Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 169: Gnome's Illusion

The Freedom Knights finally lived in a cell, a temporary house built by villagers with long boulders. (Updated by 77nt.Com in this chapter) The whole house looks rickety due to not using the slightest adhesive. When the wind blows, it is accompanied by a whining sound.

This prison cell is like an old man with rotten bones, and it may collapse at any time. What terrified the captives even more was that the dwarves tied them to a stone wall with iron chains and left a sentence: "If you pull this A chain, I promise it won't come off the wall, but if the wall will come off the roof, I don't know."

The half-orc Humke was responsible for delivering meals to the dozen prisoners. Every time he left, he would forcefully close the wooden door, and then the whole house would make a rumbling sound, and a lot of dust would fall from the roof. Turner and the others waited for the sound to end before they dared to bow their heads to eat.

The matter of the ransom is left to Feizak to handle, and Siegel will not worry too much about it. The horses and weapons of the Knights were handed over to the Orc Patrol, and these big men were working hard to learn riding skills and strive to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible. "Siegal's Elemental Guard" encountered a bottleneck, and the research on how to enable the dwarf rune master to use this spell was temporarily suspended. Everyone tried their best and couldn't let the runes drive themselves. It was like an endless loop of chicken or egg.

Siegel also gave himself a day off, which meant he didn't have to spend too much brainpower on spells and incantations for the time being. Since Janet and Moore were not around, he made himself a simple breakfast, and took care of the territory while smoking a cigarette. Several peasants had conflicts over the division of their fields, and came to the lord to adjudicate; another household was washed away by the heavy rain, and he hoped that the lord would send masons to repair his house.

The former quarreled endlessly, each talking his own way. You can't have a good conversation until everyone has a leather stick in their leg. "The villagers have always been responsible for the cultivation of the fields, including the demarcation and determination of the field boundaries." Siegel lit his pipe and asked Faizac to record the order: "Check the population and farmland conditions reported by a village not long ago, and give them the final As for the two quarreling farmers, because there is no elder accompanying them in the village where they are located, they will be driven out immediately. Let the elders explain the situation to Feizak as soon as possible, and punish them with two silver coins.”

The villager who needed to repair the roof brought five eggs, which he had managed to accumulate. Siegel kept one of them, and rewarded the other four with a bottle of his own wine to a mason who was willing to make a trip. Someone took the job. I believe that the roof will be repaired soon.

After that, there are still many trifles to worry about, and in the future, with the establishment of the guard force and the expansion of the castle, these things will become more and more. Feizac is good at intelligence and accounting, but it is impossible to pick up everything. It is time to find a general manager. Where can I find it? Those who can serve as castle chiefs are all cultivated by nobles. In order to protect the secrets of the castle, they all serve the same master from generation to generation.

Speaking of nobles, Siegel thought of his captives. The Freedom Knights were indeed composed of the descendants of idle nobles, all of whom came from various lords in the south. Turner's surname was Cooy, his father had two castles and five sons, and Turner happened to be the fourth; as well as Sic from the Mullens, Sauber from the Breibars, and from the Merrivilles. Milley and more. The most troublesome of them is actually the Uther family Callent, who was shot off his horse by the archer Mana, who lost his life. He was originally going to use the looted gold to send a gift for his father's fourth wedding. According to Mana. It was a young man skilled in martial arts. He was very good at riding and archery, but it was a pity that he encountered a fully protected cavalry archer. Completely useless. She was very worried and asked Siegel if it would bring him any trouble.

Siegel's answer: "Dead bandits are never trouble."

"Lord, there are two things that you need to decide." Feizac stepped forward and said respectfully: "Your territory and castle need to be named, and it is not solemn to call it Heim Hills here. It is just right to take advantage of this request. When the ransom is paid, the name of the territory will be cast out."

"It would be convenient to change Heimhill to Heimland. As for my castle..." Siegel thought for a while. Taking a combination of the words "Secret Law" and "Siegel", "It's better to call it Myr City."

Fezak then said. Nothing more to do today. At this time, Janet walked in, followed by the dwarf "Pi Duck" behind her. Siegel greeted him with a smile. First he hugged his fiancée, then looked up and down at his good friend, and said in a mocking tone, "How did I find that your walking has become a lot more balanced after this time? It's a blessing in disguise!"

