Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 471: Inner ghost one

?Fly down four large flying carpets from the magic ship and land on the unsinkable stone boat while the dwarves watch. Siegel made a gesture of invitation and boarded the spaceship with His Majesty the King and the Captain of the Guard, who was always there. The Federation already knew the attitude of the Mage Association and the Academy, and everyone was holding a sigh of relief, so this kind of action to win over King Fanxing received the support of all members.

The chiefs of the major factions bowed down to welcome His Majesty aboard the ship, using the etiquette of courtiers rather than mages. Although Evan didn't care about this very much, he still felt very happy. In this vast sea, in addition to the Royal Fleet and the winged people, this is another powerful military force that has pledged allegiance to him.

"Wywood, Wendy, you two, come and show His Majesty the King a tour of the Federation's spaceship. I'm not very familiar with this place." Siegel said, "Who knows how to get to the library?"

"I'll take you there." Mage Shelley stood up, so the two were temporarily separated from His Majesty the King.

After the magic spaceship was built, the first thing to do was to transfer the books from the original underground library to the spaceship, and re-count and organize them. Edith was not informed of this action in advance, but a sudden action by mages of protection, transformation, conjuration and necromancy. Shelley said to Siegel as he walked: "We compared the original materials and found that seven spell books and twenty-four information books were missing, all of which were related to advanced spells and knowledge of the outer planes. Edith Mage Controlled by us, his three students were also detained separately, and nothing has been asked yet. It may take the use of mind-exploration spells to get the information."

"Once you use mind-like spells, it's hard to tell whether it was discovered or improved." Siegel shook his head: "It's better for the Federation not to set a precedent, otherwise everyone will be afraid. "

"Okay, teacher, we follow your advice." Mage Shelley said politely: "When you proposed to install the Knox tranquility circle on the magic spaceship, everyone was still a little worried. They were afraid of being controlled. It happened again. Now it looks like it was just a misunderstanding."

"You still have to distinguish clearly between the enemy and your own people. You can't mess with other people's minds just because you have doubts, especially when it comes to mages." Siegel came to the middle floor of the spaceship. This is the deepest part of the spaceship, the farthest from the outer wall in any direction.

This place was originally designed as a summoning room. Masters of conjuration can summon celestial or purgatory creatures here. Summoning such creatures is more dangerous than experimenting with elemental spells, so there are many protective circles around the summoning room. In addition, there are all kinds of spells to suppress, restrain, and imprison specially designed here. Even if the flame demon appears, it will be trapped and cannot move at all. Edith was imprisoned here, and his spellcasting and physical abilities were kept to a minimum. Coupled with a pair of elemental dispersal shackles, he could only sit obediently in the center of the prison array. Staring at the room every day.

When he came to the door, Mage Shelley said: "Your Excellency, Edith is inside, should I avoid it?"

Siegel shook his head, somewhat unexpectedly, and said, "I think it's better not to meet the suspect alone. You should come together, not only to be a witness but also to help record the process."

Pushing open the door of the summoning room, Siegel clearly felt the suppressing effect of various spells. Although the target of these spells is not him, the power that escapes is still very uncomfortable. Edith looked up when he heard the door slam. When he saw it was Siegel, he tried to sit up straight. This action caused the chains on his body to rattle. Somehow, Siegel felt like he was years older than the Republic of China Super Armament.

"Master Siegel, long time no see." Edith raised his wrist. The chain made of alchemy glowed blood red, and the magic force yanked down, pulling his wrists back to his knees. "Can you tell them to take this lightly. My nose is itchy and I can't scratch it now."

"I'm afraid not. Now the Federation is not a triad system, but the Security Council is responsible, and I have to abide by the rules that everyone has set." Siegel and Edith sat cross-legged on the ground, while Mage Shelley stood on the ground. A little further away.

"Very convenient system. Individual responsibility can be taken out. But is this a surprise attack by the Security Council or yours?" Edith stared at Siegel. Vows to see the answer in his eyes.

"I made this proposal when the Mages Association and the Academy decided not to provide high-level spell information. To conduct a comprehensive inspection of the Federation's collection, I also proposed that the council keep the action secret and not inform you." Seeger Er said without concealment: "I really hope you can tell me where those books and materials have gone, how I hope you can say: I just hid it, and didn't destroy that knowledge."

Edith shook his head, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "You asked the wrong person, and I don't know the whereabouts of the book."

"Lord Faranis trusts you very much, and entrusts you with the responsibility of transferring the most valuable wealth of the Federation. You are solely responsible for the construction and subsequent management of the library. The books involved here are stored in the advanced spell area, and the only way to open it is There are two kinds: the master goes in by himself or the faction chief opens it with you, no matter which way, you should make a record. Now can you explain where these books that were first counted into the library went?"

"I have nothing to explain." Edith sighed. "You think I'm a member of the Mage Association, and now you're imprisoning me. It's actually that simple. I don't admit that books have been lost in the library. You're just making a false accusation!"

Siegel turned to look at Master Shelley: "Has he always been this way?"

