True Marvel World

Chapter 462 The Civil War Against Ron

Ron left Tony and went to Baxter Mansion again.

After the Ultron incident, the Internet was worried by many people, worried that things like Ultron would happen again.

But the new century is indispensable to the Internet, and the human beings entering the new century cannot live without the Internet.

So, the true fragrance theorem appears!

The network was quickly restored, and artificial intelligence was still active, with Reed's Wonder Boy based on the "Red Queen" being the most popular.

After the establishment of the World Committee, Reed also helped to formulate many management networks and firewalls, and controlled the network to prevent the next Ultron from appearing on the network.

But now, almost all of his information was leaked on the Internet, which made Ron feel very strange.

On the US side, can there be a human with higher scientific talent than Reed?

Yes, Ron is already 100% sure that this time all his past is exposed this time is definitely the work of the first superhero on this earth.

I don't know when, Captain America began to doubt him. Until the Ultron incident happened a year ago, he couldn't bear it any longer and shared his doubts with a small group of people.

Some people don't believe it, some people think it's possible.

After that, the Avengers split into two factions.

A group of factions sided with Ron, like Tony and Thor, and never doubted him.

The other faction is very close to Captain America, even if it doesn't fully believe in Captain America, but it doesn't believe in Ron even more.

Such as the Hulk Dr. Banner, Hawkeye Barton, and the Black Widow, Natasha.

Although Natasha was close to Ron early on, the female agent never believed him.

In the previous year, although the Avengers were still together on the surface, they were firmly in two teams on Ron's issue, holding different opinions.

This led to the fact that when the swallowing star attacked before, another faction, including the Hulk of the American team, did not go to space and joined the battle with swallowing the star.

Ron has never cared about Team America and the others. After all, in his eyes, this is a trivial matter, and there is no need to worry at all.

But what just happened changed his mind completely.

It appeared directly on the thirty-third floor of the Baxter Building where Reed lived. As soon as he appeared, Ron saw the Stone Man Ben looking at him at the door, first surprised, and then complicated.

"Ron? Reed just called me to find you. I didn't expect you to come first. Come in quickly, Reed is waiting for you!"

"Okay." Ron didn't say much, and found Reed with the Stone Man.

Unlike the previous ease, this time Reed's face was full of sadness.

Seeing Ron coming, Reed turned the wheel of the wheelchair even more immediately and slid towards him.

"Ron, you're finally here. This time it's my fault. I didn't expect someone to break through the firewall of the 'Red Queen' and put those things on the Internet..."

"Can you find out who did it? Even if it doesn't work, it's okay to have an approximate location."

Ron didn't blame Reed, he just wanted to find this man quickly and get him under control.

Of course, he is not worried about the released information. After all, even if it can be recovered, it has been seen by many people, and it is useless to recover it.

He was looking for this person, just because he didn't want another Ultron to appear because of an accident.

After the small universe has shrunk dozens of times, Ron's ability is much weaker, and it is impossible to cover the entire earth with his mind to find something.

In order not to waste time, looking for Reed is the best way.

"I went to track the person who was hacked into the red, but it was very strange. What I saw from the other party was not binary 0 and 1, but a string of things that were very difficult to understand, very similar to the thoughts of intelligent life like Ultron. Computational, but it doesn't seem to be quite..."

Reed put the screen displayed on the computer in the whole room and explained: "The other party is very capable on the Internet. Even if I have used countless means, I still can't find him. This video is the process I tracked him before. ."

Ron also felt strange looking at the image projected in the air.

This is a piece of something that is completely incomprehensible, curved, shapeless, and has no features at all. It is completely confusing.

Rao has two lifetimes of experience, and Ron, who doesn't know how many strange things he has been exposed to, can't see what it is, and he doesn't even have any basis for guessing.

"Then have you located an approximate location?"

"No, I can only know if the source is in North America, but I don't know at all whether it is the west, east or north of North America."

Reed looked very frustrated. He thought that even the red queen who could resist Ultron for a while was very good. I didn't expect that just a year later, such terrifying intelligent life would appear on the earth again.

Ron didn't speak, because he really couldn't think of anyone else in the world with such wisdom comparable to Reed.

There is no way, he can only start to use the method of exclusion and association to roughly guess who this existence is.

First of all, since it can be determined that the US team is the cause of the incident, then this person must have something to do with the US team, even if he didn't have it before, he already has it now.

SHIELD? It shouldn't. Although this organization is very powerful, it is for ordinary people. In terms of technology, people like Reed Tony are definitely stronger than the scientists of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In addition to S.H.I.E.L.D., who else can the US team find?

In other words, who had hatred for him joined the US team?

Soon, one by one possible people or organizations quickly passed in front of them, and soon, only the most probable one remained in all the choices.

That is, mutants!

Due to the gap with Professor X at the beginning, Ron and the mutants became mortal enemies, and then the incident of rounding up the mutants broke out.

And almost all of these things have been recorded in the exposed materials, and there are almost no mistakes.

Except for the mutants themselves, almost no one can know so clearly, not even S.H.I.E.L.D.

But how did the mutants get along with Captain America?

After Ron sealed Professor X's mental ability and handed it over to S.H.I.E.L.D., the mutants were like ants without a leader, running around and hiding in every corner of the world.

Although Ron has always paid attention to the group of mutants, he has not noticed this change now.

Another point, if it is really mutants, then who has the intelligence to compete with Reed?

Or...have a mutant ability, that is, to invade the network?

The more he speculated, the more Ron thought it was possible.

