Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 276: dragged into the water two

readx(); While launching the offensive in Waterdeep City, the elves did not forget to use spells to transmit information to other troops.

Ximu Town and Hub Fort, these two places with red mage towers, immediately began to organize siege after knowing what happened in Waterdeep City.

Siegel was still hiding among the refugees and could not find a way out of here. After he left, the red magic tower opened the detection circle, covering the entire city. If Siegel used teleportation, he would have been discovered, and all pretense and effort would have been in vain.

If Janet was here, she could use the rogue's disguise and stealth to find loopholes in the guards and sneak out of the city, but Siegel didn't have that kind of technical ability. He stumbled along the city walls, covering his eyes with a tattered straw hat he picked up to avoid arousing suspicion. He saw the guards guarding the city running, and more people coming out of the barracks, hurriedly donning their armor, and then assembling on the playground with weapons—mostly spears and iron shields. The loud-voiced officers were lecturing and berating the slow-moving recruits.

"You can only have strength if you look like you have strength! So straighten my chest and hold my head up!" The officer's spit star sprayed onto the face of a thin recruit in front of him, making him seem to be weeping. "Take your weapons, the elves' bodies are not strong, as long as you poke a hole and die - it's much easier to deal with than the orcs!"

Siegel couldn't tell them the truth: how difficult it was to hit a genie. These soldiers were sent to the city walls to protect their comrades who could shoot arrows with shields. "Raise your shield!" the loud-voiced officer shouted, "Don't put it down until you're dead!"

The soldiers' actions were seen by the people, and everyone asked each other, "Is the enemy going to attack?" Some were praying, some were trying to hide, and some were numb. At this moment, the alarm bell rang.

The ancient war tree stretched its long legs and walked in front of the elves' battle formation. Around them are various beasts - these are the druids and their animal companions. The falcon flew in the sky and had a panoramic view of the defense of the city wall; the tiger was lying on the ancient tree, using the tree canopy to shield the arrow rain that might be faced, and was ready to start attacking at the front of the city.

Following the ancient tree are the elf mages, who all use spells to bless themselves to avoid unexpected situations on the battlefield. They formed a combined spellcasting team of twenty. Responsible for striking the city walls with long-range spells. Either destroy this circle of obstacles, or destroy the defenders above.

Next to the mage is the priest of the Temple of the Moon. They wore beautiful breastplates, holding the holy emblem in one hand and a long sword in the other. Through spell communication, they learned the lessons of Waterdeep. Prepare accordingly. The priests chanted the name of God, bringing confidence and strength to all soldiers. And if anyone is injured, they are in a location that guarantees immediate medical attention.

Then came the elven warriors and rangers. They are both proficient in both ranged and melee combat, but with different emphasis. Elf warriors use long swords and edged crescent shields. In addition to the threat of the right-hand blade, they can also use the left-handed meniscus shield as a second weapon. Look for opportunities to cut open the opponent's thigh and throat. Rangers use longbows, both for vigilance and long-range strike capabilities.

The defenders at the head of the city looked nervous at the huge ancient tree, but long-term training made them stick to their posts. Lord Kira of the Hub Castle had always had a conflict with the elves, so he has been paying close attention to the training of soldiers, especially how to deal with elves. Although he is gone now, the officers trained at the time are still there.

"The trees are coming, light the brazier!" Sir Stephens, known as "Eunuch Ear", was in charge of the city head. He once received an order from Lord Kira to sneak into the Elf Forest, but unfortunately the Elven Ranger who found him shot two ears off. He spoke louder and louder because he couldn't hear anything. You can hear it halfway across the castle. The job of the wall commander was a good fit for him.

He drew out his long sword and let the bright reflection shine on every soldier's face. "All cheer me up, the elves have no siege weapons except the tree man. How dare you attack the hub fort? Prepare the fire oil and let the trebuchet turn!"

In order to keep the whole team from getting out of line, the Treants moved at a slow pace, which turned out to be the best targets for them. The trebuchet's winch creaking and rubbing, and the canister of fiery oil with a cotton thread lead was already in the trebuchet basket. As Sir Stephens swung his sword down hard, the catapult craftsman struck the mechanism with his sledgehammer, and the winch disengaged. The accumulated power exploded in an instant.

The cups slid across the sky like flaming meteors. The effect of the salvo was quite good, 20% of the cans hit the ancient war tree, and the other formed a wall of fire on the ground.

The elf druid immediately summoned the water element and began to put out the fire. The fire resistance of the ancient tree of war has also withstood the test. The fire was quickly brought under control, and the elf tree continued to move its long legs unhurriedly, shortening the distance from the city wall.

The hub was not discouraged, and the trebuchet continued to work, with shouts, whistles, and the sound of the winch tightening. The cups exploded everywhere, and the fires burned one by one. A red wall of fire was formed on the battlefield. The ancient tree of war finally slowed down, not because they were injured themselves, but because they needed to put out the fire so that their comrades could continue to follow up. If the team is seriously out of touch, it will not be safe and will lose most of its combat effectiveness.

