True Marvel World

Chapter 459 The Beginning of a Conspiracy Theory

Galactus is gone, and even the Silver Surfer who is still on Earth left the solar system to take him away, and he doesn't know where he went.

He didn't ask Ron any questions about his situation, he just wanted to deal with the change on his own.

Just like Ron said, any condition is based on the situation of equal strength. Tun Xing doesn't want to come to Ron next time, and he will still be persuaded by his ability, and end in a fiasco!

After confirming that Tun Xing left, Ron could no longer maintain the same status, and immediately cut off the connection with Jasmine, not wanting his own small universe to be further reduced and disappear directly.

But even so, there is only a small part of the small universe left, not even a tenth of the solar system.

I remember that the small universe was already this big six years ago.

I didn't expect to return to the pre-liberation overnight after only using the fifth-level ability once, which is really sad!

In addition, he was already paralyzed from exhaustion, so under the double blow, Ron finally fell into a coma for the first time after traveling to this world, and lost consciousness with everything.


Three days later, Earth.

As usual, people on this emerging technological planet are still full of vitality, and nothing is left behind in fitness, feasts, entertainment, etc.

Not everyone knew what happened outside the earth three days ago. They didn't even think too much about the government asking them to gather together and prepare to listen to orders at any time. They just thought it was a large-scale exercise.

But those who know the truth are like the survivors who just escaped from the earthquake, and their hearts are full of luck.

They understood how horrible what happened three days ago. All the space fleets were withdrawn from space, ready to return to the earth to carry human beings to leave the earth and go to the dark and boundless universe to seek a chance of survival.

And almost half of them went to space outside the earth three days ago to fight against unknown enemies, and then each of them was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

This situation made them understand that if it wasn't for luck, they would not be entertaining now, but escaped in the universe!

Ron woke up the next day after returning to Earth. He had never been in a coma, and he didn't know that he could be in a coma for a whole day.

If Galactus returns to the earth within this day, or if some people appear on the earth who want to kill him, the consequences are unknown.

But fortunately, nothing happened.

During the day when he was in a coma, Ron's small universe gradually recovered a lot of vitality. Although the size could no longer be seen, it did not completely die out and still existed.

As for Jasmine, who had absorbed 99% of the energy of the small universe, not only did she not receive any damage, but her own abilities became much stronger, which made Ron envious for a while.

And this was the only person who benefited from this battle. None of the others were uninjured, and some even didn't wake up after a day, and gradually woke up after three days.

Like Arthur.

The person who appeared last was actually the heaviest injured among all of them. Not only his armor and the sword of victory were shattered, but his magic strength also dropped by an unknown amount.

In addition, Gu Yi is not much better than Arthur, and her connection with the dark dimension has become deeper and deeper. If she can't get out quickly, there are only two fates for leaving Gu Yi.

One is to fall into the dark dimension and become a member of the dark.

The second is that Gu Yi gave up everything, ended his life, and embarked on the same path as the original story.

Of course Gu Yi didn't say everything. After waking up on the first day, she went straight back to Karma Taj without even saying goodbye.

Ron didn't directly explain everything to Gu Yi, he was just thinking about how to save his friend in the future.

It is very easy for Ron, who has become the president of the World Committee, to monitor the earth. He has monitored the former disciple of the ancient one, a man named Casillas, who is already planning to summon Dormammu from the dark dimension to the earth. up.

This means that the plot about Gu Yi and Doctor Strange is already happening, and soon, Gu Yi will directly fall into the battle with his disciples, and then be killed by his disciples.

The original story may have been plot killing, but now, this is no longer the case.

After the battle with Galactus, Gu Yi's strength had already begun to decline. Unless she let go of the restrictions, she might even struggle to master the magic of the Time Stone.

So Ron not only saved Gu Yi, but also found a way to put the Time Stone in his pocket to strengthen his own strength.

His universe can no longer shrink, and the only way Ron can think of to quickly expand his universe is to get more infinite gems.

The time gem, which must be associated with the time rule, will not let him down!

But Ron didn't know that before Dormammu's arrival, there was another thing that made him burnt out.


In Washington DC, a hidden small base, a hidden discussion is being held.

The initiator of the discussion is the first superhero on earth, the most righteous Captain America, Steve Rogers!

Also featured in the discussion are Hulk Banner, Hawkeye Button, Falcon Sam, and a man hiding in a corner wearing dark glasses.

The theme of this meeting is how to take off the mask on the face of Ron, the biggest hypocrite on earth, so that the world can return to a time when no one controls it!

"What happened three days ago is a conspiracy that Ron has accumulated for a long time!"

Steve Rogers of the US team was plausible. He took out a document, pointed to the document and continued to express his opinion.

"This is a casualty data I got after the fact. Basically, all the people who went to space were seriously injured, even Ron himself was no exception. It seemed that it was indeed a tragic battle, but these details revealed All of this is planned by Ron, the purpose is actually to reduce the strength of superheroes, so that he can control the earth more easily!"

"The most exposed flaw is that among all the injured superheroes, the Avengers suffered the most serious injuries! Thor is still lying on the bed, still talking about his wife from time to time, and then still ruthlessly Scolding Ron is proof!"

"In addition, there are many details. For example, Ron didn't intend to transfer the human beings from the earth at all. He just pretended to let people gather together, but there was no follow-up!"

"Also, the reason why Ron didn't let any superhero 'accidentally' die in this battle was actually to win people's hearts, so he didn't let me go to space and fight together at the beginning, because he already knew , I have actually discovered the truth of all this!"

