Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 489: 1 begets 2, 2 begets 3, 3 begets everything

Siegel was sitting in the goblin's library with paper and electronic books beside him, and he was reading about polymer materials—he had been here for two full months. Everything he saw in this world made him feel extremely uncomfortable. This subversive, accurate and heinous research method reminded him of how he felt when he was an undead.

I have to admit that in the state of the undead, he is very efficient in studying spells and deriving magic circles. Abandoning external interference and shielding inner fluctuations, the world has become a two-sided existence: either death or life, black or white, right or wrong, good or evil. Just as the opposite of the front must be the opposite, and the back of the front must be the way.

Siegel had experienced this feeling, guessed what this method of thinking would ultimately lead to, and now he saw it with his own eyes. He saw great power being born in the hands of the goblins, and great knowledge filled the huge room. They studied themselves and found the means of immortality; they studied the sky and learned to fly without wings. No spells, no divine power, they conquered their world with technology.

Earth is more powerful than the world of Thunderwall. Seven.3 billion goblins live in this world, and they have the power to destroy themselves or the world of Thunderwall fifty times more - as long as they know how to pass the crystal wall barrier. They will definitely try hard until they reach the opposite side, because although this earth is powerful, it is also on the verge of destruction.

As soon as he approached the goblin city, the yellow-grey air poisoned Siegel, and the disease began to spread through his set of organs. The goblins grab fuel from the earth and burn it into the air in various ways, slowly poisoning themselves while gaining false pleasure. The carrying capacity of the planet is basically at its limit. The goblins have not yet been able to travel to other planets, and they do not know when they will be able to complete the research on star travel, but they know very well that they continue to destroy the environment, and when the end of the world and mass extinction will come.

And what did the goblins do? They just didn't do anything and continued with their past lives.

"There are two ways to immortalize, one is the potion of youth. One is to enter the star web." Siegel read similar words in a book. Goblins fantasize that they can ditch their bodies and enter a virtual world, as if the virtual world would be more real than the real world. This seems to be the result of long-term influence by the legendary spell "Celestial Network".

A legendary spell that doesn't require a magical foundation - that's what Siegel said of the Celebrity Network. By reading, Siegel doesn't make StarNet though. But also understands what this network is - a technological product of storing and transmitting information using electricity and magnetism - but he still stubbornly calls it a legendary spell, even a legendary spell with a godhead.

The gods formed a similar network through the prayers of the believers, the Nekos controlled the army of skeletons through similar technology, and Siegel also used similar ideas to create the electromagnetic killer spider. However, the Star God Network does not have a real core, and it cannot completely disappear by destroying certain places. It will always be there. Unless this world is wiped out.

Destruction is a concept that every creature has come into contact with, whether it is humans, elves, dwarves, even the most peaceful halfling gardeners know the meaning of the word very well, but no race understands it to the level of the goblins on earth . For the goblins who have become accustomed to "two states of everything", once the war starts, it must be endless, and it will only end when it is completely wiped out.

There was a time of "stupidity" for goblins, who believed in restrained vengeance and the rules of engagement. It can be "developed" with the times. As long as it is not one's own, it is the enemy's, and as long as it is the enemy's, it should be destroyed. So the rules of engagement are getting thinner and thinner, and the bottom line of elimination is getting lower and lower. Siegel reads the history of goblins like watching chivalry die. From the leader's one-on-one duel to decide the winner, to the frontal confrontation on the battlefield, to the unannounced sneak attack that became the norm, and then spread the scope of the battle to the civilians. There used to be a word for additional damage, and there's no such thing anymore. Siegel looked at the results of hundreds of small-scale conflicts between goblins and saw only one word: "Destroy."

Sooner or later, goblins will destroy themselves, and their dualism has nailed this result. Another possibility is that they were devastated to death on this earth. Killed by poisonous air and poisonous food. It was too late for the goblins to leave before exhausting the planet's resources, but at this time, the dwarves opened the barrier of the crystal wall.

Even if it is not for land and resources, it is only about youth medicine. The goblins will not hesitate to start the battle of conquest. A dwarf can make thirty potions of youth, giving a goblin a lifespan of twelve hundred years. Then a human should be able to do two, and the orcs are quite worthless, so it's only one. Elves are a good race, and between 60 and 80, dragons are ideal. Theoretically, a single dragon can make countless doses of youth elixir. Even taking into account the limitations of technology, a dragon like Modesti should be converted into 100,000 copies.

Just for this, it is enough for 7.3 billion goblins to attack.

