Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 582: crawled across the battlefield

When the orcs brought the wolf hunters, and a group of gray, black and gray-black giant wargs searched around under the leadership of the green orcs, Siegel had already left his previous position and waited at the agreed meeting place.

A small col, where a stream flows during the rainy season, is now where the orc army throws their **** and excrement. It's easy to see why Chanem chose this place for a meeting point: he wasn't the one who waited longer anyway.

Siegel covered his nose with a three-layered handkerchief, but he couldn't stop the surging smell. Now the smell is still only on his clothes, but it's hard to say whether it will penetrate inward and stain his skin, or even deeper. And from time to time, kobold laborers who push more filth come here, swearing and dumping things indiscriminately. Siegel took the upper hand and waited, hiding behind a large moss-covered rock.

From day to night, Siegel counted the carts that came here and hoped to see Chanem—and it would have been perfect if Chanem was on the corpse-carrying cart. But life is unsatisfactory. He didn't see Chanem's body, and he didn't even see Chanem who was alive!

The last rays of the sun disappeared behind the western horizon, and the sky was ruled by dark clouds and looming silver moonlight. "It's past the appointed time." Siegel frowned. There was a faint glow in the orc camp in the distance, dinner was going on, and everything seemed normal. According to Chanem's ability, it wouldn't take such a long time to spy on "why the orcs came", and there is a high possibility that he deserted.

"Bastard!" It would be fine if Chanem simply went to find Shenhuo, but if he sold his position to the orcs in some way, all his efforts would be for nothing.

Fortunately, this did not happen, and there were no orcs rounding up the stinking garbage ditch. Maybe Chanem knew that the orc roundup would only cause trouble, and it would be impossible to catch Siegel. It's not as good as the odor's higher damage, so he "released" him.

Siegel decided not to wait any longer, and he followed the Lord of the Rings' instructions. Slip slowly towards the direction with the strongest perception. The closer you get to the castle, the tighter the defense. Almost to the point where you can step on an orc. Fortunately, the orcs had enough food and drink at this time, and they were organizing a night siege battle, and all the fronts were messy. Siegel transformed into a kobold, holding a broken iron helmet in both hands, and stumbled beside the orc.

This kind of scene is very common: an orc sent the kobold to get his helmet, and then flogged him for this reason, or even pinched him directly to make himself more favored by the gods in battle and become more brave. So the orcs just gave the kobold a few glances. Give him a few feet at most, and you won't pay too much attention to it.

Siegel stopped and walked to avoid being too much of the orc patrol's field of vision. Unlike siege armies, these patrols report directly to the orc priests and specialize in patrolling the camp for troublemakers to maintain order. No orc general wants to deal with the patrol, but all want their rivals to get in trouble for the patrol. Siegel observed for a while, and felt that these patrols were not just patrolling the camp to maintain order, they were consciously searching for outsiders.

It is close to the forefront of the battle line, but the perception of the Lord of the Rings will continue to move forward. Siegel stopped. Put the broken iron helmet on your head and find a broken machete from the scraps of an orc blacksmith. He gathered with a few kobolds dressed like him, shivering at the contempt of the orcs. There is only one option to get close to the city walls. That is to charge with the orcs.

His position is the cannon fodder team, used to waste the enemy's arrows and disrupt their goals. If you are lucky enough to rush to the city wall, the small body of the kobold can play a good role in the narrow passage and besiege with the orcs. Such kobolds will be rewarded with nice rewards, such as three days of good food or a fine small armor.

Don't look at the kobold's trembling now, but it was not cowardice, but the threat of the orcs. Once on the battlefield, this group of kobolds will become crazy and bloodthirsty. Desperately rushing into the battlefield, slashing left and right. Inflict damage with weapons and teeth until your side loses the numerical advantage.

The drums of war sounded. The ten giant drums made the earth tremble a little, and it was believed that no one in the castle could fall asleep. Orcs and kobolds can see in the dark, so they don't need to light torches, but humans must use braziers to illuminate the battlefield.

The first to rush up was the Warg. They certainly don't have a chance to climb the walls, but their enormous size and weight can detect traps in their path. If there is any ambush for humans, such as a two-sided attack with the defenders on the city wall through the tunnel, the warg will use his nose to break the ambush.

Only on the first two occasions did the human defenders shoot these wolves. Later, it was found that these wolves had thick skin and flexible bodies, and their hit rate was not high, so they stopped wasting their energy. As long as you focus on tearing down the city tower and don't let the beasts rush up, you can restrain the wolves well.

One or two archers with excellent archery were still calling names with their longbows, and a few Wargs were injured, but they became more ferocious, with a faint tendency to be violent. At this point the orc army began to advance, overturning and extinguishing the flames - mostly caused by rockets - all the way to push the siege towers forward. The kobold was wrapped up in the team, and Siegel also babbled and ran forward.

