True Marvel World

Chapter 441 The Silver Figure

A month later, the earth has almost returned to its original orbit.

All the people affected by the disaster have re-lived in fairly good houses. Of course, it is not completely free, and various fees related to the house will have to be charged in the future.

Not much, it only takes a few years for ordinary people to do it.

However, some people complained, saying that their homes were destroyed by Ultron, and the World Committee didn’t give me a new house for free. Isn’t that too much?

But these people are only a minority. After all, most people are easy to satisfy. It is already very good to be able to compensate for a good house, and we cannot ask for too much.

As for some people who had nothing before, the Ultron incident actually helped them, and some people in the committee thought it was fair, but before Ron came forward, these voices were suppressed.

Because the most important thing now is to maintain social stability, and it is impossible to make all these small things so detailed.

After doing all kinds of appeasement and welfare work, the World Committee has completely left a good impression on people. Although they still feel that the existence of this organization is a bit awkward, at least there is no longer any resistance.

At least, this organization is not an organization that oppresses human beings, but an organization that can really do things for people...

In addition to the World Committee, there is another matter that has been discussed during this period of time, and the topic has become huge in an instant, rising to the point where it affects the stability of society.

It sounds serious, but in fact, this result is already the smallest.

Because the theme of this matter is about who created Ultron!

In the early days of the disaster, I thought Ultron was moving too fast, and almost controlled the global network in just one day, so basically most of them didn't know what was going on.

And soon, Ultron directly launched a nuclear bomb attack and a robot army. At this time, through people's word of mouth, everyone finally knew that all of this was made by an advanced artificial intelligence called Ultron.

But about who made Ultron and why Ultron did it, not many people know.

It was not until after the society had stabilized that this matter was brought up again, and people began to search for relevant clues everywhere to investigate who the instigator of this matter was.

This matter is not a very secret matter. It was only because the Internet was controlled by Ultron before that this matter did not spread.

Soon, Tony Stark's Ultron plan was discovered by people, letting everyone know that Ultron is actually the 'masterpiece' of the superhero Iron Man!

This time everyone exploded, not only because Ultron was actually created by a superhero who saved everyone, but also because Tony Stark was also one of the important members of the World Committee.

Reminiscent of the friendship between Tony Stark and Ron, the current president of the World Committee, even a conspiracy theory was spread at this time.

That is, in fact, all of this was planned by Ron, the purpose is to control the world and so on...

This statement is like dropping a stone on a calm lake, instantly causing ripples.

But it was precisely because only stones were dropped that it quickly sank to the bottom of the lake.

It's not because people believe in Ron, but because those countries can't do without Ron now!

During this month, Ron didn't know how much technology he handed over, including the ones he picked up when he went to the Milky Way before, and the ones he wrote down in the future world that Ultron traveled through.

In that future world for more than ten years, Ron was not only researching the 'matter shield', he did not let go of the rest of the technologies, and wrote them all down, but he didn't take the 'matter shield' so seriously. .

Most of these technologies are some convenient technology and aerospace technology, excluding weapons.

But this alone has made those countries treat Ron as if they were their own fathers, and they are extremely 'filial'.

For this reason, these countries took the initiative to suppress this topic and did not allow it to develop again.

Of course, not many people know how these countries treat this matter secretly.

After going through the guidance, basically all the spearheads are now pointing at Tony Stark, asking the World Committee to give an explanation.

On the third day after a full month, this incident finally caused the World Committee to initiate the third meeting.

The topic of the meeting was, what to do with Tony Stark?

Ron was not present at the meeting at the beginning, he just stepped out for the last time and announced the final verdict.

The sentence did not include life imprisonment for how many years, but was specially customized for Tony Stark.

The first one is to ask Tony Stark to hand over the penalty, which is as high as 12 figures!

The second is to have Tony Stark sign an agreement that he will never engage in research on artificial intelligence.

Afterwards, there was also the content of asking Tony to serve the society for free and hand over Stark Industrial technology, many, many...

It can be said that if these punishments go away, even if Stark Industries does not go bankrupt, it will directly collapse.

But for these punishments, Tony seemed very indifferent. Anyway, as long as the others are still there, it is only a matter of time to earn back the money.

Instead, Tony has been pestering Ron recently, asking where the technologies he took out came from, and if there are more.

Ron also always replied that he got it from the Milky Way, which aroused Tony's heart to explore the universe.

Time passed like this, and soon half a year passed.

During this period of time, the earth has entered a stage of rapid development.

Every day, new types of defense weapons are manufactured and installed all over the world. Every day, new technologies flow out, and products that can be used by civilians appear on the market.

Maybe you just took a fancy to a car that can run 10,000 kilometers without refueling today, and tomorrow it will be announced that the suspension-powered car has started production, and it won’t take long for it to appear in people’s homes.

In addition to this, the changes are more related to aerospace technology.

Previously, people's aerospace technology was at most reaching the first cosmic speed, approaching the second cosmic speed, and at most being able to jump a few times in the solar system.

But now with the aerospace technology and space technology given by Ron, people's space technology is almost at the second cosmic speed, and they can travel too fast, and they are officially heading for places outside the solar system.

Moreover, this speed is still increasing. I believe that it is only a matter of time before people's space technology reaches the third cosmic speed, and it is only a matter of time before they can formally travel to the Milky Way.

In these days, wave after wave of spaceships are heading towards space, constantly exploring, building space stations through Ron's technology, building defense networks, and so on.