"Our time is running out!"

Captain America's face is serious. The people he called are all people he trusts, but he can't help being bewitched by Ron, so pay more attention, lest Ron take over before the operation even starts!


Captain America looked at Banner first, he was the first person to clarify his plan, and he was also the most powerful person among them, his opinion will be very important!

"I..." Hulk Banner smiled wryly. He actually believed in Captain America. After all, Ron did look like the conspirator who caused everything.

Moreover, he still remembered the incident of being hanged and beaten by Ron. Although it had been a long time, he still held grievances in his heart. He hoped to fight Ron again and defeat him!

But, eight years ago, Ron could hang him directly, how can he beat him now?

Seeing Banner's concerns, the US team said confidently: "I know Ron is very powerful, and I know that he may be the most powerful person on earth, but we are not hopeless, are we?"

The American team's words did have a good appeal, but the people present still didn't have much confidence, and the atmosphere was not high.

Miyai also doesn't think there is anything wrong with everyone's poor appearance, because this is indeed the most serious problem they face.

Even if they expose everything Ron has done and let the whole world know the crimes of this hypocrite, but in the end, they still have to deal with this powerful enemy!

If Ron can't be dealt with, then once this powerful person who has mastered a lot of military power falls into desperation, the earth will once again fall into a huge disaster!

The US team will not let this kind of thing happen, he will never allow more people to die in the hands of Ron! ,

So, he prepared a hole card!

The US team walked to the corner and brought the man who was wearing sunglasses in the dimly lit base to the crowd.

"This is Scott Summers, one of the leaders of the mutant organization, known as Cyclops, who has the ability to emit laser light from his eyes. He will come to help us deal with Ron!"


The others looked at the guy called Cyclops and all frowned.

Although the US team has always said that Ron led the human race to encircle and suppress the mutants, and the mutants didn't actually want to go to war with humans, but in fact, the reputation of the mutants has never been very good. Many times, special human beings with special abilities are actually members of super criminals.

So many people don't like mutants, especially superheroes who have abilities and are sometimes treated as mutants.

But the US team said: "It is true that there are many mutants who are not controlled and have done many things that criminals do, but many mutants are innocent. The original X-Men were!"

"Scott is a member of the X-Men. It was the X-Men who wanted to recruit Ron to join, but was rejected. Later, Ron felt that the mutants were a threat to his plan, so he launched a campaign against the mutants. The revenge action eventually led to the war between mutants and humans, and many innocent people died at the hands of Ron, a hypocrite!"

"That's right!" Scott, who was wearing glasses, nodded, and said with emphasis: "Professor X, the founder of our x academy, is still imprisoned in prison. I believe Hawkeye should know about it, right?"

"I do know!" Hawkeye Button still had a serious face: "It was true that Ron personally sent the old man to S.H.I.E.L.D. to take care of him, but S.H.I.E.L.D. Let him live in one place, let him live the life of an ordinary person!"

"Where is that place?" Hearing what Hawkeye said, Cyclops became agitated and asked loudly, pulling at the corner of Hawkeye's clothes.

Hawkeye's face changed slightly, but it was not easy to attack, so he had to look at Captain America.


Captain America immediately stopped Cyclops from moving, and then explained to Hawkeye: "Patton, Scott only did that because he cared too much about their teacher. Don't worry too much..."

"As long as he doesn't tug at my collar, it's fine!" Hawkeye replied with a cold face, and then sat down without any intention of speaking.

And the US team continued to explain to Cyclops: "Professor X's address has always been the top secret of S.H.I.E.L.D. After that, I will go to Nick Fury and pick up Professor X myself!"

"Well, that's it!" Cyclops nodded, although he wanted to directly grab Hawkeye to pick up Professor X, but it was obviously not suitable to do so now.

After all, Professor X has been controlled by Ron for such a long time, but there is no movement at all, and his ability must have been compromised.

In contrast, the most important thing now is to cooperate with the US team to pull Ron, that damned hypocrite, off the mountain.

"How to prove that they have the strength to deal with Ron?"

Dr. Banner raised a question. Although the addition of mutants has indeed increased the success rate of the plan a lot, he still doesn't think that mutants can deal with Ron after having fought against Ron and failed miserably.

Because eight years ago. This group of guys have already lost to Ron once!


Cyclops looked at the face, and after obtaining his consent, he suddenly opened his sunglasses, and then two red lasers directly pierced through the steel wall next to him, creating a hole half a meter in diameter and several meters deep before stopping

"Just rely on this!"

Seeing the two red lasers shot out of Cyclops' eyes, everyone at the scene was shocked, and even Dr. Banner felt a little frightened.

Because he felt that even if he became the Hulk, he would still be injured by this laser!

Cyclops put the sunglasses back on, and said with hatred:

"After being driven to that icy and snowy place by Ron, I have been constantly exercising my abilities, begging to defeat Ron myself one day!"

"In that place, everyone's enemy is Ron, and they want to defeat the enemy just like me. There are thousands of people, and there are many mutants who are stronger than me! Now, you still think Can't we beat Ron?"

Everyone fell silent, one Cyclops is very strong, if there are really thousands of mutants together, maybe it is really possible.

"let's start!"

Dr. Banner finally nodded, no longer struggling.

Captain America smiled, and put the vibrating gold shield on his back on his back.

"Let us work together to expose the evil face that hypocrite hides behind the scenes!"

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