The ground was littered with corpses from daytime battles, muddy and slippery with blood and minced flesh. Siegel deliberately slanted his feet, rolled and fell, and then crawled forward slowly on the ground. He quickly became unnoticed, be it the orcs or the human defenders.

According to the guidance of the Lord of the Rings, Siegel crawled to the side of the battlefield, where the river bend and the city wall came into contact. A canal pier was built there, but it was demolished when the war started.

In order to avoid river flooding, the city gate of Hewan Wharf is higher than other city gates, a ramp pulls it five meters away from the ground, and there is a suspension bridge with six iron chains. When they learned that the orcs were approaching, the suspension bridge was closed early, so if you want to enter through this gate, you not only need to forcibly attack the city gate, but also build a five-meter-high slope.

In addition, this place is not far from the water gate, and the constant collision of ships also attracts a lot of attention, so it is not paid attention to here, and few orcs charge here.

The Lord of the Rings' guidance is in this direction.

Siegel squatted on the ground, trying not to notice. Around him, Orc warriors kept falling, and stray arrows flew around. Fortunately, the kobold is small in size, and the chance of being accidentally injured is low. So far, he has not won the prize.

An orc was shot in the neck by a crossbow arrow and fell down with a bang, blocking Siegel's front. Before he could breathe, he fiercely pulled out the crossbow bolt on his neck. As a result, at this time, the blood could not stop flowing from the wound, and it could not be saved at all.

He saw the crawling kobold, and knew at a glance that it was a deserter, or a **** on the battlefield. The orc raised his hand, ready to strangle the "traitor" before he died.

Siegel admires this tenacious spirit, but it's not a reason to get him what he wants. *The teacher thought for a while, reached out and took out a paper packet of powder from the space bag, put it on his mouth and gently recited a few incantations.

The orc couldn't hear what the kobold said, and crawled forward persistently. Due to blood loss and suffocation, his vision was gradually blurred, but the orc had sufficient confidence that if he could hold the kobold's throat, it would definitely be the tawny little thing that would die first!

Unless, Siegel shoved the paper bag into the wound on his neck before the big orc's hand could reach it. The beastman's eyes were full of astonishment, and he didn't know why the kobold in front of him had such a fast speed. He felt something hot and cold in his neck, spreading all over his body with his heartbeat. That feeling wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't mortally wounded, but now?

Siegel couldn't let the spell work too quickly, so he hooked his hand and pressed it precisely on the orc's windpipe. He slammed it hard and pinched it off. The orc struggled a few times, and finally died, and fell to the ground with his head tilted.

The strong undead breath in the powder began to weaken, and it was soon imperceptible, and the speed of penetration gradually slowed down. Under the influence of the spell, the orc will stand up again in the form of a ghoul or a zombie, causing some trouble for the orc. If the orcs stack the corpses together, it is possible to create a group of undead monsters.

No matter how they traced it afterwards, they could not have imagined that the casting of the spell was carried out on the battlefield, and they would think that the generation of the undead was an accident. This can be considered to create some obstacles for the orcs.

Siegel moved on around the orc's corpse, getting closer and closer to his destination. He climbed over a trench, only to be startled by the sight in front of him. In the direction of his destination, more than 20 orc warriors had already arrived, and they used their shields to form an upward shield wall barrier to block the falling rocks of the city wall.

The clang clang was incessant, but the orc remained motionless, as if the injuries were all false. The defenders on the city wall didn't know what the orcs below were but it wasn't a good thing anyway, so they brought boiling oil.

The hot oil was poured on the head, followed by the sound of flesh burning through. The shield wall collapsed, and the orcs fell to the ground like melting. Strangely enough, there were no screams during this process.

This is not an instant beheading, and the orc is not without pain, even the strongest warrior will inevitably groan. Siegel narrowed his eyes to observe carefully, and finally saw the clue. These orcs have long since died, and black smoke is constantly coming out of their bodies, like shaking shadows.

"Chanem!" Siegel gritted his teeth. The only one who can manipulate the power of the shadows in this way is the Holy Spirit of Murder. Moreover, after the shield wall of the orcs dissipated, a deep passage appeared in Siegel's field of vision. A hazy black mist blocked the entrance to the passage, but there were still signs of prolonged excavation.

Orcs come prepared, but do they know where this place is? Siegel doesn't think the Orc Saints are looking for the magic power, maybe it's just a mistake?

However, Chanem has a clear goal, and he must have gone in. Siegel continued crawling forward, waiting for the hot oil to cool before entering the cave. (To be continued.)

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