In the interstellar era, of course people's defense cannot stop on the earth, and the places outside the earth are the most important.

The defense force deployed on the earth is only the last line of defense for people, or to solve the disasters that emerge from the earth itself.


After the eighth month of the Ultron event, the Earth calendar has officially entered the year 2016 of the twenty-first century.

At this time, the earth has completely changed its appearance. If there is a person who lived before the Ultron incident and saw the situation on the earth after eight months, he would definitely think that he had traveled decades later, not just It's been a few months.

Walking on the road, from time to time, you will come across some cars flying in the air, flying rapidly over the city, making people think that this is some kind of car-like plane.

Back home, by calling the artificial intelligence "Wonder Boy" created by Mr. Fantastic, you can directly enjoy a life like God, open your mouth for food, and stretch out your hands for clothes, without doing anything.

Yes, although people were very resistant to artificial intelligence eight months ago, thinking that it was a hidden disaster that would cause disaster to the earth at any time.

But, I have to say - 'really fragrant'!

Since entering the new era, people have almost been inseparable from artificial intelligence. Whether it is applied in advanced space technology or in people's daily life, artificial intelligence has a strong influence and is indispensable.

Under these extremely comfortable treatment, people have almost forgotten the pain caused by Ultron, and gradually adapted to the life of new intelligent technology.

To this end, the Fantastic Four have made a great contribution.

This group that is closest to the masses announces all its information, and it also uses ordinary transportation such as cars and airplanes to walk with ordinary people.

Although there was a lot of embarrassment, it was precisely because of these actions that the Fantastic Four became the most popular superhero team in the world, not to mention the Avengers, even the founders of the Guardians, the World Committee President, Ron the Skywalker who has brought many changes to the earth is no match.

This shows how popular the Fantastic Four are in people's hearts.

It's just a pity that the Fantastic Four is actually a bit misnamed, because after the Ultron incident, Johnny the Human Torch never appeared again, making the Fantastic Four from the Four Heroes to the Three Heroes.

Many people don't think that Johnny the Human Torch really died in the nuclear bomb launched by Ultron. Because of the popularity of the Fantastic Four, many people even spontaneously formed a search team and have been looking for the whereabouts of Johnny the Human Torch.

As for the other superhero, Thor, who was also chased by Ultron with nuclear bombs for a long time, he appeared in front of people intact not long after the Ultron incident. He received a lot of accusations and asked him why he didn't bring Johnny the Human Torch back.

Regarding this, Thor, the god of thunder, could only be dumbfounded, unable to answer anything.

But despite this, there is still no whereabouts of Johnny the Human Torch, and even the Fantastic Four themselves have almost given up looking.

The days passed day by day, and it has been a full year since the Ultron incident passed.

It was an ordinary afternoon in April 2016. Ron was studying in his own universe how to manifest the abilities of some items with rules, and observing the 'monsters' in his own universe that had developed rough social rules. At that time, he was taken aback for a moment, then exited his own universe, returned to the earth and looked directly at the sky.

Ron's eyes penetrated the glass and clouds, flew across the moon and space, and finally stopped in a far away place, stopped and looked into the distance.

It was a nice planet, full of blue like the earth.

But what is a little dazzling is that there is a silver figure in the blue planet, which is constantly leaping.

From these silver afterimages, Ron could vaguely see that the other party seemed to be standing on an aircraft similar to a lunar surfboard.

Seeing this feature, Ron couldn't help but frowned and muttered.

'Silver Surfer? finally coming? ...'

Yes, it's finally here!

After the earth has been silent for a whole year, the planet and himself are finally going to be attacked by those powerful beings again!

If nothing has changed, what the silver glider brought should be Galactus, one of the five creation gods of the universe!

This is an existence that is one level higher than the Celestial God group. Although in the stories that Ron knows, Galactus is the weakest of the five creation gods, but this does not hinder his own strength.

Because even if it is the weakest one, Galactus can directly sweep the Celestial Group, let alone Ron who has not yet reached the level of a Celestial God?

Ron felt a little bitter in his heart. This was a tough battle, and it was also the most powerful enemy he had ever encountered before he came to this world!

Not counting the life court, Ron has never even met this guy, but only learned from the God of Symbiosis that this existence is targeting him.

But Galactus is a super existence that will directly descend on the earth. Without any accident, Ron will definitely meet Galactus!

Ron knew that he had almost no chance of getting along peacefully with Galactus. What awaited them was confrontation!

Ron couldn't help sighing, he used to call himself invincible, but it didn't take long before Star Swallowing appeared...

Forget it, they have to face each other anyway, so it's better to think about how to deal with Galactus.

It's not that Ron didn't think about it before, but there was no good way.

Even if it is called Arthur, the ancient mage and knight king, and all the superheroes on the earth, it is impossible to be the opponent of swallowing stars.

The only possibility, perhaps, is to dig the Silver Surfer to his side according to the original timeline, and then fight against the swallowing star together, maybe they can push the opponent back.

After all, as one of the envoys of Galactus, the Silver Surfer is very powerful, above the Celestial Group.

And there is a very powerful force in the Silver Surfer, if it explodes, even Galactus will have to avoid it!

But is this possible?

Under the influence of the Life Tribunal, even Ultron can travel through time. How could the subsequent timeline not change?

At that time, not to mention facing Galactus, Ron felt that it would not be surprising to call another five creation gods over even Star Devourer!


Ron smiled wryly and shook his head, maybe, we can only take one step at a time!

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