Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 356: Refuge II

In front of the two of them was a long and narrow passage. The plaster on the wall had been rotten and scattered, and pieces fell to the ground, revealing the stone shell behind it. I don't know what technique the writers used, but the shell of the whole stone is completely integrated, and there is no trace of splicing.

There are some transparent crystal shells scattered everywhere on the ground, but they are not as hard as real crystals, and they will become shattered when they are lightly stepped on, making a clicking sound. Since Siegel had cast a spell, they could not detect the signals of living creatures and undead, so the two only needed to be careful about traps, so there was no need to sneak and hide.

On both sides of the passage are small rooms with many strange things in them. Since there is no description of any literal symbols here, explorers can only guess from the appearance of their purpose.

"This one can be rotated, and then blow out the wind." Evan fiddled with the three iron leaves connected by the roots with his fingers, and said to Siegel with a smile. "What did you find there?"

"This should be someone's bedroom, and the pile of debris that fell on the ground may be a bed." Siegel pointed with his wand, "As we expected, the people here are about the same size as us, with two hands and two hands. A foot, a head."

"Can you see so much from the bed?"

Siegel sent a ball of light to the corner of the room. "Look, there is a set of clothes there, which are connected from top to bottom, doesn't that explain their appearance?"

Evan walked over and wanted to pick it up, but the clothes were so badly damaged that they turned into pieces and dust on his hands. "Come on, there's nothing to see here. What I'm looking for is a written record, but I'm afraid the chances of finding it are getting slimmer."

There are various lines here and there, buried under the surface of the walls, neatly arranged. Siegel pulled one out and found that the surface was made of a rubber-like substance, which had become brittle due to the passage of time, and it would all fall off when rubbed. Inside is wire, most of it also rusted. It is this kind of thing that spreads all over the dungeon, like the human body is full of nerves and blood vessels.

He suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu. Isn't that what the plasma patterns on the void ship look like? Could it be that plasma is also flowing in these thin wires? Siegel thought about it. Then shook his head. After all, plasma is something like a liquid flow, and it contains a lot of energy, and it will continue to escape. There isn't enough room for it to flow in these thin wires, and the skin around it can't withstand the energy of the plasma.

Maybe it's electricity passing through it? Siegel had a flash of light. He focused a little. Pass the current to the finger, and it flows along the line. A glass ball on the wall lit up slightly, emitting a yellowish light.

"Come again, come again." Evan tapped the glass ball with his hand and said to Siegel, "You seem to have found something remarkable."

For the sake of safety. Siegel aimed his wand at the "wire" and cast a stronger lightning spell. A flash of brilliance flashed, and the glass ball on the wall suddenly became very bright, and then all shattered with a few "pops". The wires also had an unpleasant smell of mush, and several places were still on fire.

The mage snapped his fingers, and the flames all went out. He looked at Evan and said, "Strength is difficult to master, and most of the things here are about to break. Let's explore first and then experiment."

"What do you think this is for?" Evan looked around, "according to your translation. Isn't this a shelter? I don't think it is very different. Look at the beds here, one room per room, so comfortable and comfortable, Where is the appearance of refuge?"

Siegel nodded. "I feel the same way. A lot of space is wasted, especially that shaft. So we can't trust the metal plates, we just have to be more careful."

"How many years do you think it has been here, and are there any traps that still work?"

"From the perspective of metal corrosion, it is only about two hundred years. But this is a sealed environment after all, and it is meaningless to use rust to infer the time." Siegel replied: "The things here are driven by electricity. But now there is no electricity. If there are traps, most of them should be useless.”

"You know, I always feel that something is going to happen." Evan took out the long sword and held it in his hand. "Look, my campfire is shaking. It has a premonition of another battle."

"Don't push your hand on the longsword. I'm pretty sure I didn't make a smart magic weapon for you." Although Siegel said so, he also clenched the defensive staff. A few spells are at hand, ready to use.

They continued inward, past this area lined with small bedrooms. In front of them, a crooked gate blocked their way.

"It was smashed by a collapsed roof." Siegel observed after a while and said, "Let me open the passage."

Because of the mix of things clogging up the road, metals, rocks, and strange translucent materials are all there. Therefore, it cannot be excavated by the earth element. Siegel dragged Evan back, then raised his index finger and focused his magic energy on it.

Evan sensed danger from the spell, a force of pure destructiveness. He carefully observed Siegel's movements, meticulously recorded the various signs of the spell's casting, and made it his own experience.

Dissociation Ray is a powerful destructive spell that destroys the structure of matter, breaking it down into harmless elements, thereby disintegrating and erasing it. This kind of spell has a strong destructive effect on physical and magical effects, and is a powerful actual combat spell and deterrent force for the mage. The Elf's Elemental Surge Array also uses some of the design ideas and functions of Dissociation, but it is more gentle and slow.