Well, maybe it's time to reconnect with mutants!

"Did you think of something, Ron?" Seeing his appearance, Reed asked immediately.

Ron nodded: "Well, I can't be sure, but I know what to do next."

"Okay, I will delete the information about you on the Internet for you immediately, so that this matter will not have a bigger impact!"

"No!" Ron refused directly and explained: "Although most of the information is actually true, it lacks a lot of details. Let everyone see it. After controlling the people behind, I will Explain to the world why that's all!"

"Okay!" Reed finally smiled, that's how it should be.

Be upright and fearless!

"The way Susan and I are now, we can't help you in battle, but Ben is still healthy. If you don't have enough people, you can take him directly."

Reed wanted to get up and walk with Ron, but after realizing that he was in poor health, he had to push the Thing Ben out.

Ben didn't feel that Reed was cheating on him, and immediately began to recommend himself: "Yeah, I didn't help when I fought against the giant before, but now I can definitely."

Ron did not refuse. After experiencing the attack of the swallowing star, most of the guardians lost the ability to fight, and even he himself was in poor condition due to the sequelae of the shrinking of the small universe.

After careful calculation, except for himself, Ron's side now has a few people who still have combat power.

Jessica, who was sent back to Earth by him at the very beginning, and Bronski, who hated not to go to space to fight because of her size, and not only did not receive any injuries, but also strengthened her strength and possessed the ability to erode. Mutant Jasmine.

It is also a good thing to have one more stone man book now.


Ron suddenly felt that he had forgotten something!

What about Deadpool?

I remember that he came back from the depths of the universe before, but he saw Deadpool. At that time, this guy was fighting the Planet Devourer, and he didn't know where to go after that.

Thinking about it now, it must have been caught by the swallowing star!

And he actually forgot about it, and it was only now that he remembered that Deadpool hadn't come back yet...

I don't blame him. Who let this guy disappear for several years. When he came back, he didn't make a good impression on others. It just so happened that no one still remembers this bitch.

"It seems that only when my own real strength becomes able to compete with the Planet Devourer can I go and bring it back from Deadpool..."

Ron didn't think that Deadpool just died. This is an undead strong. Although Planet Devourer is powerful, it should not be possible to kill Deadpool.

And this Deadpool is a version of his true identity that even he can't figure out, so just rest assured!

Turning his head and leaving the matter of Deadpool behind, Ron directly embodied the space passage leading to the World Council Building, and took the Stone Man Ben.

Immediately afterwards, he returned to the Surprise Newspaper Building, called the hated Bronski, Jasmine, and Jessica, who was originally in the Committee Building, to form a five-person operation team, ready to start the next operation.

The first thing to do is not to find Captain America, arrest him, and ask him why he did this.

The first thing Ron arranged was actually to find Professor X and control the most dangerous mutant on earth first.

Now that it is determined that the mutants have cooperated with the US team, then Professor X will definitely be an important figure in it.

Even if the current Professor X has no mutant ability, he is just an ordinary person.

Although there were originally two factions in the mutant group, after the mutant incident broke out, all mutants have become one faction with Professor X, a large group.

And once the action against him starts, Professor X will definitely be the first rescue target.

Not only because Professor X originally loved mutants and was respected by mutants, but also because Professor X would be an important witness against him!

Ron will not deny that there are indeed many bad things in his rectification actions against the mutant group because of Professor X. As long as it is exposed, all public opinions will point to him and accuse him of what he has done.

Ron won't hide what he did, but he also didn't want him to become a sinner for eternity and a public enemy of all mankind because of these things.

At that time, a civil war was inevitable.

He still remembers the civil war in the original timeline, the battle that the superheroes fought because of their ideas. He didn't expect that because of his participation, the object and cause of the civil war have now become him, and he has also become a small troublemaker. A big event that will shake the whole world.

After gathering a few people, Ron briefly talked about the next plan.

"This time the matter is very bad, I will solve it myself. In the previous battle with the swallowing star, my strength has dropped a lot, so the assistants you will become will not solve this matter with me."

"First of all, Bronski, Ben, the two of you are not very fast and capable of action, but you have a strong ability to control the field and garrison, so you will stay on the committee and guard this place. Because soon, there will be riots here, you guys We have to maintain order here..."

"Jasmine, Jessica, you and I will act together, I will deal with the messenger who caused this chaos, the other party has a strong group to help, my strength is probably not enough, and others have suffered a lot. You will be my best helper..."

"And... do you believe me?"

He finally smiled wryly and asked the four of them.

The identities of the four people are very different. They hate that Bronski has been transformed by him, and they will believe him 100%. Although the other three are very close to him, no one can be sure that they will have other ideas.

Ron was most worried about Jessica, the one who had known him the longest and knew him best.

Aside from her ability, Jessica is actually just an ordinary person. She has her own thoughts and judgments, and will be influenced by other things. Ron has never done anything to her, and the only time is at the very beginning. He helped the other person out of the mentally chaotic situation.

So he is very worried, will this person who has known him the longest except for the little spider, also doubt himself?

But no result!

Jessica just smiled slightly, her eyes full of trust!

The same goes for Jasmine, Ben also nodded.

Ron also smiled: "Okay, let's go!"

The space channel appeared in place, and at the other end of the channel was the capital of the country, Washington.

This is the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., even after a disbandment.

After he handed Professor X to Nick Fury, the other party seemed to have placed Professor X in Washington. Although he didn't know where to go now, as long as he found the black director, he would know everything.

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