to dedicate my life to magic." After Wendy finished speaking, she staggered towards the back of the temple without waiting for Siegel to answer. Reid scratched his head, and under the signal of Siegel's eyes, he chased after her to see her situation. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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