A green ray shot from Siegel's fingertips, hitting the obstacles on the door, and they all disappeared without a sound. There was more dust on the ground, a fresh and moist wind passed over the faces of the two of them, and the surrounding temperature also rose a little - this is what was left after the debris was dissociated.

The two opened the door, and in front of them was a small garden. There used to be a big tree standing in the middle, surrounded by flower beds and resting chairs. But now all the plants are dead, leaving only piles of debris on the mulch.

The cracked ceiling was pierced by the trees in the middle, and now all that remains is the soil layer that is constantly beginning to seep. This is likely below the Lake of Tears, so Siegel casts a spell to turn the dirt above his head into rock, at least for a while.

"Siegel, I found a few sets of tattered clothes here, the pockets are empty, I'm afraid they were thrown here at will?" Evan checked around, then pointed to the next door: "Let's continue? "

"Don't worry, let me find it." Siegel stretched his hand into the mulch. The power of the connected earth element is detected around. He soon discovered that in the soil under a seat, he dug out three things that looked like chestnuts.

"Isn't this the seed of a big tree? Can you plant it alive?" Evan reached out and wanted to take one.

"Druid is an expert in this. I need to try it before I can tell you, hoping to revive this plant." Siegel collected the seeds before Evan reached out and said to him with a smile: "If you want to divide the treasure, you have to wait until you go out."

"I think it's better to strike first." Evan withdrew his hand and strode towards the next door.

The seeds of plants can be preserved for a long time and can even continue to germinate after being frozen for thousands of years. So Siegel is quite confident. But one thing has always made him suspicious: here he sees the remains of dead plants, what about the "people" who live here? Where are their bones?

Evan found some more clothes on the ground just now, all of which were one-piece jackets. Who would throw away clothes in a place like the garden? A more terrifying speculation is that when people died here in the past, those clothes are actually the last remaining things of the dead body, and the skeleton in the general sense disappeared for unknown reasons.

Although the saying goes, "dust returns to dust, dirt returns to dirt", it is still very difficult to completely turn the flesh into dust, unless spells such as dissociation rays are used. The fabric that Siegel examined was soft, waterproof, and warm, but it didn't feel like it would withstand dissociative rays. Why are the clothes left. body gone? This doesn't make sense.

He told Evan to be careful, then suppressed his thoughts and continued to follow him forward.

Outside the garden is a circular corridor, and red and blue arrows can be vaguely seen on the ground, pointing to the left and right directions. For Siegel and Evan, there is no difference between left and right, they just picked the left side and walked over.

They found a place full of strange buttons and glass panels, where the "wires" were the most dense. Siegel found a construct in the corner, but unfortunately it was made of metal, and its body was already rusted. turned into a useless trash can. Evan was very annoyed and picked up a few clothes with his sword and threw them aside: "It's so weird here, I didn't see anything of value."

"Not necessarily." Siegel removed a board from the construct, covered with fine, tight lines. There are also some widgets whose functions he has absolutely no idea about. "This may be their magic circle. The style on it is very similar to the Nekos undead. I have learned about some of their plasma rune systems, which are very advanced."

Evan opened the metal boxes one after another and found that there were strange parts except for the wires. He began to get impatient. Where are the strange treasures and volumes full of historical vicissitudes in his imagination? These tattered wiring isn't something to show off. Hearing Siegel's words, he asked curiously, "What are Nekos undead? Are their things valuable?"

"Their magic technology is very advanced. I won't tell you in detail. All you need to know is that I learned part of the magic circle in Heimland from them. You can't see the elements that appear every day anywhere else? "

"It's true, even the Mage Association can't do that." Evan picked up a wire board from the ground and said, "How about I bring some of this back?"

Siegel shook his head. Bringing back things with no clue can only be a waste of energy. And according to the general concept, the longer something can be preserved, the more valuable it is.

Room after room is much the They only harvested some strange utensils in their hands. Some look like crossbow guns, but don't have strings and ammo slots; some look like long swords, but only the hilt remains; some look like clear glass, but when Siegel has electricity in his hands It will change color and appear unusual.

They rummaged through the boxes and spared almost every inch, but they found nothing of the documents that the mage wanted most. Siegel couldn't help being a little discouraged. Without other evidence, it would be difficult for him to prove that the speculation about the destruction of the world on the metal plate was correct.

"Siegel do me a favor, this door is too heavy!" Evan yelled in front. "Either you 'beep' with a green ray, or call your earth element giant to help!"

The mage had another idea. Instead of using the dissociation technique or summoning the earth element, he stood in front of the door and chanted a spell.

The mage has a spell called knock, which can open various doors. Metal locks, latches, chain locks, and even doors sealed with glue can be opened.

I don't know if magic has any effect on the gate here. (To be continued.)

PS: Please continue to support the brain hole, huh, huh.

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