True Marvel World

Chapter 484 The whereabouts of the soul gem

The power of erosion appears very strange. It is neither an energy form nor a life form, but rather like a legendary energy life, using energy as the body and soul as consciousness, to survive in this world.

The energy life gathered in his body little by little, until it finally stopped in the shape of a person.


Seeing the familiar figure, Ron finally laughed, and his heart finally fell.

Jasmine was delaying Dormammu because of him. If Jasmine died because of this, he would never feel at ease.

"Am I still alive?"

Jasmine was a little stunned, feeling that everything was very uncomfortable.

She has no breath, no physical body.

Even the ability to feel myself lost.

Do not.


It's just that the self she feels now seems to have completely become another form.

Jasmine began to observe her body and found that she was actually composed of a mass of gray energy.

Everything about her is grey.

It's as if people from three-dimensionality have directly become two-dimensional, or two-dimensional in black and white...

"very strange!"

Jasmine felt herself with her grey hands, she became accustomed from worry, and she even thought it was fine.

Anyway, she is just a background wall, there is not much difference between having a body or not...

"I'll help you create a new body, don't worry."

"New body? Don't need it... I look fine now!"

A smile appeared on the face composed of energy, and Jasmine immediately rejected the proposal.

Because she didn't want to be like that Jenny, after having a created body, she was getting farther and farther away from Ron, and even formed a family...

Jasmine didn't want this.

She just wanted to guard Ron's side, be a background board, and be able to see him when she wanted to see him, that's all...

Ron, who was rejected, didn't know what to do.

He didn't want Jasmine to live only as a mass of energy. Is such Jasmine still the same as she was before?

But he didn't try to persuade Jasmine.

Because Jasmine was not a Phoenix girl, he could do it without any psychological obstacles.

Facing Jasmine, he always had the feeling that he didn't know what to do.

Maybe it's because of Jasmine's ability, maybe it's because of her character.

A quiet little girl who never complains...

Even without the body, I have never had negative emotions...

It's a perfect, um, airbag.

Ron, who was at a loss for words, didn't know how to describe it, so he had to say this.

After all, the air bag really fits Jasmine's image...

"so be it……"

Ron didn't say more, smiled slightly, and put this matter down slowly.

Jasmine nodded happily, then asked in a low voice, "Go home?"

"go home!"

definite answer.


On this day, a very happy thing happened on earth.

Because of the president of the World Council, he finally came back.

It's been a month and five days since the last time Captain America started a civil war.

This news is no less than the sensation caused by the end of the Ultron crime.

Because people know that as long as President Ron comes back, there will be no disaster on earth.

Only President Ron can make the earth develop into a powerful planet that never needs to fear the existence of alien life!


The Surprise Newspaper Building.

Ron sat comfortably on the sofa, and Jasmine, who turned into a gray energy life, floated behind him.

And in front of him is a blond girl, Arthur.

"Come on, have you mastered the rules of time?"

Arthur looked fierce, and clapped his hands on the table like white jade, very unhappy.

Obviously everyone is on the same starting line, why do you gain the power of time just by going out...

And what about her?

She has learned magic from Merlin for many years, not to mention the rules of time, even if she has not learned the magic of traveling through parallel universes!

Is this fair? !

"Come on, how did you do it!"

Arthur continued to question, and then suddenly his face changed, his little finger pointed at Ron, looking like he couldn't believe it.

" didn't kill the stubborn bald woman Gu Yi and stole her time gem, did you?"

"of course not!"

Seeing that he was suspected of being misunderstood again, Ron explained immediately, and then glared at her to tell her not to think too much!

"I know..." Arthur shrugged, and the application suddenly became a little sad.

"Although Gu Yi is quite annoying, she is our friend no matter what, she just died like this..."

"How do you know Gu Yi is dead?"

"I'm not a fool!" Arthur gave him a glance, and then explained:

"I went to Kama Taj to ask about what happened at the beginning, and I know that you left to prevent a mage called Casillas from summoning the dark dimension...

Then, Gu Yi should have died in that battle, right? "

Although Arthur's tone was frivolous, he didn't mean to look down on Gu Yi in any way.

Ron could only smile bitterly and explained everything that happened before, even the fact that his universe was reduced to a singularity and then merged with this universe was not concealed.

"You mean, you have the heart of the earth and become part of this universe?"

Arthur asked in shock.

She is not a human who doesn't know anything. As Merlin's disciple, she knows a lot of things, even some secrets about the universe itself.

No planet has a heart except those that have self-awareness.

Unless, this planet is the center of the entire universe!

Only the center of the universe has a heart.

Otherwise, there is only the possibility that the earth itself is a life-conscious planet...

"I also feel a little strange that after I obtained the Heart of Earth, there is no existence to stop me, this is not normal!" Ron said.

"Of course it's not normal!"

Arthur repeated it in a strengthened tone, and then said some secrets she knew:

"According to Merlin, many important planets in the universe have guardian spirits, and they guard these important planets so that they can become the mainstay of the universe...

And the earth can have a heart, which proves that the earth is the center of the entire universe!

So, how could the earth, as the center of the universe, not have a guardian deity? "

Arthur seemed to understand countless things in an instant.

If the disaster caused by Ultron is just a small joke, the planetary devourer's ambition to devour the earth has not succeeded at all...

So, the invasion of the dark dimension can always be said to be a success, right?

