True Marvel World

Chapter 466 The Son of God, Ron

Ron's mental perception enveloped the entire Rhodes Middle School, and even the changes in the air flow were unwilling to let go.

In the induction, the whole of Boston became a floor plan in his mind, and every place and every detail was included.

From the broken classroom window, he found his way to the wilderness farther north of Boston.

There are traces of psychic activity here, and after comparison, it is very similar to the traces of the destruction of Rhodes Middle School.

Everyone has fixed ways of doing things, habits, and mutants with abilities are no exception.

Even if she was stripped of her Phoenix power, Qin Ge Lei's telepathy ability was at level 4, but this would not give her the ability to teleport.

It is impossible for Qin Ge Lei to use her mind power all the time, she will stop and she will need to rest.

Ron followed the clues he found, all the way north, and then stopped at the border between the United States and Canada.

Jean Grey and Jenny, right here.

But it wasn't just Qin Ge Lei and Jenny at the scene.

Aside from them, Captain America, Dr. Banner, Hawkeye Patton, and a lot of other people, it seems that the mutants are there.

Seeing his appearance, everyone was startled, but Team America didn't.

He was even very excited about the current situation. Originally, he wanted to take Jean Grey and Jenny to New York, where he would expose Ron's hypocrisy to the world and let the world see the true face of this man.

But now, it seems, here it is.

It's good here, and while it doesn't have that familiar feeling in New York to expose Ron directly in front of the World Council building, at least there won't be too many casualties here.

Captain America believes that after his conspiracy is exposed, Ron will become very angry, and then he will no longer hide himself, and will directly use tough means to continue the previous plan.

And they're going to keep stopping Ron, it's definitely not appropriate in New York, it's good here.

It was deserted, and apart from them, no ordinary people would be killed or injured in this battle.

The most important thing is that the most important part of exposing Ron's hypocrite mask this time can also be completed in this desolate place.

"Lake, you can start now, come on, you will be the person who has made the greatest contribution to the world's return to freedom!" Captain America solemnly explained to a little boy next to him who looked only eleven or twelve years old.

This is the mutant who can infiltrate the network. He broke through the firewall set up by Mr. Fantastic and sent that information to the world for this little mutant.

And now, Captain America needs him to invade again, and spread the real-time footage here.

"Yes, Captain Rogers, I promise, I won't faint again this time!"

The little mutant named Lake answered confidently, then closed his eyes, looked hard, and activated his abilities.

"Protect Lake, don't let him get caught by the hypocrite."

Seeing that Lake started to act, the US team stood in front, ready to defend the key to this operation.

Ron saw this scene, but he didn't stop it at all, because he didn't have to worry about the next series of actions that the US team would make.

From seeing Jean Grey and Jenny with Captain America, he probably guessed what Captain America was going to do.

The US team found out the true origin of Jenny, and wanted to expose Jenny to explain the Transformers and the "source" that appeared in the New York War, to completely prove that the Ultron incident was his.

Although the information spread all over the Internet proved in many ways that the Ultron incident was planned by Ron, it lacked the most fundamental evidence.

That's Ron's relationship with 'The Source'.

The previous official explanation was that 'Yuan' fell to the earth a long time ago, woke up more than ten years ago, and then became friends with Ron.

While the claim may seem outlandish, there is little strong evidence that it is false.

Because with the level of Earth's technology before the New York War, it was simply impossible to create a 'source'.

So it becomes a fact that the 'source' is alien life.

However, the information given by the US team said that the existence of 'source' was actually Ron's interest in intelligent life in order to make Tony Stark.

So where did Ron get the source?

The statement in the data is from an alien outside the earth, and it is said that Ron is likely to have obtained the "source" from an alien, and even Ron himself is an undercover alien hidden in the earth.

But two hours ago, a new document appeared that changed Cap's mind.

This is the existence of Jenny!

According to the investigation, Jenny is actually a black household at all, more black than all black households.

Because no matter what country it is, there is no trace of Jenny's origin, only that Jenny appeared around Boston one night eight years ago, and finally settled here.

No one thought it had anything to do with Ron, but Cap suddenly linked it to a battle between Boston and New York that year.

The participants in that battle included Ron and the phoenix girl Grey from the mutants.

This doesn't seem to be related, but Team America found Qin Ge Lei and asked, but found the biggest suspicious point.

Qin Grey was once defeated by Ron, but she forgot that she did not receive any damage, but instead gained a benefit, that is, the dark personality in her body disappeared, and she would no longer be controlled by the dark personality.

After listening to these words, Captain America was completely enlightened, and began to connect all the doubts, and then knew the origin of Jenny and the origin of 'Yuan'.

It turns out that these lives were created by Ron for different reasons, but they were all for Ron!

With this proof, Ron is behind everything and it will never change!


At the same time, human beings all over the world are standing in front of TV and mobile phones, waiting for the next 'trial' to begin.

"Ron is the mastermind behind everything" has made everyone forget their original story. They just want to know the truth of this matter, whether Ron is the savior of the earth or a hypocrite who tries to control the earth.

Because this is about the fate of the entire planet!

After the establishment of the World Committee, the earth has indeed entered a new stage. Human beings have begun to explore the universe, and people live and work in peace and contentment without worrying too much.

But this does not erase the damage caused by the Ultron event to mankind. It was a disaster of destruction. Nearly a quarter of the world's people died in that disaster. This is unforgivable!

Finally, a picture appeared on everyone's mobile TV.

Ron appeared in the picture, looking calm and not worried because of his words and actions against him.

"It's finally about to start..."