"Don't be kidding, I just made the soles of the two shoes different thicknesses." The dwarf rolled his eyes, but still shook hands with Siegel. "You're in good shape here, except that the castle hasn't been built yet. Tell me, what do you want me to do? All the stuff in my grocery store was robbed by the Free Knights, and there's nothing left."

"They'll return it, and I think a ransom of 1,000 gp per person is a good start," Siegel said to the gnome. "You used to say that I was at sea all my life, and it was impossible to find a beautiful wife. How about now, isn't my Janet very beautiful."

The kitten blushed a bit, saying that she was a little tired and retired early. The dwarf waved her goodbye, then said to Siegel, "I have to say, your fiancée is very mysterious. But she always gives me a bad feeling about her."

"You see that everyone who is taller than you has a bad feeling!" Siegel ignored it and said with a smile: "I invite you to come, in addition to wanting you to drive the grocery store to me, I also want to Learn a technique from you. What's up with that pure water filter you made out of ruby ​​(actually, Fire Soul Crystal)?"

"That thing is killing me." The dwarf smiled bitterly: "It does work very well, and every day it produces clean water that is easy to preserve. But every two weeks, you need to add gem powder. I don't sell enough water to pay for the gem powder."

"And did you throw that thing away?"

"What a pity to throw it away, I just sold it and gave it to an interested businessman. I finally earned back the cost."

"Can you draw the design?" Siegel asked. "How about a discount for my friend's sake?"

"Because you saved me with money, and then you're going to use those free riders' ransom money to help me build a grocery store, I'll only charge you for the materials - parchment and ink pens are enough. Then again, you want What does this thing do?"

"The dwarf and I are working on a spell circle recently, but I can't get him to drive himself, so it's a headache. I remember your device can do this, tell me what's the trick." Siegel said with a smile. .

Ding Bao took two steps back, and then laughed: "I didn't expect you to have a headache because of this. You laughed to death, and you still say that you are smart all day long! Of course, there are tricks here, and it's very simple."

He looked around in the tent, found a blank letter, and tore it into strips. "Look, whether it's a magic circle or a rune circle, there's always a long string of heads and tails that don't interfere with each other. The superficial control rune and the energy structure that works internally are like two sides of this piece of paper. Mix it up, right?"

"Yes, it is so."

The dwarf twisted the note a bit, then butted it end to end to form a weird ring: "Look, this piece of paper only has one side."

Siegel stared blankly at the note in front of him, unable to turn his head for a moment. He drew lines on the paper with an ink pen, and after inversion, the lines went through all the faces of the paper ring, and then joined end to end.

"Control is the effect, the two are combined into one." Ding Bao said with a smile: "This method can achieve the effect that the ring rune can't achieve."

"But... but runes can't work like this. The circular runes that are connected end to end are strictly restricted, and they will burn themselves if they are not careful."

"You can deceive it with illusions, and let the rune think that he is not a ring."

"I know you dwarfs are quite talented in illusions, but I have never heard of illusions that can deceive rune items." Siegel only felt that the new ideas he accepted today made his brain crack, as if in front of him A new door opened, full of bizarre things. He took a deep breath and looked at the twisted paper ring in his hand carefully. After calming down, he said, "But I believe you can do it. Tell me how you used illusion to deceive objects."

"Actually, it's not difficult to say." The dwarf put his hands behind his back, shook his head like an old pedant, and walked around in front of Siegel. "You know that sometimes detection magic items can be tricked by and come to wrong conclusions, right?"

"That's right." Siegel said: "I can also make ordinary objects emit magical energy fluctuations to deceive the detection circle, but what does this have to do with what you said?"

"Your illusion technique is similar to using a piece of paper full of lies to cover the object to deceive, but what if the detection spell is regarded as a paper ring that can be recycled by itself?" Ding Bao said: "I found that As long as there are magic fluctuations, the illusion will be triggered to start deceiving; and the continuous deception will make the magic fluctuations continue to attach, thus forming a cycle. Therefore, as long as there are still magic fluctuations in the surrounding environment, then It'll work. But the rune's material keeps wearing out, and that's not going to fix it."

Siegel suddenly burst out laughing, and suddenly rushed forward to lift Ding Bao, and then threw it into the air. The dwarf shouted, shaking his limbs helplessly: "What are you doing!" he shouted, "let me down!"

"You've solved a big problem!" Siegel said. "This is a major advance in the field of magic!"

"Anything is fine! Hurry up and let me down!" The dwarf only felt that the world was spinning, and his internal organs didn't seem to be in their original positions. "I'm about to vomit!" (To be continued)

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