Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 161: Heim Hill Four

Lord Siegel's life has officially begun, although many times he does not feel special, it is still the same as before. He does not feel that he is fundamentally different from other people, and everyone is a creature under the sky who yearns for happiness. The only difference is the responsibilities and problems faced.

Orcs don't know what to do, they don't farm, they hunt and gather fruit. As a result, most of the people chose to become miners, and the rest either became farm laborers, learning the secrets of farming in three villages, or became handymen in the blacksmith shop, relying on their strength to eat.

After a period of waiting and watching, the original villagers began to gradually understand what kind of person their lord was. They have been worried that the new lord will collect taxes upon arrival, after all, this is the power he has, and many lords also build their prestige by doing this.

The early spring was the time when the villagers were at their worst. There was not much food left, and the chickens they raised were so thin that they could not even lay a few eggs. Siegel didn't ask them to hand over gold and silver at this time, and he didn't even collect food, but instead spent money to buy it. This kind of benevolent behavior made the villagers feel very strange, and began to speculate and question the ability of the lord. Originally, Siegel required the villagers to do labor service in addition to farming, but now the number of those who work near the camp is getting smaller and smaller, and even the work has become lazy. Feizak spotted the clue and reported the situation to Siegel.

"Let the people in the village come to the mine." Siegel simply explained this sentence.

Three days later, Feizak came to Zebra Mountain early with the prestigious villagers selected from the three villages, and stood next to the camp where the orc miners lived. The early orcs pointed at them, and mischievously frightened them with their ugly faces, or provoked them with battle cries in Orcish language. Scare these human villagers.

This was all arranged by Hunk, and he wanted to do it after he heard the rumors in the village. Orcs find it very difficult to understand the strange idea of ​​humans questioning Siegel's abilities. Shouldn't a powerful mage be feared? No wonder the City Wall Mountains are also called the Sheepfold Mountains. Sure enough, the humans inside are just stupid lambs who can only be obedient under the stick.

"Fizak. When will our lord arrive?" In the intimidation, the team gradually became scattered, some people began to look around, while others tried to hide behind others. However, Feizak ignored them and just checked the operation of the gold mine on his own.

After a period of construction, the Zebra Mountain Gold Mine has gradually taken shape. From the cliff platform to the foot of the mountain, a stairway was built with wood, and the pipes used to transport the ore and soil were basically completed. The slings that were originally built on it, without suitable pulleys, were too worn to be used. Siegel didn't think of a solution for the time being, so he ordered the chute to be built.

The other side of the camp. An alchemy workshop was under construction, and Siegel devoted most of his energy to this workshop. He has written to Erinte, hoping to hire a few dwarven artisans from him who know how to smelt gold, and he will use the gold produced here as a reward. The letter was sent, but there was no reply yet, so Siegel had to stick to his original plan. He is setting up an alchemical circle, using the power of magic to extract gold from ore. But he can't solve the problem of magic power, and can only rely on his own power to run the magic circle every time. He didn't want to be an alchemist all his life. And no wizard would accept this kind of employment. The progress of the alchemy workshop has been very slow, and now it is only the outermost wall.

Siegel was in the unformed alchemy workshop, secretly observing the villagers brought by Feizak. Watch them yell. Janet was beside him, carefully preparing the lord's clothes and saber for him. "Just ignorant peasants," Janet said. "They have never seen such a handsome lord after all."

"Haha, don't make me laugh, I'll treat them with a serious face later." Siegel rubbed his cheeks, his body began to grow again. Now there is actually a hint of a whisker.

Janet took care of his face carefully, trimming Siegel's hair and beard with the popular makeup of the Star Kingdom. Sew clothes by hand. For these things, kittens enjoy each other. Immerse yourself in happiness. When Siegel went to the alchemy workshop or performed magic, she would go to the construction site of the castle, measure the land over and over again, use her experience of diving into the castle many times to plan the layout, and strive to make her home safe and stable.

Thinking that this would be her home, Janet's crooked eyes were full of happiness: "Take out the style of a lord and let them see the real nobles."

"I'm not like a nobleman. I was a sailor on a ship a year ago," Siegel said. "But I understand what you mean, Janet. I want them to know what the concept of a mage lord is."

Siegel summoned the phantom steed and mounted it lightly. The cloak behind him is windless and automatic, and the squid with black flames in its eyes is gently twisting its tentacles. The mage wears a short, fitted brown-red leather jacket with a family crest made of gold on his chest. Black dragonskin leather trousers were tucked into suede boots, and the magic runes of light spirits were drawn with silver threads on them. As long as Siegel concentrates and directs the magic energy into the rune, he can omit the movement and sound of casting the spell and use the spell directly.