Some people are looking forward to it, some people can't bear it, and some people are confident and looking forward to the final result.


At the scene, Captain America saw Lake opened his eyes, and the scene here was reflected in his eyes. Then he stood in front of Ron and asked a question full of justice.

"Ron, everything is clear, the mutant incident, the Ultron incident, including the New York alien war and the alien symbiote invasion are all planned by you, you should repent of your sins to the world instead of continuing Your evil plan!"

The pictures were spread to people all over the world through Lake's eyes. People were looking at Ron. What kind of answer would they have when looking at this person who was regarded as a savior by many people?

An angry excuse, or an outright acknowledgment?

But what was unexpected was that Ron's appearance did not change at all, and his face was still calm, and he asked with a smile:

"Where's your evidence? Say it, and I'll listen carefully."

Captain America's brows furrowed, Ron was too calm, even knowing that this guy had such a personality, he couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Could it be that he is hiding something?

The humans in front of the screen are also wondering, why is Ron still calm at this time?

Captain America glanced at Jenny beside Qin Grey, and after finding that she was dodging a bit, he was once again sure that he was right.

"She's called Jenny, you should know who she is, right?"

Captain America asked Qin Gelai to bring Jenny to his side, pointing to Jenny and asking.

At Lord's Middle School in Boston, a group of students and teachers, including Jenny's husband, were full of shock when they saw Jenny in front of the camera.

Why do their teachers, colleagues, and wives appear around Team America, and it looks like they have something to do with the world's biggest hypocrite?

I don't know Jenny and I'm also wondering, I don't know what's so special about this ordinary-looking woman.

But Ron's answer surprised everyone.

He first smiled at Jenny and asked helplessly, "Do you mind if I tell you your origin?"

Jenny looked at Ron, was silent for a while, and then answered firmly: "I don't mind!"

Of course Jenny believed in Ron. In any case, she didn't know what the person who gave her body was going to do, but she would definitely choose to agree unconditionally.

As for how her life and future will change after her identity is exposed, this is not in Jenny's consideration!

"Rest assured, I can guarantee that you, including your family, won't change much in the future, and you will still live a stable life."

Ron nodded lightly, facing everyone present and the 'Internet broadcaster' Lake, and fully introduced Jenny's origins.

"Eight years ago, I had a fight with Phoenix Girl, a member of the X-Men, but the Phoenix Girl at that time was not Qin Ge Lei, but Jenny, the second personality in Qin Ge Lei's body, or, Dark personality."

"That battle was finally won by me, and I also gained a benefit, that is, a power that originally belonged to Jenny and Jean Grey. After obtaining this power, my strength increased, and then I changed Jenny's personality from Qin Grey's body was stripped out and a new body was created for her, which is now Jenny."

Ron's tone was not special at all. It didn't have the strong infectious power of Captain America's speech, nor the aura of some high-ranking government officials, but it still shocked everyone.

Stripped of personality?

to create a body?

Isn't this the power of God?

Jenny's husband has no expression at all, only dull eyes remain.

His wife was actually created by the president of the World Committee?

Although according to Ron, in fact, Jenny has already had a personality, but it is just an extra body, but this does not change the fact that Jenny is a creation of Ron.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Qin Gelei in red, wanting to see her reply.

Qin Ge Lei is now no longer as sexy as she was eight years ago. The subtle wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and the increasingly loose skin are all showing the changes of a woman in middle age.

But Qin Ge Lei is still a beauty, and with her hair, her fiery red body makes her look charming.

And Jenny is different, this is a woman who is black from beginning to end, and looks much younger than Qin Ge Lei, how can you not think that these two people will be related, even eight years ago, they were the same person...

Captain America was also watching. Although Ron's answer was somewhat unexpected, it didn't matter, as long as it was proved that Jenny was indeed Ron's creation.

"I..." Qin Grey was a little confused, she didn't actually want to meet Jenny, she had to do it for the sake of the entire mutant group.

Glancing at Jenny's black eyes and realizing that the other party really didn't care about the truth, Qin Ge Lei nodded and said:

"What Ron said is true. In this matter, he actually helped me and let Jenny and I get rid of the common troubles."


The fact that the truth is set in stone has surprised people, and it turns out that all this is true.

So then, is Ron guilty of this? He helped two people at the same time!

Captain America frowned. Although everything was according to his own plan, why was it so wrong?

Looking at Nick Fury who had been silent behind Ron, Captain America also knew that Cyclops' plan to bring Professor X back had failed.

Captain America began to get a little anxious. Fortunately, he found Jenny, otherwise it would be really hard to determine the truth about the 'Yuan'.

Because, this is definitely the strongest evidence he has ever found to reveal that Ron is a hypocrite!

"This is indeed a fact, and you did nothing wrong in this matter, but do you dare to admit the next thing?"

"In order to commemorate the alien war that year, the government built an alien war memorial in New York, so that human beings will always remember the cruelty of war..."

Captain America took out what looked like a black box and continued: "This is what I got from the memorial later. It was originally owned by the alien army called Kirita, but it's not a powerful thing. A weapon, it's just something like a safe deposit box..."

"At first I didn't know what it was, but then I went to look for the information about the alien war that happened in New York that year, and after I got a piece of information, I understood the purpose of this box."

"This box is actually used to keep Ron and his extraterrestrial mechanical life friend 'Yuan' called the Originium Cube, but this information shows that the Cosmos Cube is not actually an Originium at all. , but the treasure in the universe, the space gem among the six Infinity Stones!"

"And both you and 'Yuan' lied!"

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