Thinking of this, Siegel's first reaction was to run away from this **** war. Goblins have long forgotten what it means to stop, they will never stop attacking, their tactics have no bottom line, their goals are not differentiated, and they are not "civilized" in this regard. As long as you find a way to get the spell of the door to another world and solve the problem of how to escape, where to escape is not complicated. The multiverse is vast and boundless. As a master, where can't you be a place to stay?

He could take Janet, Isaac, and everyone else he cared about. But is that enough? Siegel knew that he would not be able to leave with Helmlead, much less the whole world, so the question changed, can he leave these people who can't leave and go on the road?

It was a tough question, and Siegel thought about it for six days in the luxurious room that Gru had arranged for him. This question has nothing to do with knowledge, technology, power, magic, or even Janet and Isaac. Siegel has to ask himself, and he must have a very clear answer to this, a human nature. s answer.

On the seventh day, he finally made up his mind. He could let Janet, Isaac, and everyone else he cared about leave, but he wouldn't. It's not that you don't want to, can't, shouldn't, can't, just don't want to.

There is only a slight possibility that the goblin broke the crystal wall barrier, obtained resources and lifespan, and avoided the fate of trapping the earth. Then it is possible for them to set foot on the starry sky, and even set foot on the journey of the multiverse. This is a shameful adversary, and any race that fights against him will be shamed. The entire multiverse will become infinite, and perhaps the entire Material Plane will become occupied by such chaotic evil goblins.

This effect can even spread to the outer planes. The endless abyss will expand, and there may be no more Paradise Mountains. The odds are low, but it exists, right under Siegel's nose, it actually exists. This is a risk Siegel cannot take. Nor did he allow himself to ignore the risk.

Perhaps this kind of thinking is similar to that of goblins, taking necessary actions in order to prevent a certain possibility. When the bottom line of possibility keeps falling, it will eventually become the destruction of everything for nothingness. Siegel suddenly had a feeling that his thoughts seemed to be polluted by goblins, and he began to become extreme.

Before being driven mad, Siegel returned to Myr City through the silver thread projected by the astral world.

Being able to breathe pure air again made him reborn, the fragrance of the earth and the chirping of birds made it like paradise. The elements danced cheerfully, and they felt the return of the master and sang a happy song. Siegel never felt that the world was so beautiful, it was like looking up to heaven from hell.

Janet, who heard the news, hurried over. Seeing the "alive" Siegel burst into tears. She opened her arms to hug her, and Siegel raised his hand to hold her in the air. "Water, I want to wash it thoroughly!"

The servants were busy, and quickly went to boil hot water and prepare the bath. "No baths, I just need the bucket. Don't let anyone come near me until I feel clean!"

Siegel kept scrubbing himself. The astral projection will not bring back the things contaminated by the astral clone, and the experience on earth is just a simple memory. The main body is actually in stagnation, not even a speck of dust will fall, let alone dirty. Siegel is well aware of this. He just wants to take this to get rid of the ** in the soul. The liveliness around him made him cry in the tub, and after a few hours he finally recovered. He remembered that the law of the multiverse should be "everything is in a ring, everything is three", not the **** black and white!

The first day of return. He basically did not move, just hugged Janet gently and rested quietly on the bed.

On the second day of his return, he had been active all day, with Janet, on the bed in the bedroom.

The third day of the return. He got up and left the bedroom, and became the lord of Heim Land, the marquis of the Star Kingdom, and the military division of the Federation. Janet lay in bed tired and rested for the whole day.

He convened the council meeting of the federation. Besides him, Wendy, Simonton, and Weywood also put on the robes of the military division. All were curious to know what was going on on Earth, with curious expressions on their faces. They had countless questions to ask, but when they saw Siegel's unusually serious expression, it was as if a spell of immobilization and silence had been cast.

Thirteen council members (fifteen council members, William still looking for Alexander the Lion, minus one Siegel) looked at each other and sat behind the table, frowning. Without resorting to prophetic spells, they sensed that something was wrong.

"I..." Siegel cleared his and said, "I want to know, if there is a war that is doomed to fail, do you have the courage to stay and fight to the end?"

The mages looked at each other, not knowing how to answer. That's right, if you ask the knights of Heimland, you may get a faster and more response. Or priests and devout believers of the warrior god, they will never be timid and hesitant.

"Will you stay and fight?" Wendy asked immediately

Siegel nodded: "It took me a long time to make this determination, and I will fight until the end."

"Then I'll accompany you." Wendy looked at the other mages and said, "Either follow the smartest, strongest and most suitable leader in my generation, or hug the thigh of the mages association, the answer is obvious. Siegel has proven his strength, and I believe in his knowledge, why are you still hesitating?"

Verwood nodded, indicating that he was always on Siegel's side, and the other mages wanted to hear more details. (To be continued.)

PS: Personally, I think dualism is very dangerous.

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