The Phantom Horse understood the master's intentions, and quickly swept across the camp, leaving a silver afterimage behind him. It stopped in front of the villagers, flicked its mane, and hummed a breath of shining stars from its nose. The mage patted the summoned creature's head, turned it into black smoke, and sent it back to the shadow world. When the smoke dissipated, Siegel floated down from mid-air and stood silently in front of everyone.

Everyone bowed their heads and said unevenly, "Lord Lord."

"Come with me, I have something to tell you." Siegel held the hilt of his sword with one hand and pointed to Zebra Mountain with the other, and said as he walked, "I heard that you are very strange and didn't know I was here. What are you doing on this mountain. Now I tell you: this is a gold mine."

In fact, the news of the gold mine was quietly spread by Feizak under Siegel's instruction. On the one hand, it attracts businessmen to come, and on the other hand, I want to see if there will be robbers taking the bait. But after more than half a month, the surrounding is still calm. So Siegel decided to make an official announcement.

"Perhaps you don't know what a gold mine means," continued Siegel. "For you, it's cattle, seeds, manure, mills, roads, and marketplaces. But there's only one precondition for that, and that's obedience. Those The territorial people who are best at farming and raising can live near my castle in the future. And get these things first. I don’t know farming, but I know that only hard work can get the life you want. Think about it.”

The villagers followed Siegel and nodded randomly, obviously not listening much - their attention was mostly attracted by the lord's strange cloak. Everyone's minds have been thinking about what kind of fabric and craftsmanship can produce such a magical effect, so only the words "gold mine, cattle and mill" entered their heads.

Siegel thought about it and understood the whole story. I and Janet thought too much. Heimhill is just a backcountry after all. The villagers here do not have the same knowledge of spellcasters or intuitive knowledge of magic as the residents of Waterdeep. My own phantom horse, smart suit and squid cloak can achieve good results in Waterdeep, but it is too high-end and incomprehensible for local people, and the results have little effect.

So he turned away. Facing the people who followed him, his voice was low and powerful: "I don't want to be a lord without a castle, because that means I have no power and majesty. From now on, there must be enough labor. Whether it is according to the laws of the Starry Kingdom Still in Waterdeep practice, every farmer should work for me at least 60 days a year, either as a militia or as a laborer. I want to see this work done right now. Fizzak will count and coordinate this, I I don't want to hear any excuses."

Having said that, he took out his wand. Start casting spells in front of everyone. For more than half a month, Siegel has been honing his elemental summoning skills in the mine, and his mastery of the characteristics of the earth element has become more and more sophisticated. The villagers felt the ground shaking under their feet. The soil moved, turning into mud and pouring in front of Siegel. They tried to escape, but found their feet trapped in the soil, unable to move at all. Several people fell and sat in the flowing muddy water, screaming in fright.

Siegel drew circles of different sizes in the air with his wand, and the sound of the spell froze and changed. The dirt gathered before him. Gradually form a tall human figure. After a while, as the soil solidified. A large earth element appeared in front of everyone.

"Go to work!" Siegel ordered.

The Earth Elemental grunted, then strode up to Striped Mountain. The orc miners shouted in unison. Express their excitement with whistling and stomping sounds. Every time the earth element comes out, it is to assimilate the hardest rock and dig the most difficult mountain. This means that the Orcs make their work easier and less risky.

In the stunned expressions of the villagers, the earth element slammed a huge fist on the mountain. Rocks and soil flew horizontally and fell to the ground with a rumbling sound, suppressing the cheers of the orcs. Like cutting butter with a hot knife, the earth element quickly opened a channel in the mountain, digging deep below the Zebra Mountain to open up a second excavation level. Siegel wasn't sure if there were any veins in this direction, but at least he could show his strength.

Even in the rumbling mine, Siegel's voice can still be clearly transmitted to everyone's ears with the help of magic. He said, "You need lords to have mills and cattle, but I don't need you to build castles. Keep that in mind and figure out how to serve me."

This time, the villagers heard They saw how fragile the mountain was under the fist of that earth and stone monster, and knew that their hut and flesh and blood could not withstand it, and finally understood the power of the lord. Siegel waved them away, leaving only Feizak.

Seeing the villagers with trembling legs and supporting each other as they left, Siegel lowered his voice and said to the one-eyed dad: "Remember when you are doing it, take care of their farming process, and don't delay the work in the fields. As long as they can be obedient. , the castle is not in a hurry, do you understand?"

"Lord Lord, you are a powerful and benevolent noble." Feizak nodded and said sincerely: "Please rest assured, I will arrange it." (To be continued)

ps: Thanks to all readers for their support, thank you for your tickets and rewards.

I will continue to write well and tell the story in my heart well.

In particular, I would like to thank my classmate Tian Tian vv. You reward me every morning with outstanding perseverance, admiration, admiration and admiration.

Seeing you support me so much, is my perseverance better than yours?

continue to write books.

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