Looking down from the city wall, the scene seems to be very spectacular, as if the elves were suppressed, the speed slowed down. But the experienced warrior generals found the situation bad: except for some beasts hit by the cup, the elves themselves did not lose much in the attack. If things continued like this, wouldn't the elves come to the city almost intact? The city wall will face a direct attack, can it only rely on bows and spears to fight against the huge ancient tree of war?

But such a combat opportunity will not be given to the elves. Their mages stopped in unison and raised their wands together. The fireballs in between were like waves, flying towards the city wall like a mountain topped by the sea. The red firelight illuminated everything, and the officer guarding had to shout: "Get down! Get down and avoid!"

He waited for the roaring noise and the scorching heat, but after a while neither of those happened. He opened his eyes, still kept lying down, raised his head slowly, and saw an unforgettable scene in his life.

The mage tower of the hub castle began to operate, and white rays of light shot out from the top of the red tower, accurately hitting the flying fireball. The originally condensed fire element power dissipated under the action of light and turned into free heat in the air.

Siegel saw this scene and recognized that it was the light formed by the dispelling of the magic spell. Under the blessing of the power of the magic tower, the range of dispelling magic is longer and the effect is better. Whether it is fireball, lightning or acid arrow, it may be counteracted by this magic and decomposed into the most basic elemental energy, which cannot achieve the original effect of the spell. In the end, only a few fish that slipped through the net were able to reach the head of the city.

There are very few siege and defense battles involving mages, especially in the past 100 years, only in the Battle of the Great River when the Union of mages fought against the orcs, and the only time when the magic barrier of the Three Peaks Pagoda guarded the city of Deepwater. As for the Heim Territory, the two "One-Day Wars" that Siegel participated in can only be regarded as the spellcasting performance of a single mage, and it is far from being a spell war and cannot be included in the statistics.

In the war of magic confrontation, the role of the mage tower is extremely important. The original intention of the magic tower is to defend, on the one hand, to protect the mages inside, and on the other hand, to guard the castle. The second is limited attack.

When the academy was still separated from the Mage Association, that is, when the temple had not yet squeezed into the core area of ​​human imperial power, every great lord relied on the Mage Tower to assist in defense. In order to be able to become a great lord and survive the lord war, humans put a lot of effort into researching the role of the mage tower in the war. Many practical magic circles were created at that time, such as the dispelling magic ray circle.

Other races rarely build magical towers. Elves have always regarded magic as a part of art, sang it and decorated it, but progress has been slow in magical architecture. The dwarves lacked mages, but their rune skills made up for it, and even William the Traveler was defeated by the Adamantine Rune Gate on Mora's Pinnacle.

Just as humans do not understand the Elf's Mageweave Tree, so the elves know very little about the Human Mage's Tower. Elf mages constantly change their spell methods, but the elemental energy that comes from the fly, whether it is ice, acid poison, lightning or flames, is difficult to approach the city wall. Even if one or two slips through the net, it can't do anything to the solid hub. Human catapults are still in operation, and some catapults have taken the risk of cutting the lengths of the quills on the fiery pots so that they explode in mid-air. The fire and rain fell one after another, and the coverage suddenly increased. The elven troops were starting to show damage, so the druids and the Ancients of War broke away from the line behind and suddenly began to speed up, leaving the mages and priests busy dousing the surrounding fires and healing their wounded comrades.

At the same time, the elven warriors and rangers rushed out from the back row and rushed to the front under the cover of the ancient tree of war. Since the power of the spell will be disturbed by the magic tower, then only with the weapon in hand. The elves are still strong enough.

"Listen to me!" Sir Stephens' voice began to echo on the city walls clearer than the footsteps of the War Tree and the roars of the beasts. "It's time to go all out! Keep in mind that behind you is the hub, where your parents, wife, and children live! The elves have trampled the farmland, destroyed the crops, and now they want to trample your family! They are If we don't give it, we will survive. The only way to survive is to kill ourselves! We have a lot of people, and we earn two for one. If we don't work hard, we can't survive! In addition to preparing the bounty, the lord also kills the enemy. The most warriors have prepared a room for his family in the castle, which is safe and comfortable. If you want the reward, you can exchange it with the head of the elf!"

"Can I replace it with a wooden head?" a soldier pointed to the ancient war tree and asked.

"Yes." Sir Stephens replied decisively: "As long as you can see the shape, don't chop it into pieces like firewood, the more the better!"

Siegel hid in the town square, far from the city walls, but could see what was happening on the walls. The loud "Eunuch Ear" kept giving orders, as if broadcasting the battle situation. Siegel could picture the front line in his mind just by listening.

"Get the anchor crossbow ready," ordered Sir Stephens loudly. "Target those big trees, take my word, and fire!" (To be continued.)

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