The chief necromancer nodded. She had known Edith for decades, and it was impossible to see a colleague in **** without a shred of sympathy. She was deeply afraid that the young master would destroy Edith's body and soul directly with magic. Reason told her that there must be something wrong with the library, and Edith had to take great responsibility in it, but the emotional side still hoped that all this was just a misunderstanding.

"It happened so coincidentally, everything seemed like a targeted conspiracy, and the target was me." Siegel said very calmly: "When the Myr core was just created, the Mages Association and the Academy were still He showed considerable kindness. But when I officially became a *master, things took a turn for the worse. People in Myr City told me that the advisors of the Academy who were stranded outside the castle were sneaking around recently. They often appeared near Myr's energy core late at night. Then all of a sudden, the information on high-level spells disappeared. Or it was not available. Even the status of the Federation and the past agreement became "negotiable". Can you tell me the true intention of the Mages Association to suppress me? What is it?"

"I can't tell you that." Edith shook his head: "The Mage Association and the Academy have never targeted a certain mage in this way. There is no precedent for this. But you are right about one thing, Siegel. You dragged down the entire Mage Federation."

"Do you dare to say that if I quit the Federation, the Mages Association will open up these materials to the Federation?" Siegel sneered and said, "If it is so convenient, I would not only be with the Federation as the Earl of Heimland. Dealing, even like the relationship between Waterdeep and the Three Peaks. Is this an acceptable situation with the Mages Association?"

Mage Shelley shook his head. Everyone knew that this was definitely impossible. Siegel has become part of the federation, and the federation is deeply imprinted by Siegel. And most importantly, the new federation will never sell its members in exchange for alms!

Edith had nothing to say this time, and could only shake his head awkwardly.

Siegel suddenly frowned and touched his forehead with his hand, which was a sign of soul-connected communication—someone sent him the message of God of War in the beginning through the raven Balon. He turned his head sideways and asked Mage Shelley, "Tell me the truth, is the Federation secretly making another Myr energy core?"

Shelley was also stunned, and then shook his head: "As far as I know, no. Unless someone can do this without the leaders of all factions. We did discuss making another Myr core, but then calculated Come on. Other than being able to become more skilled, the new Myr core is useless and a waste of resources. That's why the plan didn't pass."

"Very good." Siegel looked at Edith: "Someone is making the Myr core." Siegel said: "I don't know the specific location yet, but this matter can be basically determined, I don't know. Is it the leak of the blueprints or the fact that the mages of the Federation have an inner response. I hope the blueprints are leaked, because the number of people required to complete that kind of work will be much smaller.”

"Bastard!" Master Shelley clenched his fists: "No matter what the reason is, negligence or intentional, whoever did this should be damned! Master Siegel, what should we do? Can we find out the location, and then Drive our spaceship directly over? I want to see who is so bold!"

Siegel didn't seem very flustered, he looked at Edith. Then he said: "If you don't want to admit it, that's fine. The work of finding out this matter is left to the Security Council. I won't waste too much time on you. But I want to ask you, make this myr Among the mages in the energy core. Is there anyone you care about?"

"Impossible." Edith replied cautiously. When he saw Siegel stand up to leave, he asked, "Why do you ask that, Siegel?"

"Oh, I set up a trap in the Myr core." Siegel's words shocked Shelley as much.

"Can you know what kind of agency it is?"

"I can't say the specifics, but I can give you a simple example." Siegel stood up, facing both Edith and Shelley: "If an object is completely unaffected by the outside world, it will either remain motionless. , or keep moving forever in the original way. So what is the difference between moving and immobile? Either the Myr energy core does not work, or it continuously generates energy, what is the difference between these two states? Although the drawings of the Federation No problem at all, but know that myr core is designed based on my elemental aggregates, without which there would be no stable core model. But I didn't provide this stable model for the new Myr core. This model is also mine* The basis of the teacher's unique ability, how likely do you think it can be reproduced?"

Master Shelley smiled: "Master's abilities are can only be imitated, no one can completely reproduce it."

"It's not impossible to imitate. The better the imitation, the longer the energy core will maintain normal operation. But sooner or later something will go wrong. The more energy is output, the faster it will happen. It is made according to the drawings. Myr energy core, the model generated by myself will definitely have problems, but it can't be seen at all during the just running time. Only by replacing stable models, such as the Myr energy core of Heimland and the Federation, can the real energy be maintained. stability."

"What will happen?" Edith's forehead left a drop of sweat, but he couldn't lift his hand to wipe it.

"A small-scale elemental tide," Siegel said. "I haven't actually tested it, but according to my predictions, it won't cause damage to non-magical objects and non-spellcasters. But other than that, a large All spell users and magic items in the range cannot escape the result of being completely destroyed. Only if the physical strength can reach the Mithril Golem or above, it is possible to survive. Once it happens, the stronger the mana, the faster the death, even triggering the teleportation. You can't escape. Again, unless you can master a stable model, you can't save yourself at all."

"Master Siegel, I... I will explain." Edith lowered his head, as if all his strength had been drained. "I hope you can save someone, I am my only request." (To be continued.)

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