After all, Ron said that the dark dimension has already covered half of the earth, and even the guardian deity of the earth has not appeared, this should not be!

So, there is only one result!

"Earth's guardian deity disappeared?!"

"The guardian deity of the earth is dead?!"

Arthur and Ron said in unison.

Although the words of the two are slightly different, the meaning is the same.

Where has the guardian deity on earth gone?

Although already part of the universe, Ron didn't know much.

What he knows usually comes from the stories of the previous life.

So he began to recall hard, there was a description of the guardian deity of the earth in the last life.

But even though he can remember all the memories, he can't know the parts of those memories that he didn't know.

Like the god of symbiosis, he has not seen any stories about the gods of the universe, and of course he does not know who this is and what kind of past and future it has.

Even if he got the Time Stone now, he could not probe such matters concerning the central problem of the universe, who had already mastered some of the rules of time.

Perhaps, even if it is detected, it is not useful.

Time is not static.

Just like Gu Yi said later.

The future is unpredictable, only the present is the most important!

So Ron didn't bother too much about it, he just silently kept this matter in his heart.

"I still have to go a long way, but it shouldn't be long..."

After chatting with Arthur for a while, he got up and prepared to leave.

Arthur was silent and didn't want to speak, but in the end he asked:


"It's far away, looking for something."

"The last Infinity Stone, right?"


Arthur remained silent.

She knew that once the six Infinity Stones were collected, Ron would definitely enter a new stage.

It was a world she couldn't touch yet.

Maybe in the future, it will be more estranged...

Arthur suddenly felt that it was not a good thing for Ron to come back so early.

But there is no way, it's time.

Time will always flow, everything will pass.

It won't stop unless the universe is destroyed!

After a long time, she said again:

"Get that girl back, she's been wandering outside for too long, it's time to go home..."

"it is good!"

Ron knew who Arthur was referring to, nodded in response, then slowly disappeared after a last look.

As before, Jasmine was still just a background board, and this time she still didn't say anything.

The body composed of only energy suddenly trembled slightly.

Jasmine had never felt this way before, but she instantly understood what it meant.

This is an early warning.

Forewarning, Ron's departure this time is definitely not a good thing!


Entering the universe again, Ron felt different than any time before.

Before he came to the universe, in addition to planning to obtain the power gem and the soul gem, he was comparing the difference between this universe and his own universe.

But this time he came to this universe and didn't do it at all.

Because he has become a part of this universe, even if he is very small, he belongs to this universe, and wherever he goes, he feels like coming home, no stranger at all.

Of course, compared to these places, he is most familiar with the vicinity of the earth.

After all, that was his real home, and it was where he merged into this universe.

This time, when he came to the universe, Ron did not drive the giant sword-shaped battleship made by the dark elf, but traveled through the universe alone to find his destination.

Although he only obtained the time gem, Ron's strength was actually countless times stronger than in his heyday.

So his speed is also unusually fast, almost instantly, he came to the site of the three major empires of the galaxy.

Here, Ron met some familiar people through his eyes connected to the universe.

Some of the former members of the Yondu Predator battleship, the arrogant monarch, the Nova Corps who kept the power gems in place of the Guardians of the Galaxy in the original timeline...

But unlike before, something strange happened to these guys.

Every day is not looking for fun, or the way to find fun.

Even the Nova Corps, originally known as the Galactic Police.

Ron wouldn't be surprised if it was just the Marauder crew and the Monarch people.

But why, the Nova Corps also fell?

Not only them, but also the three major empires of the Milky Way!

This is very strange.

He sensed for a moment, but he didn't find any catastrophe happened?

Why do these guys fall so consistently?

Although it felt strange, Ron didn't think about it.

The main purpose of his coming to the universe is just for the soul gem, there is no need and no time to worry about these things.

And when he gets the Soul Gem, completely combines the six Infinity Gems, and merges with the universe, he will naturally be able to figure out all this.

Ron moved on, and his figure appeared everywhere in the universe.

Soon he finds the Guardians of the Galaxy and Yondu who have been searching for the Soul Stone for him.

At this time, it has been nearly three years since the first time he asked the Guardians of the Galaxy to find the soul gem for him, but after so long, they still haven't found the Vormir planet where the soul gem is located.

Ron looked at Gamora, the adopted daughter of Thanos, one of the guards, and realized why after seeing her eyes dodging.

This is because there is an inner ghost who is making trouble!

In Gamora's heart, she should have become a more terrifying figure than her adoptive father Thanos, so she is trying every means to prevent herself from obtaining the soul gem, strengthen herself again, and create disaster!

If it was before, he would become a little angry, and then directly search Gamora's brain with his mental ability to find his target.

Because at that time, he urgently needed to strengthen himself, of course, he would not waste time, and would only use the simplest and quickest way to achieve his goal.

But now, he won't.

It's not because he is strong enough now, it's just because some of them are closely connected with the universe, and he who has obtained five Infinity Stones has sensed the whereabouts of the Soul Stone just now.

So, he didn't even want to see the Guardians of the Galaxy, and went straight to his destination.

This is a barren planet, with almost no vegetation on it, only extremely cold air-conditioning and endless cliffs.

This planet is where the Soul Gem is located, Vormir.

Ron walked into the planet Vormir as if he was at his own home, and then flew directly towards a certain mountain.

With five gems, he can clearly know that the soul gem is on this mountain!

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